Divine Diva's

No one said the girls were not nice or talented, It is really not there fault it is the entertainment dept. for putting together a crappy show. The sets are cheap and not CP quality, and the song choice was not good either.

I'm sure no one meant they 'themselves' sucked or anything. As a performer though, it is probably hard to not read into this kind of thing. So I thought I'd give em some props on personal ability.

Being a performer myself, I will give the ladies kudos for their "personal" talents and abilities that go above and beyond. They are "giving their all" with what they have been given to perform and cannot be to blame. They are to be commended.

The show itself is disgustingly amateur and and not at ALL at the professional level in which Cedar Point Live Shows prides itself in. The music selections, costumes and sets were an embarassment. Shame on Cedar Point. 2 thumbs down. A complete bomb.

Downrignt Disappointingly Disasterous Divine Diva's!!!

The "African American" girl and the "Dark Haired Soloist" (I'll have to find specifices later) were terrific, however the better part of the show was not up to Cedar Point standard. My 14 year old son told me "I think this is the first show I can say I didn't like."

Now.... Livin' in America, however; was really terrific this year! They have really worked hard to make that show a good one, even though it is pretty much like last year... it was spectacular!

Sorry Diva's... take a dive!!! Let's cut this show short this year and change it mid-season (please)...it really needs some sprucing up!!!

* * * * * * * * * * A T T E N T I O N * * * * * * * * * *

By the way - - - The girls doing the "Can Can" to "Diamonds are a girls best friend"!?!?! What is this teaching the youth at the "family oriented" Cedar Point?!?!?!

*** Edited 6/19/2006 7:31:46 PM UTC by Tired Angel***

Kevinj's avatar

Ryan Mahaffey said it all. Having known many performers at CP in years past, the quality of talent is VERY high at CP, and they are (at least from my memory of the mid-90's) often used terribly. I think this show is just a great example of performers being used, and they are taking the blame instead of the "Producers".

I hope any performers who have seen this thread know that many of us in the audience know their capabilties, and know where the blame SHOULD be passed to, and it is certainly not them.

Promoter of fog.

I was at the park yesterday, and overheard several conversations while at the theaters and the main topic of each chat was how they despised "Divine Divas".

A very witty middle aged woman in front of me at the 8:30 show of "Livin' in America" commented, "Do these directors even know the true iconic divas? I'm sorry but I think of Barbra Streisand, Judy Garland, Ella Fitzgerald and the like...or even maybe Celine Dion or Jennifer Holliday. Where the HELL did Elvis and the can can come into the picture? What a waste of 20 minutes!" She made other comments,..several of which are unprintable here.

I will have to wholeheartedly agree with her opinion though.

The general consensus from about a dozen or so other people seemed to be the same as well. Everything from "What a waste of time" to "That had NOTHING to do with "true" divas" or "The production value sucked" or "These shows have gone downhill".

Hopefully, the uppers at CP would take this comments into consideration. I do know that they read these message boards.

I think everyone is being a bit too hard on this show. I agree "Diva's" doesn't ring true to the show, but it is still enteretaining. I believe there was a show that ran in the early 90's, called "Showstoppers", a all female cast performing show tunes. That may have been a more appropriate name for this show. In my opinion, they need to bring back the live band in all the shows, the pre recorded music takes away from the shows.

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