CP v/s 'sister' parks

thedevariouseffect's avatar

Actually it does as the one at KD was really really bad, but I believe it's getting rework this/last season if I remember correctly? Then the other at Kentucky Kingdom was fantastic but with the modifications this year we will have to wait and see if it lives up to how it performed in 2016.

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011

Kevinj's avatar

Hurler at KD is getting RMC'd, opening in 2018 just like Mean Streak. But you didn't hear it from me.

No one cares enough down there to take pictures, though.

Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

jscll said:

That is kind of like saying skip Carowinds (unless Fury 325 and Intimidator are important to you).

My advice is, you have ridden one of the four Gigacoasters on this continent, why not make it three of four?

Agreed. I actually prefer Kings Dominion by quite a bit. But why stop at 3? Go up to Canada and ride Leviathan. Sure, it's not as good as the other three.. but it's still pretty good! And Behemoth rocks!

Of the Cedar Fair parks, I've been to Michigan Adventure, Kings Island, Cedar Point, Carowinds, Kings Dominion, Dorney Park and Canada's Wonderland.

I went to the last 5 parks on that list last summer.

After losing a bunch of weight last winter, healthy food choices are pretty important. Of the parks I went to last summer and having the platinum food pass, I have to say that Cedar Point has the least healthy food options that I could buy at any park with that pass. Even all Six Flags parks had better options. This year, I will not be buying a Platinum Pass for rides or meals with Cedar Fair. When I go to Cedar Point, I will just buy tickets when they offer specials and will just eat at Famous Dave's and get my parking fee taken off of my meal.

As far as rides go, Fury 325 is my favorite of those I have ridden at a Cedar Fair park. The crew was AMAZING! They were yelling at people to sit down and buckle their seatbelts and even counting down from 5. The only other coaster I enjoyed there, which was very surprising, was Afterburn. 6 inversions and many of them hidden...Awesome invert. My 2nd favorite.

At King's Island, I love Diamondback and Banshee which is may favorite there. The Beast is BORING and gave me a headache. I used to love this ride...not anymore. would love to see the same company that fixed The Legend fix up The Beast.

At King's Dominion, Dominator was my favorite. Intimidator 305 was a little rough, but still very fun. Didn't get to ride Volcano.

Dorney Park was pleasantly surprising to me. The park was beautiful and had a few really good coasters. It looked as though every building had been painted and every sign replaced last year. Talon, Hydra and Steel Force were great...I wish Magnum had Steel Force's trains. The lap bars stay an inch above my lap when fully lowered. Loved it.

I've been to Canada's Wonderland twice. Years ago, when Behemoth was brand new, the park was dead. Last year on a summer Sunday, the place was PACKED. You can tell this is the only real amusement park located near a population like Toronto's. Only rode 2 rides. Behemoth, which I love, but a little less than Diamondback and one of their horrible wooden coasters. Only go to this park during the week. Sundays at Cedar Point are great. CW is another story.

Michigan Adventure has Shivering Timbers which is awesome and Thunderhawk which is my favorite Vekoma invert.

Overall, Cedar Point is still their best park, but several of the other park have better rides.

Last edited by Zoug68,

Kevinj said:

Hurler at KD is getting RMC'd, opening in 2018 just like Mean Streak. But you didn't hear it from me.

No one cares enough down there to take pictures, though.

Someone flew a drone over KD a few days ago and posted it to YouTube. No sign of work on Hurler.

Last edited by Perpetual Obsession,
Kevinj's avatar

That's because they haven't started yet. Duh.


Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

True, why would they have already started work on a coaster that doesn't open until 2018. That's just unnecessary.

My Cedar Fair rankings
1. Cedar Point
2. kings Dominion
3. Kings Island
4. Carowinds
5. Canada's Wonderland
6. Worlds of Fun
7. Dorney Park
8. Valleyfair
9. Michigans Adventures
(Never been to either California park)

CoasterCam's avatar

I would rank the 5 that I have been to as follows.
1. Cedar Point
---Significant Gap---
2. Carowinds
3. Kings Island
4. Kings Dominion
---Significant Gap---
5. Michigan's Adventure

There is a chance that I hit Dorney this year.

