CP letting Dragster deterioate?

Gomez's avatar

Who hates Arrows? Last I check many coaster fans worship Arrows.

Top Thrill 182, while I never saw the actual smoke effect work, I know there was a lot of smoke at the end of the launch as it was launching that smelled, it was actually exhaust. It did that in 2003 only. Now they use a water mist to stop the exhaust from rising.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

TTD 120mph's avatar

That mist feels sooo good in front when you reach the end of the launch.;)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

bholcomb's avatar

Corkscrew was painted in the fall of 2003.

What made an impression on me last time I visited was the fading paint on MILLENNIUM FORCE. It's once vibrant ice-blue track has faded badly and it's really noticeable when you're in line (especially on the ramp up to the station).

I also noticed that the places where they did the "touch up" work look to have faded the most. Certain areas on MF's track where there are spot welds, too, look that way. These dings and chips in the original factory paint can be seen on other rides as well, even MaXair's support columns, where the touched up paint can be seen to start the fading process after only one year (look about ten feet up on each column).

That being said, the repaints at Cedar Point, when they do happen, look great. Raptor still looks good after three (or four) years, and Mantis looks great too (it's one ride I'd much rather look at than ride; the paint color combinations are great). Magnum FINALLY got a repaint several years ago after AGES of neglect (which wasn't as big of a deal because you really don't notice the track or supports at all except for the walkway to Soak City); let's hope this same pattern doesn't occur with the other coasters. It would seem to me that they really let them go (probably a year too long) before repainting them. I don't know how much it is to repaint a typical B&M or Intamin coaster, but I might say that a dingy-looking, faded coaster is much more likely to be noticed by the "average" park-goer than a nicely painted one.

bholcomb's avatar

I still don't understand what people expect from objects that sit in the sun, rain, snow and wind 365 days a year. You can't keep everything looking BRAND NEW every year. It'd cost a fortune.

That said, Magnum was long overdue last year. :)

airee85's avatar

Uh Ben, they could just shrink wrap it for the off season ;)

Or...Cedar Point could promote safe sex and put a huge condom over Dragster. What do you think? :-P


JuggaLotus's avatar

^ - THAT would be freakin hilarious.

They could do it for Fathers Day weekend.

*** Edited 9/12/2006 3:57:16 PM UTC by JuggaLotus***

Goodbye MrScott


djDaemon's avatar

Would they rename it to Trojan Splash Zone?


Wow - You guys are awful!! :)

TTD 120mph's avatar

It's a good thing I'm 17, otherwise I might find this offensive.:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

airee85's avatar

Promoting safe sex should never be offensive!! :)


Someone must of not done there job right or something to make that tire fall off you see top fuel dragsters go much faster than that. and you dont see there tires go flyng off. Well i cant say its never happened. ;)

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TTD 120mph's avatar

^^That kind of thing should be left to condom companies and parents....not a coaster with a 420ft tower.:)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

^ That would be a hell of a sight tho... TTD... with a big plastic sheet.. and a ring at the bottom...

Lets just make sure it doesn't slip off or have any holes.. we don't want any Stealth's popping out do we?? ;)

BDash | Toro | Maverick | Bizarro | Voyage | RFII | X2 | TTD | DBack | Cornball

This thread certainly went somewhere no one would have thought...

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster
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TTD 120mph's avatar

Indeed.......oh and TTD4Life, Stealth is Kingda Ka's fault not Dragster's.;)

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Walt's avatar

OK, let's all move on.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz
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