CP letting Dragster deterioate?

Its made of steel, it has wheels, it goes fast, it goes high. If THAT isn't enough for you, if you really NEED theming, if you can't STAND a few bumps, then you really MUST consider finding yourself a new amusement park, whilst I gladly take your spot in line. Give the place a break, they're building us a new coaster for crying out loud.

The AL Wildcard will come from the AL Central, and it wont be the Twins.

Remember, Remember the 5th of November.

You saved my life that day brother, so that I could save yours- 4 8 15 16 23 42

Birthdaymania 06- Ride On!

If you cant voice an opinion because they are building US a new roller coaster, I think your idea of why Cedar Point exists is in misconstrued. As much fun as the park gives out every day, in the end- they are simply a business, and what drives a business is cash. Cash flow is the blood of any business. They are building a new ride to attract new and more visitors, as well as keep the regulars coming back.

Think if cedar point didnt update the park for the next 10 years, would the attendance numbers stay the same or would they plummet?

Further more, the bumps on the purple train, noticed by a veteran rider that could/would notice something different would be of concern to me. I would have alerted the ride ops to the bumpiness on that train so that the train could be checked out for safety. Perhaps another ride on another train in the same seat would help confirm that the train was the issue.

The paint is fading to the point of being more of an eyesore. MF is having the same issue. I know that Storm Runner is also having the same issue. 3 coasters, fairly new, same manufacturer- likely it is Intamin's problem with subpar paint. The height excuse doesnt work when the paint has faded in shade at 10 feet high. Hopefully most of the issues can be fixed in the offseason.

TTD 120mph's avatar

liebevision, can you remember what color train you rode when you noticed it to be a little rough? The reason is because the gold train was moved on the transfer yesturday and they were checking it out. There could be the possiblilty that the wheels assemblies on the train you were on were somehow not as tight to the track as the other trains were (though I dont really know why it would).

As for everything having a run down appearance, I'll admit that over the year I have made a mental note of their appearances. The only things that really get me the most are the cable feed section, the cobwebs that seem to be EVERYWHERE (like on the drive wheels in the station and on the station ceiling), some of the paint on the tower and maybe a few of the fact signs that look warned out.
I don’t mind the overall fadedness of the track and tower but, like I said, it's the areas like the cable feed section and the faded looking spots on the tower that kind of get me.

All in all, Dragster could use a small facelift.

*** Edited 9/6/2006 3:05:34 AM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

Repainting is such a short term and many times deteriorates quicker than factory finish. I can guaranty you the repaint on dragster wouldn't be quality with all the wind issues. I think the reason you may see the natural tones for the pillars on Maverick is to combat some of those issues. That being said, I think Cedar Fair could do a better job at all of their parks keeping the rides better painted. At my home park of WOF, the rides have never looked much worse. It's impossible to keep everything looking perfect, however I would love to see them give it a better shot. And maybe they should shy away from the brighter colors, they seem to take a real beating after a few years.

As far as the theming, I think the trains look pretty good without the spoilers and engines. Plus, I have to believe the are faster without the extra weight and wind resistance. always thought the picks of the dragster on the return twisting down the hill with the spoilers and engines looked kind of odd. I think it looks a lot slicker now.

bholcomb's avatar

This thread just proves that we will not agree to anything on this board. Except that there will be a new coaster for 07, but I'm sure some people will try to disprove that as well. ;)

liebevision's avatar

NO WE'RE NOT GETTING A NEW COASTER!!! It's just intamins new proving ground. Once it's built and tested it will be taken apart and sent to Six Flags Fiesta Texas as thier new coaster. HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE OT TELL YOU BEN!

Sorry, had to, couldn't resist.

WOF is looking bad? I'm sorry to hear that, I haven't been since 2003 but I love that park. Mamba in my opinion is better than magnum, its buttery smooth. And they have the smoothest boomerang I've ever ridden.

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05

bholcomb's avatar

Smooth stinks. I'll take Magnum any day.

liebevision's avatar

Eh, I like magnum less and less every time I ride it. The one part I really love is the pretsel turn... although I like it less when the block brakes slow you down. Honestly, I'd take a lap on MF, WT, and Raptor over maggie. And usually i'd take a front seat ride on dragster over maggie, but only front seat.

By the way going off topic, have you gotten your hands on windows vista yet? It's currently my favorite OS, I like it better than linux, unfortunately for school I have to run XP *** Edited 9/7/2006 3:35:07 AM UTC by liebevision***

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05

Vince982's avatar

I'm the opposite liebevision, I've started to like Magnum more and more this season.

