Employee agreement

When will I receive it?

EMoore821's avatar

Usually a day or two after you got hired. If you were hired near the end of the week like Thursday or Friday most likely Monday you will see it.

2012 Ocean Motion/Midway Carousel
2013 Raptor
2014 Ride Supervisor of Ocean Motion/Midway Carousel

ok thanks

I still haven't got mine and I got hired on the 12th, what should I do?

Job net has been down for a while now well at least for me it has been down,,,,

2012-Games(Tic Tac TOO/Top glo)
2013-Rip Cord
2014-Disney college program

should I email my manager and ask her when I will receive it??

Yes i would email her or call up hr

2012-Games(Tic Tac TOO/Top glo)
2013-Rip Cord
2014-Disney college program

Sorry I'm still a little confused. On Job net is says send agreement to permanent address. So this is something that comes in the mail right?

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