Funniest shirt you saw this season

"My wife has a headache--are you available?"
"I'm doing her tonight!!" (with a big arrow that pointed to the ugliest, trashiest 15 yr old I have ever seen)
"Be glad I'm not your kid" (and if you saw this kid, you would be!)
Gemini ATL 2000
Nine positions in four and a half hours while still keepin' both sides happy!
It said
"Abercrombie and Fitch"..oh wait...sorry, I just can't get over how you can pay $40 for a t-shirt like that.

I do like the idea of Intamin Inside...I would proudly wear that shirt, lol.

The funniest shirt I saw was,

That one that twhunting described, I've seen that shirt 2 times this year, I WANT ONE! lol.

MF Laps-14
hehe, my friend was standing on the arrow side of the "im doing her tonight" shirt a guy was wearing once, had a good laugh before i showed him where he was standing!
I ran out of sick days.. so I called in dead.
"I'm with stupid"
"Abercrombie and Bitch"

PetFarm/PetChek 99/ATL 2000
I saw the guy wearing this one in line for Magnum:
I'm a member of the bomb squad. If you see me running try to keep up.

Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
That was probably me... I've worn that a few times this summer...

It actually says "The person wearing this shirt is a bomb technician, If I'm running, try to keep up"

My fav, one that a guy got from a website, the guy who makes them is actually a friend of my sisters (small world).. Picture of a large, muscular, ram horned, god hold a small frail man in a white robe with a crown of thorns on his head and the quote "My god can beat up your god"
Looking for me?? Check The Red Garter...
I thought the Camp Snoopy uniform shirts were pretty funny looking.

Final Force Count: 14
Charlie Brown's Cookout 2000
White Water Refreshments 99
Stockade '97, '98
The power Tower Shirts

Millennium Force Rides:4
Magnum XL-200 Drop:5
I'll try to keep this clean but..........

while waiting for Raptor I saw a guy with a grey t-shirt that had a male devil and a female devil in many, many positions.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2
LuvRaptor's avatar

I just remembered another one
I hope I dont offend anyone--

Front of shirt said "lose weight-ask me how"
back of shirt said "stop eating you fat pig"

Tasteless I know but I have seen worse!!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
"Turn & Cough"
"Im no longer with stupid"
"Tommy Pullmyfinger"
and there was one shirt that had a guy giving an alien a weggie and on the back the alien was pulling the guys head through his bum. It was cool.

I saw a disgusting shirt being worn by a young punk who apparently thought very highly of himself. It had a picture of an arrow pointing up with the words "The Man" and an arrow pointing down with the words "The Legend"
That just makes fun of another shirt, because I've seen some of the original ones at my school AND at the park.
This guy had on a shirt for a Tent Company.
Front said "Erection Team"
Back said "We Always Get it Up"
I know I am a little late in responding to this, but in case you where wondering, the Testicle Festival Dan was referring too is real. I have cousins that live in Oklahoma and they have been to the festival. My Dad has one of those T-Shirts and they are pretty hilarious.

Plain front,
on back, "Stop following me you psycho"

Another one said
"Free breathe allyzer test, blow here" with an arrow pointing down to well you know what!!!!!!!!!!
"Jesus will never let you go!!!!"
Whiplash by,
Bean Bag
"Hold my hammer while i nail your girlfriend"

Magnum-Just Ride It!!!
OUCH! That one is harsh.

Like the Psycho one too.. I know a few women I could wear that one around.. Some of them CP employees.. hehehehe

Looking for me?? Check The Red Garter...

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