We'll miss you MrScott and Pete

Gomez's avatar

liebevision said:
By the way going off topic, have you gotten your hands on windows vista yet? It's currently my favorite OS, I like it better than linux, unfortunately for school I have to run XP

I'm currently saving up for a Macbook that runs Mac OS X. I'm giving up on Microsoft.

2008:Magnum XL-200 | Top Thrill Dragster
2007:Corkscrew | Magnum XL-200 | Maverick

liebevision's avatar

If you haven't seen vista... wait. You might just be amazed. Microsoft is doing it right. It's like OS X but better in my opinion, and it's extremely secure, which is suprising because it's microsoft... And office 2007, just beautiful.

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05

Extremely secure... until a billion other people use it and make it a hacker dessert. If Mac would have the same number of users, more viruses.hacks.loopholes would be written.extorted.executed.

bholcomb's avatar

I don't want Vista. I have XP installed on 2 workstations and my laptop, only to play games. I generally use Linux all the way. Virus protection? I don't need it.Spyware? What spyware? Screw Vista. I'll stick with my free operating system. I expect Slackware 11.0 out in a few days. It should be awesome as normal.

I just thought of something. I've been paying more attention to Slackware's changelog and waiting for Slackware 11 than Maverick. :)
*** Edited 9/7/2006 5:22:38 AM UTC by bholcomb***

Getting back on the subject of Dragster, can anyone tell me if they still have the smoke and engine sounds before the launch? I thought that was the coolest part of the theming. The funny part is the engine sounds lasted so long and as soon as you thought the thing was about to launch, the sound effects just looped over again. It definitely had a way of building up the suspense.

djDaemon's avatar

bholcomb said:
Screw Vista. I'll stick with my free operating system.

Vista is free. Well, until June, anyway. ;) And, yes, its much better from a behind-the-scenes standpoint, but worse on the surface. :(


At least CP could fix the covers on the light towers that are missing, looks awfull i think,and yes the sound afects are still present, but you have a hard time hearing them.
*** Edited 9/7/2006 12:26:22 PM UTC by brieeee***

TTD 120mph's avatar

^^^They dont have the smoke anymore but the engine sounds are still there.

*** Edited 9/7/2006 6:06:24 PM UTC by TTD 120mph***

-Adam G- The OG Dragster nut

liebevision's avatar

djDaemon said:

Vista is free. Well, until June, anyway. ;) And, yes, its much better from a behind-the-scenes standpoint, but worse on the surface. :(

I think it's beautiful on the surface, espically 3D flip (alt tab but way better) It's not really free though, to download betas from microsoft you have to pay a 1 dollar 50 cent service fee.

Anyway back on the subject of dragster if anyone gets a ride on purple train (the one i got the rough ride on) let us know how ride quality was. I really hope it was a train being at the end of the season thing making it rough and not the ride getting rough in general.

Jeremy Sell said:

My wife will only consistently ride CCMR, Iron Dragon, and Disaster Transport. Occasionally I can get her on Raptor and Wildcat. She's been on Blue Streak, MF, and Magnum once (probably never again). That's it. I still won't trade her in though, I can always go with my brother to ride the big stuff. :)

Yeah, basically she won't go on large intamin rides.... actually she had some really bad neck problems this summer. It ended up being nothing that a coaster would hurt and she got the all clear, but I think it's just that it makes her nervous. If i want to go on MF or TTD i take her sister
*** Edited 9/7/2006 11:23:23 PM UTC by liebevision***

Demon Drop 2004
Castaway Bay Lifeguard 04-05

I thought the smoke actually had a horrible smell to it. I'm glad that was let go of. The tires and the engine were cool to look at, but as long as the racing sounds are still there thats all that matters to me.

Although I agree with above, give the LED lights some rehab! Some of them are out, and some of them have their covers off. Overall it just looks sloppy to me (the lights not the ride).

Thrills Around the Corner!

I have a thing about dead light bulbs. Really, really bothers me. WOF use to keep up on their light bulbs before CF bought them out, as well as paint and trash. I know, I'm getting old and it's the little things that bother me.

The LED lights are very important to the dragster theme. Need to keep those up.

BTW, when was Corkscrew last painted? It looked in very good condition for an Arrow coaster. It's the best taken care of Arrow I've seen in years. I know everyone hates them, but I think it's a major visual feature of CP, I would hate to see it go.

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