Everyone remembers their firsts

On this topic talk about your first time on any coaster in the park.

The first time I rode the Magnum I was very scared. It was about 3 years ago. I had went to Cedar Point with my church and my 2 and I hopped on the ride. They had both ridden so I was very scared. The brave one (my friend Jeffrey) rode in back of my friend Tiffany and I. He was relaxing, puting his hands behind his head. We continued up the lift and Tiffany grabbed my arm. I couldn't feel it for the rest of the day. As we went over the top All I saw was blue. The train thundered down the track and I scream louder than anyone. As we got to the top of the second hill I saw blue (da ba dee da ba dye) again. It was the best ride of my life!!!

Millennium Force count: 0
The first time that I rode Magnum, I was scared. Very scared. It was just last year and my friend literaly dragged me onto it. During the wait I just listened to the music like nothing was going to happen. But once I got onto the platform I was shakeing in my shoes. I got into the middle of the train, and than we were off. I screamed so loud that I drank a good two liters of water afterward. But after that first ride, you couldn't keep me off. I just kept on going for about 15 times until my friend just didn't want to go anymore.
Anyways, before that first time I wouldn't go on anything larger than the Blus Streak. But now I go on every coaster that I can. And I can't wait to get on Millenium Force.

Monster Ride Host
2nd Year
My first time was 6 years ago. I went to CP with camp, Beulah Beach. I was 10 (now 16). I got my dad on deamon drop, and he doesnt like the kinda hights where u can sit and look out, so he vowed to "get me back". We made our way thru the park, untill we reached the magnum. Prior to thatm I rode Mean Streak, Gemini, Blue Streak, Iron Dragon, but none of them compared to the first ride on the Magnum. We waited like 35 min in line, then got on the ride, second row first car. I was just..."a little" scared...ok I was shaking (lol). We were going up the hill, I was like "Dad..wheres the Gemini?" and he went. *pointed down* down there. That sealed it I was scared crapless, I held on the whole ride. When it was over, I was like... "THAT WAS RAD!". We got the on-ride photo, and I have it to this day, and i cant wait to ride Millennium Force.

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
The first time I rode was Magnum was our last ride on our last day on our first trip to CP in 1994. Of course the big thing that year was the first "big" inverted coaster in the world, Raptor, (I mastered that with no problem)I somehow got talked into riding "Big Red" at night.
Ireally didn't enjoy my experience that great. But by the time our third visit came around in '97, I loved it
Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
60 days until "The Force
The first time I rode it, last year, I thought I would put my hands up on the first drop. Well, I managed to until I hit the bottom and right away got a splitting headache. The rest of the ride I was clutching onto the lap bar hoping it would be over soon so the headache would go away. I thought I would make it until I went into that tunnel with the drop in it which I was not expecting. Ouch.
My first time was with a blonde with blue eyes and big.. Oh wait, first time on a coaster. :) It was the Gemini on the red side with my dad. I was 11 years old and so scared, I cried like a little school girl the entire time. Now you can't keep me off them.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
LoL dan.

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
My First time was when I was 5 or 6 and I was on the Gemini at mid-hill and I wanted to get off so bad, but after the first hill, I knew that is was hooked on rollercoasters, and that day I rode the Gemini 10 times.
Gemini was my first coaster too, at 7 years old. :o) My mom said if I rode it she would give me $20.00 (wow, I was subject to bribery at a very young age) because she and my dad were having a horrible time there because I was too scared to go on anything. I remember making my parents ride it 13 times the day we went, alternating sides and sitting in the front seat 3 times, the back seat 2 times, and just about everywhere else too lol. Next came the Iron Dragon, I was a bit leery because it was suspended and that was a big thing, but then I went on it and I figured out it was nothing compared to the Gemini. I rode Wildcat that year, and Avalanche Run, and White Water Landing. I still wouldn't go on a looping coaster tho. That lasted for a few years actually, and I was quite content to ride the Magnum when it opened and all the other non-looping rides (I remember looking at the Magnum drawings and seeing the pretzel turn and driving my mom crazy with "Are you sure that isn't a loop?".....come on, I was 8, lol). Then, when I was 10, Kennywood came out with the Steel Phantom. This was my first looping coaster. I don't know if it wasn't as rough back in those days or what, but I really really liked it, and ever since then I've been completely and totally hooked. So, my obsession is okay because I got it from my parents, right? lol maybe it's genetic or something...in any case from the time I turned 14, I couldn't wait to turn 18 so I could work there.

