Decent motel deal - Southshore Inn - 40% off

mermaidsair's avatar

I like southshore inn (right outside the gate) because of their large 2 and 3 rooms suites.

You can accomidate a lot of people.

The first time I stayed there it was me and one friend. We got the three room suite because we wanted two bedrooms but had no idea how big it was.

There was one bedroom with a king bed and a full bathroom, another bedroom with two doubles and a full bathroom. Between them there was a kitchen with a pull out couch. Each of these rooms had a tv. There was also one of those beds you pull out of the wall. The room actually slept 10.

Their two rooms suite are also a decent size.

I find them reasonably priced and a decent space for the not high end customer. The tvs are old and the space is a little outdated but it is clean and big. I either stay there or onsite.

I just went on their site and found they are offering a very good deal for Halloweekends.

40% off if you stay 2 or more nights.

I got two nights in a 2 room suite for $164.

Just wanted to give budget conscious groups a heads up.

I'm going out to get some air.

I'm headed there from Baltimore in a couple of weeks for the greatest birthday gift ever, and we're late booking our room. We were gonna just do the good ol' Halloweekends package, but seeing as how the only choices are either the Breakers Express (I've heard too many horror stories, not good for a slight germophobe) the old wing of the Breakers (same deal) or something much more expensive, we're considering just staying off property. I kinda stumbled upon your post by chance, but thank you so much for bringing this place to my attention! Reviews and prices look like just what we need. Thank you!

mermaidsair's avatar

I stayed there again a week ago. There was a minor problem with our room (toilet did not flush properly) and they swapped up to a new one no questions.

It is a lot of space and the staff are nice and friendly. No problems with dirt or grime.

The current deal is very good.

I'm going out to get some air.

We booked a room for this weekend, and with the Halloweekends discount our total was 77 dollars! Insanity. We called yesterday about an early check-in on Friday (we're driving 8 hours and arriving mid-morning, so some rest before hitting the park would be awesome), and they were really nice and said it should be fine. As long as they're that friendly when we get there and the room isn't gross at all, I'll be very happy.

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