2018- Raptor

CP Top 5- 1)MF 2) Maverick 3) Gatekeeper 4) Top Thrill Dragster 5) Raptor

Sparty42's avatar

My wife and I did a trip in 2014, which was the first year we had Platinum Passes.

We did KI (which is actually where we started dating), Carowinds, Kings Dominion, Dorney, Knoebels (I know, not part of CF, but it was still awesome), and Cedar Point all within about a week and a half.

We loved all of them except Dorney. We actually spent the least amount of time there. Decent coasters, not enough great flat rides, and I think possibly had the worst clientele of any of the parks we went to as far as etiquette was concerned.

Carowinds was awesome, but that was when they had Thunder Road. That ride was just absolute gold. Intimidator didn't have a line at all and neither did Afterburn. I don't remember their other coasters being especially noteworthy.

I have to disagree with thedevariouseffect though on KD. I thought KD had even more charm than KI. There's a lot of history there and they have a better collection of coasters than Carowinds, in my opinion. I305, Volcano, Dominator, Grizzly, Dominator are all worth repeat rides. Oh, and singing mushrooms. Never forget the singing mushrooms.

Anyway, go to all the parks. They all have their own flair that makes it unique regionally. I kinda want to do that trip again actually...

Kevinj's avatar

We're visiting Kings Dominion for the first time this year in July. The only thing that has us bummed is the situation with the 9-year old.

She has ridden Millennium since she was 7, and also now rides Dragster. She rides Valravn, Maverick, Wicked Twister, and Magnum, SkyHawk, and Maxair.

When we get to Kings Dominion, she won't be able to ride Volcano, Dominator, Intimidator, or even Delirium. In other words, each ride she would actually really, really want to ride.


Last edited by Kevinj,

Promoter of fog.

1000 years of force's avatar

Recently returned from KBF and, gosh what a great park! The last time I was there was... well it was a VERY long time ago and the improvements show plainly. The upgraded Calico Mine Ride is spectacular. I really enjoyed the variety of coasters. Jaguar is a looong coaster that seems to go everywhere. Their modern take on the mad mouse is cool. I liked the undersea dark ride greatly. Prices for food and merch were parallel-ish to CP. Mrs. Knotts Chicken dinner was exceptional (This would be a great park tie-in at CP!). Saw the wild west stunt show and it was very well done. Also caught their version of the Red Garter show (minus ear-splitting volume thankfully) and it was very fun. Ghostrider is my new favorite wooden coaster. Displacing the Beast because it is just better at everything, OK, it is not as long (but not by a whole lot) but it has fantastic elements and the restraints were not designed around a dare. Plus I did not feel like my innards had experienced a Brownian quantum motion event. The thing that stands out the most were the overall theming and the abundance of trees. CP has recently been on a bent to remove large old trees and then not replace them. This frustrates me at a few levels, but I have no influence... So that is my .02 Knotts: Thumbs up

"Your persiflage does not amuse. " - Ralph (from Around the world in 80 days)

LuvRaptor's avatar

Lifelong CPer moved to Orlando 5 years ago.

Carowinds does let you in early for ERT on Fury and I believe Intimidator also. You also get the same discounts on food and merchandise. I prefer Carowinds over CP (sorry Raptor but come on Fury 325) and prefer KI over CP. My reasons are many but feel that I can have a better time at KI on Diamondback, Beast, Banshee and even The Bat without lifelong lines. Mystic Timbers is going to be amazing so chalk that up to another reason MUST stop there this season.

