Exterior lighting

We want our lights back!

America's Roller Coast

Okay... what have the lights deminished(sp?) too? I am still not quite clear on that.
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
Well , for one, they took out my FAVORITE cycle. I don't know what to call it, but it looked like the first hill was being electricuted by white light. Now it just fades from green to purple, and blinks the colors like on the CP website photos, only a lot dimmer than the photos. I've seen the lights before they screwed with them, and they used to be spectacular. I want the electricution cycle back!!!! WAAAAAHHH! *** This post was edited by Clarkbar on 6/12/2000. ***
The "electricution" cycle was on when I was there on Friday and Saturday. It wasn't on for a very long period of time though, I wonder if it's because some people get sick from strobe lights.

:) "if aquarium gravel is so bad for you... how come it tastes so good?" :)
Yes, now that I remember it, it was on, because I was there Friday, but they must have taken it out, because I saw it in the early evening, and then I watched for it the whole time in the queue , and it was a no show. :-(
I rode MF Wednesday night(June 21st) and the lights were working brightly again. It was good to see! Was told that they were worked on. Hope they keep it up.
Are you sure that the lights had been intentionally dimmed, and were not merely victims of thousands of mayflies? In season, those things will completely cover the lights under Mean Streak...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Jeff's avatar
With thousand watt lamps focused as they are, I would tend to think they would burn off quite readily. That glass gets extremely hot.

Actually, I rode the train on a "dim day" and they were completely clear.

Jeff (who has seen similar instruments up close)
Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34

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