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000 *** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 3/14/00. ***
First coaster? hmmm... 1985: Avalanche Run. Immediately ran to the Blue Streak, but at the time enjoyed the Mine Ride better (my have my tastes changed). Gemini would have to wait until the next year. What can you say, I was broken in slowly...

Now that is Restaurant-Quality Lemonade!
Well Ok I guess you can all hear of my first time on Raptor. I was in the park and up till that night the biggest coaster I had rode was gemini (Wow that is impressive) Anyhoo, my brother always told me that Raptor was awesome and so smooth (you are so smooth), and it should be the next one i ride. I finally made up my mind to do it. I walked from gemini to Raptor and got in line. I figured out where the on ride photo was so I could see myself puking (that is what I thought then). Walking into the station my stomach turned for the worse. Many trains came and went and I just stood there. Finally a lady and her daughter convinced me to ride with them. I was strapped in and heading up the lift, with a white face and a heavy stomach. At the top I started to scream in sheer panic but at the bottom of the descent I was screaming in sheer joy. If you click on my Info button you will see my on ride photo of my first Raptor flight and no I was not puking. :) I got right back in line and rode it again.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
My first CP coaster was the Blue Streak, and I only went to CP for the first time in 1999. The Blue Streak looked like a good "warm-up coaster," so that is why I chose it. The wait was about ten minutes, and I really enjoyed that coaster, even though it was probably better without the headrests and all.

Yeah Baby!!!
my first coaster in general was corkscrew at cedar point. i rode it when i was 5 and i am now 14 so, 9 years ago. i don't remeber exactly how it went, but i remeber i wasn't scared. i remeber that i didnt feel the first hill at all, man those g's(lol). and i do remeber i yelled "go tribe!" really loud down the first hill. i never really was afraid of coasters. that next year,or maybe two, i rode big bad wolf, loch ness, and drachen fire at bgw. my first magnum ride was pretty good. it was last year, halloweekend. i took my good friend. he is a wuss but i made him promise to ride everything i do. right when the gates opened, we ran straight back to magnum. after waiting awhile, they opened the queue and we hopped on the 2nd train.i remeber i was kinda scared with them damn speakers going off when you go up the hill. i sang guns and roses all the up, take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty....oh wont you please take me home, yada yada, yada yada. when we finally reached the top, i lifted my arms high in the air and didnt put them back on. the magnum ride that night was better, but still, i will always remeber my firsts.as for my first raptor and mantis ride, i'll save them for another post
"M'KAY," Mr. Mackey, South Park guidance councelor
whoops sorry about that, accidentally pressed the submit button a few times................
My first coaster was Iron drangon. But when I hit Raptor I couldn't stop riding coasters.
MantisMike you can delete posts.

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000
First coaster - Iron Dragon the day before I started work in the '97 season. I just couldn't handle any kind of rides my entire life. Well, working at CP sure cured that! First time on Magnum has to be the most memorable, though - same year, later in the season. I hyperventilated on the way up the first hill I was soooo scared. I kept my eyes closed and screamed the entire time (keep in mind that I was 20 years old - I must've looked pretty stupid!!).

Carrie's Cedar Point Employee Page
hey somewhatchewy, its cool to see someone else on here thats has been to beulah beach. well with the topic for me its iron dragon. I had went with my church youth group and was hanging with this girl i had a crush on and some of her friends. when they went on coasters i would just sit by and wait, finnally she got me on the dragon, i was actually afraid of this thing, ill always rember going over that first hill and that my stomach hit my throat type feeling. thats what started me into loving rollercoasters. before this all i would ride coaster wise was the cedar creek mine ride and i dont remember how old i started riding it, i believe i was one of those hand held infants, when such a thing was still allowed. now i cant wait to ride M.F. *** This post was edited by Koasterkiwi on 3/17/00. ***
hey Koasterkiwi.......do u remember Nurse Joe? Joe Szczerbiak?.... about 6'2'' stockey man......thats my dad...im alot shorter and thiner than he is though....u can tell by my pic....but anywayz....its a great place isnt it? iron dragon was my first coaster too other than Jr. Gemini......cause im.....kinda short
"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
My first was the corkscrew 6 years ago, when I got off I thought I was never going to go on a coaster again... then about 2 years my little brother went to CP and came back and was making fun of me, so you know I can't have that, even after seeing his picture ( you could see his actually bone of his leg on the magnum ) I knew I had to ride them. So went back and all my friends said " Just hop on the Raptor if you can handle that you can handle anything at the park. Got on, rode it, got off. WOW, when you actually keep your eyes open it rox! After that I was fine I can go on anything now... even rip cord!!! I really wanna bungie jump off the seattle Space Needle. NOW THAT WOULD ROCK!

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