Does anyone go to the park alone?

I've never been to the park alone, but I think it would actually be kind of fun. You get to do your own thing the whole day instead of having to do what other people with you want to do. How is it going alone?

I can answer this question. Since i am currently without a girlfriend and

not married,i always go to the parks by myself. I can do things according to my ways. Sometimes, i talk to people in line. Sometimes people

who are with a group, will ask me to take their picture. I do have a

great time.

Jesz's avatar

I always go with my sister. Since we are like one person, we never fight about where we want to go next. Because usually it is the same place. But if I were to go with a different group of people, I might prefer to go by myself. Because it does suck when you want to just do whatever, but you have to compromise.

At the same time, going by yourself might be a bit lonely. While I love riding the coasters, I love the whole experience of Cedar Point. And I don't think it would be that fun experiencing it by yourself.

You know who you need to ask. Dvo. I have read some of his Trip Reports and I think he goes to CP quite a bit by himself.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

Dvo's avatar

^Well thanks for ruining my self-esteem!

Haha jk. You're totally right. I took 3 trips this summer from Chicago by myself for a total of 7 days in the park. And quite honestly it was great! A few times I met up with some people from PB, and other than that I was able to do my own thing. I did several Millie Marathons that I know I would never be able to do with any of my friends with me. As long as you go to amusement parks to ride rides, rather than hang out, you'll be fine ;)

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

Several of my trips to the point each year are by myself. It's good sometimes to treat yourself and do 100% what you want. Skip the rides you choose and get multiple rides on the ones you love. I always have a good time when I am by myself. I can walk thought the park as fast as I want and not have to worry about my kid keeping up with me. When there is no one around to talk to, I can often over hear some interesting conversations. When I am alone I can also manage my eating so I only buy one small snack inside the park. When I have my 11-year-old with me it is hard to get her to go the full 12 hours without getting a full meal.

James Whitmore

I go by myself all the time. Usually opening weekend because I am ready to ride and my pace is a little to much for the people I usually go with. I have always enjoyed the experience. I have even had people ask me to ride with them. This one lady I met was scarred to ride Millennium and she was talking to me the whole time we were in line. We got to the station and she left her group to ride with me. I thought that was pretty neat and probably something that would not have happened had I been with a group.

IMO, going alone is fun, but not as fun as being with a friend! :) me and my friend have hung out with Single rider Bob a few times at MF, even one time when it got stuck on the lift hill on the first sat. on Halloweekends. We could have ridden with him once the ride was fixed, but he left the line when it was still broken and we rode it, though.

Vince982's avatar

I've spent a couple of hours in the park alone before meeting up with PointBuzzers and it just isn't the same. For a little while it's okay because you can ride what you want, but when none of your friends are with you to talk in longer lines it gets boring. I guess it depends on your personality.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

bholcomb's avatar

The first couple weeks the park is open when it's dead it's fun to go alone. I've spent quite a few days at the park alone. I usually end up finding someone I know and riding with them for a while.

It's also fun if you find someone that wants to pretty much ride the same stuff as you.

Dvo said:
^As long as you go to amusement parks to ride rides, rather than hang out, you'll be fine ;)

Well at least one other person on here besides me understands the mentality of going alone and how fun it can be if you like riding the rides.

CP08's avatar

My girlfriend and I go and take my sister along and I don't have any problems. They all want to ride the same thing I do because I have trained my sister to ride Millennium Force at age 6 and Dragster and 7 and my girlfriend loves the coasters so hahahahahaha

quote from Mean Streak operator, "Welcome to Mean Streak. It's so mean it'll rip the heads off your Barbie dolls and steal your lunch money!!!"

I went by myself for the first time several Memorial Days ago and spent about 7 hours there, getting on 7 coasters and a few other rides. It was still fun, and was a beautiful day to be outside, but I was thoroughly bored in line. I'm not really one to strike up conversations with random people or butt into theirs. That's just sort of an aspect of my personality. Luckily, I had Yahtzee on my phone to keep from going nuts. :)

The next time I went by myself, I avoided long lines, for that reason. The upside to this is that I re-discovered rides I hadn't done in years, particularly ones that my friends often don't want to bother with (e.g. Power Tower going up... it was just as lame as I'd remembered). And I could eat according to my own schedule, instead of waiting until everyone in the group was at an acceptable level of hunger to break for a meal.

On a larger level, I have great memories of going to Cedar Point with friends, and have culled greater and closer friendships because of our many trips together. So in that sense, it annoys me to go by myself just because I love going with my friends so much.

But I still remember walking by myself through Frontiertown on a brisk September day, peeking at Millennium Force through the trees and thinking to myself, "Y'know, life is awesome." So that was a cool little moment too.

Last edited by birdman,
Ryan06's avatar

I don't think it's any fun riding the rides by yourself. I used to do it all the time when I worked there... but you get lonely sometimes.. you don't have anyone to scream with, laugh at, etc.. and while it may be thrilling, it may not be the most exciting ride. But that's how I feel anyway, I hate being alone at a place that should be fun.

Ryaи.L мsυ '11 || Cedar ρoıиt Adмıssıoиs 07·09 || Disиey 2010-2011

I will generally only go alone - ONCE per season. Any more than that I find myself kinda depressed after a few hours there. Once you've done a few trips alone, the thrill just isn't there anymore.

I've been to the park alone about 40 times of the 47 trips i was there this year.

2007 trips=39..08 trips=47..09 trips=79
maverick rides=143
dragster rollbacks=27

I've gone to the park before by myself.. Sometimes it is a fun experience, and sometimes, it isn't. It depends on your mood. I've reached the point where I have just as much fun just being at the park as I do when I'm on the coasters. Just being there makes me happy, and feel a lot better. Although riding the coasters is great too. Being with groups is definitely fun. It is nice however to be able to split off from the group if you don't feel like doing whatever it is their doing. However if its the girlfriend, I would rather be with her at the park, then by myself.

-Evan Hendrick

I used to go alone a lot. Usually power-riding Magnum. Would end up running into other friends with the same mission. I have been to the park with groups who do not like the same things and it sucked. Mainly because they complained about all the walking and etc...

But, if you have someone who shares the same passion, it is much better! I feel I have been blessed because my wife loves coasters and will ride Magnum over and over with me. Unfortunately, she is not a fan of the ejector seat. She will ride it occasionally though.

It is great to experience the whole park with someone else.

dsloban's avatar

I have never gone to Cedarpoint alone, but I did go to Geauga Lake on the very last day it was open and I am happy I did! I wish Cedarpoint was closer to my house because I had a blast having the whole day to do what I wanted without anyone to bug me! I do like to go with people too! Especially my kids! The three of us have a blast!

Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs

cbrendan502 said:
I've been to the park alone about 40 times of the 47 trips i was there this year.

thats because you dont have any friends

I've never been to CP alone, although on my last trip my friend did leave me in the park for a few hours while he went back to the hotel, but that was only because he was feeling sick. That was actually fun, but only because I was tired of him whining like the girly man that he is. I've done solo trips to KI when I was living in Louisville. I guess living 8 hours away makes solo CP trips a little less appealing. Plus, like many people have mentioned, its hard for me to stay all day at a park by myself.

If I lived and worked in Sandusky (or if we had a park here in Nashville) and I could stop by on my way home and catch a few coaster rides here and bet I would make countless solo trips!


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