First Test Run

For all I know this could be bogus, but I've heard the first test run will be today at 3:30. If anyone see's it (in the case it happens) please save a webcam shot. Thank You!


Jeff's avatar

I dunno... I wonder how long it takes for the grouting work that Jasper mentioned in the diary entry to dry and be ready. Not only that, but I seem to recall that SFWoA did a lot of low-speed train shuffling at first.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Well, Space Spiral has been testing for a little bit now. I have a picture of the cabin half way up the tower, e-mail me if you need it.

Pez, not to burst your bubble or anything, but the Space Spiril's natural resting position is half way up the tower. It's been at that position all winter long. Sure they're probably going to test it soon, but just because its half way up doesn't mean that it is right now. Next time you're at the park 'til close, look at the tower and you'll see that it's parked half way up.
Jeff does have a point, but, they may run the train with a crane, much like MF, just to check connections and the sort. But, I will keep a lookout today...
The Space Spiral has not been halfway up all Winter, just look at the WebCam and you can see that it is at the bottom where it's been all this Winter.
Yeah, The Space Spiral cabin has been at the bottom of the tower all winter long this winter. It usually is at the middle all winter long, but not this winter.

- Chris -
Computer Science - Ashland University
Witches' Wheel/Monster - 2002
3rd Shift Trash Removal - 2001

Call me crazy, but I've been looking at the webcam and from minute to minute, the train seems to disappear as if it is being moved in the station for "shuffling" as Jeff put it. Or could be the sun darkening the sky some. How exciting!

Mantis Crew '02 - Where's the unload station at?!? ;-)

Brian I don't think you are seeing things, I seem to see the train dissapear too.....

- Chris -
Computer Science - Ashland University
Witches' Wheel/Monster - 2002
3rd Shift Trash Removal - 2001

Actually, you're right. Right now the cabin is all the way at the bottom. Sorry about that. I just went with the observations over the past winters.
Humm......if Space Spiral is down at the bottom this winter, could that mean that some little (and smart) elves are working on AC inside there?? ;)

It might have something to do with construction routes for WT, or maybe they are upgradin Space Spirals elevator equipment, or getting new cables for the cabin. Or indeed new air condiditoning units. I guess we'll have to wait and see what it was for...

- Chris -
Computer Science - Ashland University
Witches' Wheel/Monster - 2002
3rd Shift Trash Removal - 2001

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I drove by the park this morning. It would have been great to see them shoot the train off for the first time.

-Chris Woodard
"Mean Streak would be better if they replaced the square wheels with round ones."
VertiGo: VertiGone but not forgotten.

When I checked the webcam about 5pm, I was pretty sure the train wasn't where it was sitting before. It's moved, so that's a start...

The Spiral Cabin gets worked on just like every other ride. A/C won't happen. The only cooling apparatus in there now are the fans below the seats and above the windows. Maint. told us on several occasions the cost heavily outweighs the benefits. Something about the power cable having to be replaced and space constraints were some of the reasons. That's not even the first cabin that's been on the ride. Hopefully they're replacing the light bulb that's been burnt out for quite a while. We put on the Night Maintenance sheet quite a bit.

GW Triangle 2001
Wicked Twister 2002
"Hey, cool my voice is on the lift!"

Well, I guess that will start a new joke, how long does it take CP maintenance to change a lightbulb. Answer "All Winter" Oh well, I'm sure there is some explanation why the cabin has been at the bottom all winter long.

- Chris -
Computer Science - Ashland University
Witches' Wheel/Monster - 2002
3rd Shift Trash Removal - 2001

Does anyone know if they will be doing a "pull through" with WT? Or will they just do this "shuffling" you speak of?
I do know that earlier in the winter, not only was the Space Spiral cabin at the bottom of the tower, there was a large hole in one side of it, and if I remember correctly, the seats were out. I suspect that cabin has received a much-needed overhaul this winter.

Of course, many of us are praying that the overhaul includes air conditioning.....

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Who remembers when the Space Spiral was air conditioned...

Alex Parks said:
Does anyone know if they will be doing a "pull through" with WT? Or will they just do this "shuffling" you speak of?

A pull-through is pretty much a given when it comes to the Impulse coasters. With the trains flying through the station at such high speeds the LIM "channels" have to be perfectly aligned so as to keep the fins on the train from making any contact with them. With S:UE, two chasis were attached to the track and the construction crews spent the better part of a week pulling the partial train through time and again to make sure every last bolt was tighted in the right position.

James Draeger
"Whose bright idea was it to get him talking about Cedar Point?!"

pezmanguy3 said:

Well, Space Spiral has been testing for a little bit now. I have a picture of the cabin half way up the tower, e-mail me if you need it.

In the off season the cabin is always up the middle of the tower!

But how do they get down??

Wicked Twister Rocks

*** This post was edited by crashoverride on 4/3/2002. ***

Hello! Have you read any of these posts! It's at the bottom the whole winter.

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