Elephant Ears

What are Elephant Ears? Never seen em'.
Elephant ears are the sister pastry of the funnel-cake. Instead of web-like funnel-cake dough, an elephant ear consists of flat and smooth dough (honestly think an "elephant ear" of dough). As with funnel-cake, you can have it sprinkled with cinnamon and sugar or opt for a fruit topping.

Hope this helps. :) *** This post was edited by Logan on 1/12/2001. ***
One of the best things made by man.

:) "Did you know this goes up-side down" :)
I make cheap mini imitation elephant ears during the off season using those rolled up in a can biscuits and a deep fryer :)

if I used spell check on this post,this signature will not have any misspellings!!!!
LuvRaptor's avatar
My Grandma used to make what she called "dogs ears" years ago for us when we were kids. She used to use any left over dough when she was making bread - simply deep fry it, put it in a bag with brown sugar and there you go. Not exactly the best thing in the world for your teeth. During the Ohio State Fair there are some stands that sell "fried dough" (literally-no lie-that is exactly what they call it) which is elephant ears.
Not as good as CPs but nice try

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
WHOEVER -- yup, I do that too. Works pretty well.

Kennywood and Cedar Point have great elephant ears. I've seen "fried dough" on occasion, but nothing matches the 'ears at CP and KW.

MF count: 27
One year we had Cedar Point funnel cakes at our annual Christmas Party. Bought the mix at the Emporium in Frontier Town in October, and made them up on Christmas Day. Complete with sugar and fruit topping. Big fun.

Tim Bretz
"Remember to pillage before you burn"
Okay--I know that you can get the Elephant Ears at Cedar Point (the stall back by Disaster Transport and over toward Old Frontier Town) but where can you get them at Kennywood???

"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
At Kennywood, try a stand near the Pittsburg Plunge, in the Lost Kennywood section.

MF count: 27
I never eat them, because when I go to CP, it's usually hot, and when it's hot I don't was something sweet and sticky.
I agree CP_bound. I will have one every so often though, I have'nt had one in almost two years.

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
With all due respect, GregLeg, the Beaver Tails at the Canada pavilion at Epcot have it all over either KW or CP's ears.

Duane Cahill
This space for rent
Well, if I ever get down to Epcot again I'll have to try them myself ;)

MF count: 27
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............CP has THE BEST Elephant Ears in the World. Heck half the park I have been to don't even have them and the other half are made in the morning and sit all day, unlike CP which makes them fresh to order!!!!Can't wait till May 5th!!
EPCOT... I'll be there in June. I'll try them and let you know how they are... !


-The Pants Has Spoken
"Yellow line? What Yellow Line..."
ive never had elephant ears either, sounds like there pretty good.
yummy yummy eeeewwwwwwwiiieee!

Live for FUN!


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