Ive been to Knotts many years ago 2 best things Silver Bullet and chicken :)

I will be going to CoasterMania this year of course (to see all my friends and my Raptor) and perhaps Halloweekends. But you can guarantee I will be at Carowinds way more for Fury 325, Intimidator and the most underrated B&M Afterburn

Raptor Jo

Montu lifetime: 3999
Mako lifetime: 875 lifetime
Dragon Challenge: 1805 on each dragon lifetime
Raptor lifetime: 3245
Fury lifetime: 155 :(

I personally get very bored at KI very fast. The summers we do make it to KI are all planned around our anual weekend trip to see the family that lives in Mason and Cincinnati. I couldn't fathom the thought of driving 4 hours just to go to KI. Diamondback is not impressive IMO. I still don't get the obsession with B&M hypers. Beast and Banshee are my only favorites there. But, I am the type that can give credit when credit is due. Their food options are a heck of a lot better. I also agree that Mystic Timbers will be a nice addition. Last but not least, the entrance is breathtaking.

Carowinds is even more boring for me. For me, Fury 325 is the only ride worth marathoning. Intimidator (once again, boring B&M hyper): meh. Afterburn: alright. Nighthawk: Better and more comfortable than X-Flight/Firehawk, but still a Vekoma flyer. Then we decided to ride Carolina Cobra...I thought this boomerang was the most smooth boomerang I had ever ridden when it was at Geauga Lake. Lord, that thing is awful now! I'm serious when I say that I think I will avoid these types anymore.

Dorney Park! I absolutely loved this park. The terrain made for a very unique layout. I really like a lot of their attractions. Talon right by the front gate of course was a great way to start off. Also, I think a lot of people here know how much I love me some impulse coasters and Geauga Lake nostalgia. Possessed was just as good as I had remembered. After riding Wicked Twister all these years, I forgot how powerful the backwards launch is on Swing 2. And of course, holding brakes. But really, probably my favorite park thus far.

Kings Dominion is very different for me. You would think I'd feel the same way about it as I do about Kings Island. I don't at all, and quite frankly they offer many different attractions that aren't offered at KI. I love I305, Volcano, and of course...DOMINATOR! Gotta love this park.

All in all, each park offers its own unique feature that we all wish we could have in one place. Other Cedar Fair parks just don't have the same glorified feel that CP has for me. It is true when they say that you can not do everything CP has to offer in a day.

Sorry for the long post, and sorry for sounding like I don't like other Cedar Fair parks. That is not true! CP is just where the hearts at

Last edited by TwistedWicker77,

^I'm going to Dorney for the first time in August, it's nice to hear a positive description among so many "meh" descriptions. Regardless, I'm definitely looking forward to checking another Cedar Fair park off my list.

2015 - Ride Host: Shoot the Rapids 2016 - Team Leader: Ripcord/Challenge Golf 2017 - Supervisor: Thunder Canyon 2018 - Supervisor: Camp Snoopy 2019 - Supervisor: Power Tower

Dorney in August... that brings back memories...

Summary: 100°F, alternate Talon & Steel Force rides, drink "electric lemonade" for hydration. If you do the math, it makes ride exit stairs very exciting.

Pete's avatar

Dorney is a really nice park and to me has somewhat of a CP feel to it. Maybe because they have a Thunder Canyon, White Water Landing and, of course, Demon Drop. But, what I really enjoyed were the short lines for rides as the day I went it seemed like the water park was busier than the ride park.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Going to Dorney this August for the first time. Can't wait to ride Demon Drop again!

CP Coaster Top 10: 1. Steel Vengeance (40 rides to date) 2. Top Thrill Dragster (191 launches to date, 4 rollbacks) 3. Magnum XL 200 4. Millennium Force 5. Maverick 6. Raptor 7. GateKeeper 8. Valravn 9. Rougarou 10. Gemini

XS NightClub's avatar

Demon drop? Bring a neck brace.

New for 2024- Wicked Twister Plus

Dorney definitely has a Cedar Point quality to it- when Cedar Fair acquired the park they added that whole upper area and designed it very much like the Funway. Whenever I'm there I always feel like I'm at mini CP.

Back in the day Dorney was a small, quaint park. The main entrance was at the bottom right next to Thunderhawk's station. I always try to look around and put back areas, rides, and attractions the way I remember them, but it's hard. The park has really undergone a dramatic change. In some cases for the better...

What's the "Funway"?


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