I am looking for a Magnum manual from any year. Scanned or a physical copy. Can anyone help me out?
I've checked ebay for months to see if one posts to sell to no avail. :(
PM me if you can help :D
Don't hold your breath. Manuals are property of Cedar Point. We are required to return them at the end of our employment.
08: Wildcat & Millennium; 09: ATL maXair; 10: TL Blue Streak; 11: TL Kiddy Kingdom; 12: TL Corkscrew; 13: Gatekeeper and Beach Band
2014: Marketing and Beach Band
Hallowekends 2014: Band of Buccaneers and Barking for CarnEVIL
Although most of the information is probably known, either by employees discussing ride operation or common sense, my curiosity is just too strong lol. I think it would be interesting to see what they see that's all.
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