Does anyone go to the park alone?

While I will always try to find someone else to go, I can and do go by myself a lot

Pros to going alone:

-Decisions get made quickly, there is no need for group discussion, its what ride do I want to ride next. Not what ride should we do next, no I dont want to lets do this, no how about this, lets get some food, I have to go to the bathroom...

-Single Riding makes for shorter waits in the station

-I can do ERT (most of my friends are not PP holders)

-I can ride all the rides that I enjoy, instead of having to do all the big rides because Im carting around a person who will not make it back to the Point the rest of the year

-I can go to Soak City midday

-I decide when/what I eat


-No one to talk to in line (usually try to strike up a conversation with someone next to me)

-People think youre crazy for going to CP alone

-No one to people watch with

Basically, the advantage and the disadvantage to going alone is that you are alone. Its a different experience, with its own pluses and minuses. But in the end day at CP>day not at CP.

TTD 120mph's avatar

I've yet to do solo trips. This years gas prices are mostly why. Though if gas stays like it is now till May, I'll be going every weekend.

And while I'm trying to cure my "alone" situation (if you know what I mean), there's still 5 months till I know if going to CP by myself is even possible.

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

I prefer to go to parks in the company of others but will go alone if I need to. I used to go to Geauga Lake by myself. The number of rides and the waits were such that I could get all the major rides and rerides in in only a few hours, which feels like about the 'right' time for riding alone. Although I've spent whole days, and even weekend trips, alone just to get to new parks. But it's certainly more fun with companions.

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I spent one of my days off in the park alone. I got on every coaster except Jr. Gemini.

I don't know that I could do CP alone. I have way too much fun there with my husband - we enjoy ourselves a lot when we're in the park and it's good to have relaxed "us time" that's hard to come by at home. It's also a 3 hour drive, to that's a long way to spend a lot of time by myself. But then, going with my husband has a lot of the same advantages as some people say going by themselves have - he'll go wherever I want to, but we're both okay with him saying "I don't want to ride that" because he's ok with sitting and waiting for me to ride it, and some rides, like MaXair and Chaos, make him yak. Past that, we've never once argued about what to ride or where to go next, when to eat, or when to leave. We both like to ride ride ride, take a break to watch shows or ride flats during busy times, and rush to get in a line with just seconds to spare before close!

Now, KI on the other hand ... I could do by myself, and have. Especially when I worked there. Because hubby just can't handle The Beast and Flight of Fear 6 or 8 times in a row like I can and I don't like to make him sit out and wait for me to finish my marathon.

I don't, for the most part, like going with friends or other groups of people because they always want to leave too early, eat too often, sit around too much, and stand in all the long lines! Hubby and I understand each other, but other people just can't handle our style. :)

MillenniumForceSmurf2008's avatar

I know that I never thought I could spend a day alone at cp by then a series of unfortunate events required me too!

So I got a text from my friend who was suppossdd to go with me closing day that she could go at 1:17am! I mean who cancels at a time like that right! So I wake up at 5:30 and see the text and was furious, but addidas was spending the weekend there so I drove up from Columbia by myself to meet him. When I got there after a long lonely drive, he was still asleep so I went in for ert on dragster, still trying for my first rollback! Then after I had finally gotten on dragster and was in line for round two he calls me saying his mom had woken up with the flu and his dad was making him leave! So I was all alone!

It was still great, I meet some really cool people on maverick and millennium, and I could just ride ride ride all day! Although I didn't have my friends to talk to in line I typically found someone to talk to and ride with! I even got to ride with Bob on MF!

The only rides that were weird riding alone were PT, Skyhawk, & MaXair other than that it was great! Got to skip lines cuz I was a single rider meaning more ride time for me!

I would definatley do it again it was still amazing because I was at Cedar Point!!

2009: Top Thrill Dragster Crew
2010: Millennium Force Crew
2011: Gemini Crew
2012: Assistant Team Leader of Maverick
2013: Team Leader of Gemini
Dragster Rollbacks: 4

Yeah...for some reason I also find it weird riding PT alone.

I have never gone alone, but when I ride a ride alone waiting in line is so boring without anyone to talk too. So the only problem going alone in my mind would be waiting in line, BUT like in May or when it isn't crowded it would be fun.

Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I go alone every Labor Day. I have a lot of fun. I have to admitt I am a "loner" and could go very long periods of time without talking to anybody. I have found that Ipods are the best. I think I am the only person who has watched Billy Madison in line for Maverick. ;)

Let's Get Weird.

Dvo's avatar

^Sounds like you waited too long for Maverick ;)

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

TTD 120mph's avatar

No, sorry but that would be me.:) 13 1/2 hours for Maverick on a rainy day.....and I didn't even get on!!! And believe me, I did it against my will.

I could have watched Billy Madison 4 or 5 times over. :)

Last edited by TTD 120mph,

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Nobody could watch Billy Madison four or five times in a row.

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Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

I watched tons of Adam Sandler movies that day. Longest Yard, Happy Gilmore, Waterboy, etc. . . I love 80 gig video Ipods. :)

EDIT: Billy is only an hour and 1/2. Thats not that long.

Last edited by Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.,

Let's Get Weird.

Out of the 6 trips that I did this year, I went to Cedar Point by myself 3 times by myself. I mean it's cool because you can ride whatever you want and all, but I find myself talking to myself sometimes. It's also cool because I can take all the pictures I want without affending anybody. Yes I still have my webshots album for those of you who know me. I agree with Miss Maverick though from the last page. It's fun to do it a few times in a season, but anything after that is not the same as having a friend go with you. The problem for me is none of my friends enjoy going to Cedar Point anymore because they think it's boring. Yeah I know my friends are Strange.

tedfuzz's avatar

I've never really gone alone for the whole day, but I have entered the park at like 8PM by myself to power cycle WT and DT. But other than that I've always gone with people. If I lived closer I would probably go alone a lot more.

TedFuzz. No longer manually signing posts. Too bad. =(
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Zach, I hope one of the films you caught during your queue-fest was Punch-Drunk Love. By far the best Adam Sandler, IMO.

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Your mom is to fat to ride TTD.'s avatar

Never heard of it. I don't think they have that on Itunes anyways.

Let's Get Weird.

Going alone in June of 2002 was one of my best visits ever. I spent 2 days in CP and SC at my own pace, doing my own thing. No arguing about what to ride next, when/what to eat, etc. My favorite part was that I was "the Single Rider" when one was needed. It was great to get away, clear my head and have fun. Considering that I was married to a man who answered the question, ("what's your favorite ride at Cedar Point?") "the ride home." I definitely needed the break, and he is now my ex-husband.

Massive Fannibal and Cedar Point lover!!! Lover of Pennywise 2017!

I go to the park alone a lot. I am the only one in my group of friends that has a season pass. Being at the park alone has its advantages and disadvantages. You get to do what you want the whole day, however a lot of great times involve going to the park with friends.

If you go to the park frequently by yourself, I'm sure there it at least one or two PointBuzzers at the park the same day.

If I'm having a bad day at work or school, I like to take frequent trips to Cedar Point by myself. Something about roller coasters takes the rage out of me.

Terror Island Screamster 08', 09', 10', 11'

Riding what I want, when I want and as often as I want makes for a great time for me.

I also get to leave when I choose without feeling guilty about making someone else leave earlier if I need to. I was there on a couple of really slow days and was actually getting nauseous since everything was a walkon. Dragster was less than a 2 train wait those days. My body can't do the 20+ rides in 6 hours like it used

I only do this if I have a season pass, though.

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