Hello all and thanks for checking out my post. I have a possible problem in which all of you experienced people would be most helpful. I am planning on coming to Cedar Point with three other mid-20's aged people. Haven't been to the park in almost 10 years.
Here's our problem: we can all only go on Fourth of July Weekend. That's right, Friday the 3rd through Monday the 6th. We're planning on going to Cedar Point on the 4th and 5th. I know this sounds like the worst idea ever thought up, but honestly it's the only time we can go, and we're staying in a CP hotel meaning we get into the park an hour early.
My questions: Is the extra hour even worth it? Should this vacation just be scrapped because of how absolutely crowded it'll be? I'm anticipating big crowds, and we all have a high tolerance for being annoyed, but is this too much for even the calmest person?
"...look, here are we, on this starry night, starin' into space, and I must say, I feel as small as dust lyin' down here..." ~dmb
It's going to be busy but you have enough time throughout the whole weekend to fit everything in. And yes, the extra hour will definitely help you to get a couple extra rides in.
I personally could never handle the 4th of July weekend, but everyone has their own tolerances.
eat. sleep. ride! - Coaster apparel and accessories!
Ride on, MrScott!
You should go if it's the only day you can go. I mean, it's better than not going at all. Besides, you'll be spending time with your friends and you can make it worthwhile if you're not always complaining about the crowds. You also have two days in the park so you'll be able to do more. The extra hour is worth it.
I don't think July 4th is as crowded as Halloweekend Saturdays. But with July 4th being on a Saturday, it will probably be more crowded than usual. Again though, it's the only time you can go and it's better than being home IMO. I want to say I've gone on July 4th a few years ago and it wasn't the worst.
Just enjoy your days at the park and you'll be fine if you don't always complain about all of the people.
I've been to the park on days (Halloweekends) were Mean Streak's queue spilled out over the railroad tracks. But been to the park on days were I can be the only one on the train on Wicked Twister.
Attendences is hard to predict just like the weather! The crowd will probably be moderate to heavy. But this doesn't make your day anyless fun. Enjoy the park and embrace the crowds. You are going to have friends to talk to in the lines making them seem much shorter! If you are a little tired of waiting start up a converstation with a regular. They are really enjoyable to talk to, while waiting for CornStalkers last year I started a conversation with a guy who talked everything from Bill Clinton to his hotel rooms bathroom (which was kinda gross). You should have fun and be able to ride pretty much all you want to ride over the course of the weekend. Use your time wisely try shooting for M. Force and Maverick during ERT.
Enjoy your trip! Don't let forcasts and predictions discourage you because you could get there and marathon all day!
Visual Scan!
First Top Thrill Dragster train of 2011!
Rollbacks: 1st Triple Rollback of 2009!
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