So I was hired and had to turn down my posistion due to some stuff that happened in my family. Everythings good now and after visiting the park I decided I really want to work there. I dont really care if It was the same posistion. My jobnet still says im hired for the old posistion but my manager knows I wasnt working there. Is there a chance of me getting hired again. If so should I email my manager or what? Im really regretting my decision after seeing everyone this weekend. Thanks
2009 ??? Cp Le Railroad??
2008 Cp and Le Railroad ATL
2006-2007 Geauga Lake rides
Call them ASAP. None of us can tell you what they'll say, so the only way to find out will be to call. I would expect, if you explain your situation, that they will probably hire you. You're in better shape than the people who were hired, accepted and then no-showed.
Goodbye MrScott
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