*** This post was edited by newt 2/19/2004 12:35:15 PM ***
Second would be Breakers Express, only because it's cheaper, it's close, and the rooms are nice.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
Its a tad expensive - $285.00 a night, but it sleeps 6 comfortably - you can get another couple to share and then its cheap....Its clean, comfortable, lots of amenities - 2 TVs, Nukewave, Kitchenette, grill....The pool area is great for kids - a mini-tadpole town setup...And arcade and Laundry add to the benefits...
In the long run, its very affordable as you can make your own meals via grill or other...Stockpile Adult beverages in the fridge....And nothing beats sitting out on the deck at sunset/night and overlooking Sandusky Bay and sipping on a favorite beverage....
For a complete getaway - Lighthouse Point is *really* hard to beat....
"Distance runners are experts at pain, discomfort, and fear."
I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.
"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"
Beer and golf Thursday thru Monday, Cedar Point & beer, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Unlike many, we prefer the cabins to the cottages. The sleeping layout in the cabins is more to our liking---the kids love sleeping up in the loft, so we parents get the private bedroom to ourselves, and can kick around the living space without much fear of waking them up. They also can be closer to the gate, making the long trek back with wiped out kids in a wagon easier to cope with.
edit: the cabins have tub/shower combos, while the cottages are shower-only. My kids are not yet shower fans.
*** This post was edited by Brian Noble 2/19/2004 6:14:45 PM ***
As soon as possible if you want your choice of dates....I have already made mine for our trip in June....You can easily get the dates you want now - but once May rolls around, it gets dicey - there are only a limited amount of the cottages & cabins (even though they are expanding)....
No matter how many nights you stay - you only need to pay for the first night to secure the reservation - thats pretty reasonable.....
"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"
*** This post was edited by MrScott 2/24/2004 6:48:23 PM ***
Loyal Mean Streak fan 4ever:)
Rich Genthner / PTC99
mantis_man said:
My house.
Well, my house not mantis_man's house... you know what I mean.
- John
I Snap Flyers
Favorite place I haven't stayed: Pete's boat. About the time the park closes until the wee hours - that has to be a rockin' good time (o/' livin' la vida loca o/')
Duane Cahill
The only thing other than CP that Steelers and Browns fans agree on
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