Divine Diva's

Well, I may be a little bias...because I really enjoyed "Twistin to the 60's"...but today was the first time I got to see "Divine Diva's" back in the Palace Theater. WOW! I'll just say...DISAPPOINTED!! So many things could be said...but I think DISAPPOINTED (all in caps) best discribes this show!! Is it just me?

Divine Diva's...Not So Divine...and certainly not Diva's...LOL

e x i t english's avatar

My girlfriend and I were watching the 3:00 show yesterday and wound up walking out about 15 minutes into it. We kept thinking it was going to get better, but it never did. There just didn't seemt o be much stage presence, and the girls didn't seem to blend as well as they should have. Hopefully we just caught it on a bad day, because I really wanted it to be good.

We headed over to the Red Garter and caught the 4:00 show, which never ceases to amaze me. This is the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen it this year, and it gets better every time.


Didnt the show just start up? Give it some time. :)

The new show is no match for Twistin', which was a very good show.

First off, it's really not much of a "show" (one thing I really liked about Twistin'), it has a very lame "set" (Twistin' was great with neat props too,) they ditched the live band (big mistake IMO) and when I think "Divas," I don't think of girls singing Elvis or doing the "Can Can".... C'mon, at least pick some Diva-like songs if that's what you're going to call the show.

To be honest, this seems like cost-cutting taken to the extreme: fewer performers, nothing spent on the set or props, nothing spent on a band, etc. I agree it's "disappointing". It's certainly not up to Cedar Point's usual standard.

FWIW, I don't think the songs were matched well to the singers, who seem to have some talent but not for the numbers (and keys) they've been given.

P.S. The Red Garter show is good as always. It's nice to see some familiar faces back too.

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

My next trip to the Point is for the shows and not the rides. That's in 2 weeks. I hope that they get better than what I have been hearing here.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point

I think part of what Disappointing about Diva's won't change over the next 2 weeks. What could be more fun than 6 Female Elvis impersonators!! LOL When I think of Diva's...I never would have thought Elvis! The tribute to Moulin Rouge is a few years old, and the revolving giant circle got old quick. Just wanted it to be so much better than it was. I hope this won't have the usual 2 year run.

But some good news...Livin in America is back next weekend...and Rock the House is a great show this year! (let's pray the Dive show commentary won't be as bad as in years past).

have fun, play nice =)

let's pray the Dive show commentary won't be as bad as in years past

Amen. We love the diving, but can't tolerate the "show."

Hey, I heard a rumor that Top Thrill Dragster is sinking...

I agree with Granfair, the Diva's show was just awful. Don't waste the 25mins to see it..

DemonDroppin''s avatar

I caught the Diva's show on Friday as well and we all thought it was just "alright," now "Rock The House" was awesome, definitely check that one out.

The Amazement Park

Josh M.'s avatar

Hmmm... Maybe I should skip Divas this year... I wasn't even that impressed with Rock the House...

Maybe I'm too critical...

Ripcord Crew 2002 / MF Crew 2004

crazy horse's avatar

Rock the house is great, I really liked the motley crue portion.

what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

I agree. Divas was a definate dissapointment.
There were even a few families who got up and left during the show. The performers didn't really gel, and most of the songs were not what would come to mind when you think of divas.
As stated before, they went around that circle stage so many times I almost got dizzy from the balcony.
I probably won't be back.

2005 visits: 10
2006 visits: 7

Magnum still rocks.

The Red Garter shows have always seemed to blow me away, this year being no exception. I personally think last year's "Monsters Rock" was the best so far, though (then again, the only time I've seen this show was it's very first one, so maybe it's gotten better [not that it was bad in any sense]).

RG and the dive show are usually all I see, though, so I don't have much to compare it to.

2008 - Games (Area 3/Scales)
2009 - Games Supervisor
2010 - Season pass holder.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar

Monsters Rock is always my favorite of the shows, but anything they have during the main season at Red Garter is always good. Outside of the Red Garter shows and the ice show, I usually don't watch anything else more than once in a season.

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

e x i t english's avatar

GeeForce, hit up the ice show this year. It was better when it was Snoopy Rocks: On Ice, but Snoopy's Summer Vacation is still really awesome.

It's definitely a great show and you won't be disappointed.

How's "Livin' in America"? I've never actually gone to see that one.

I agree that the Red Garter show was pretty cool this year. Home sweet Home was a nice add even if no one in the crowd seemed to know it.

The Diva's show was watchable, but I admit I looked at my watch half way through. I also for some reason wondered if I was at a family show. Just because during parts of the show, I looked to see if there was any kids in the room. I'm older than most and I didnt know most of what I heard. Which wouldn't be an issue if I liked what I heard. But then I forget the shows geared at kids are elsewhere.

2004,2005 Food Services
2006 One Long visit

e x i t english's avatar

Home Sweet Home and Foreplay - It's been a long time - are probably my 2 favorite songs in this year's RG show. Then probably Smokin', but I guess I'm a Boston fan....

It's sad when people don't respect the Crue :)

If anyone doesn't know which song Foreplay - it's been a long time - is, it's the one in the middle that's just keyboards and a lot of rockin'.

I guess I am the only person who appreciated the Divine Divas more then the RG show? I like them both, but I thought the Divas were good. Oh well, you like what you like...

The girls are very nice people and they are all talented and good looking. It is a tough job, guaranteed. Chin up if any of you read this! I was entertained both times I saw it.

I caught a glimpse of the show today while I was doing my photography wanderings.... I'll agree that the girls have very good music/vocal abilities; the show just seemed to have an ackward flow to me.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
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