Dragster crew

I've wondered about this question for awhile. I tried searching but couldn't find the answer.

But what happens to the crew of Dragster during the extended down time? Are they transfered to other rides? Just told to stay home?

They stay on that ride and clean the station and the trains.
If they know it's going to be an extended delay sometimes they send them to other rides throughout the park. When I worked on Wicked Twister last year they sent us to other rides and when they didn't need anyone else, they sent us home to be, "on call." They would either make us call our Team Leader or Park Op to find out if they needed us to come back in. We would call every couple of hours. Most of the time, our crew would hang out in someone's room watching movies or we would hang out in the park together. This time spent with the crew, during downtime, were some of the best memories I have of working at Cedar Point the last three years!

Wicked Chris 2002

I know that Ive seen some of the Dragster crew on Pt, Magnum, and in Kiddie Kingdom this year.

2003 Statistics
Top Thrill Dragster: 7
Millennium Force: 18
Trips to the point: 18

i saw a dragster crew member on raptor a while ago

2003: Trips to CP:3
Dragster:0, Wicked Twister:6, Millennium Force:7, Mantis:3, Raptor:5, Mean Streak:1, Disaster Transport:3, Magnum:1, Iron Dragon:2, Gemini:2, Power Tower:9
*** This post was edited by PKevin2004 7/10/2003 6:26:01 PM ***

I was out in May, (about an 8 hr. drive) and I had the pleasure of talking to the girl who takes the pix of the kids in the real/replica dragster. The ride was down and she didn't half to answer any of my questions...but she did. Probably does that a few hundred times a day. She went above/beyond the call of duty trying to explain TTD and some of it's problems to me. Never met a more friendly park employee....She was very positive and put a good spin on an otherwise frustrating situation...I appreciated it.
I also journeyed to the point in May (the 17th), and I have to say that the dragster crew was really excellent. They were all very friendly!!
We got in line about 9:50, when the park closed at 10, and got on about midnight. The girl who was at the back of the loading station was very friendly too. She also told me and my dad about some of Dragter's problems, and also discussed where her fav seat was and everything. Very friendly after a long day, I'm sure. I think her name was Lindsay or something, she did have brown hair.
Oh well, they are a very excellent crew, and have been doing well, especially with all of Dragster's problems. From what we've all been hearing, they have been top-notch on dispatching the trains and getting people through the line! If it wasn't for all the constant breakdowns, I believe the line would be constantly moving!
"...and my brother doesn't have a broken leg. Wait...I don't have a brother."
I also have to say that the Dragster team is excellent, though all of the rides can get the trains unloaded and loaded quickly and friendly, Dragster is something else.

They really do check your belt and harness. And they always get you in tight, I remember pushing the lap bar down on Dragster as far as I could. I thought I was going to ever get out of this thing, and one Dragster employee definitely got it down about three more inches.

Life has it's ups and downs, might as well make it on a coaster!

When the dragster was down for days at a time the dragster crew was sent to other rides. All of them have worked on a lot of different rides.

Magnum crew 2003
Magnum crew 2002
GCA crew 2001

The Dragster crew ROCKS! They took tickets for me in May and June in the mornings when they didn't have anything else they could do... their enthusiasm was amazing! (How many ways can you advertise a free map...?) I have nothing but total respect for them. ^_^ (Same goes for Skyride Crew...thanks, guys!)


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Zone 5 Supervisor '03
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

I seen Dragster crew working the front gate on occassion. They quit doing that after a week or two though. Even with the ride down. Think it was about the time we really started getting over staffed.

Park Admissions, FreeWay and even a little time in Guest Accomidations -2003

a lot of people at the ttd forums have been debating over whether the ttd employees are told to put all of their body weight into the harness or if they have the right to complain. since this is a topic for ttd crew members, i was wondering what the higher up officials are telling you

It's like a new pair of underwear; at first it's constrictive... but after a while it becomes a part of you. -Garth Algar

When I was there May 17th, the Dragster crew was really friendly, but at that time they werent having all of the problems

LaUnCh...420 feet, 120 mph, 4 seconds....brakes...breathe

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