CP! From Canada! 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th

Well, I'm writing this a little late because of shcool and I am super lazy...

I'll jump into the good stuff!


We(Dad, Me, no friend 'cause he backed out...) Packed everything we needed the night before, so we were all ready for the amazing 6 hour Road Trip to Cedar Point. I made sure the Kitty had enought food and water, and we headed out the door. This is where it got interesting... As my Dad touched the Door handle, the power went out! It was cool, 7:00 in the morning and we were stranded... We decided to go anyway and we hopped on the elevator(back-up power) and rode down to the basement to the parking garage, we knew the garage door wouldn't work, so we got out and manually opened it after a half-hour of screwing around with it... some german guy was there too...

We headed towards the Highway(401) and we were on our way! It was around 8:00 before we actually got on the highway, but we were flying down it because I wanted to get to CP by atleast 3:00...

The drive was fun, getting across the border sucked... Driving was easyier this time since we took the same route last year and there was no major construction. Toll highways suck. We got to Sandusky and we drove around, and followed the signs to CP, You could see CP through the spaces between the buildings, but I didn't look because I wanted to see it driving on the causeway... We got to the causeway, and I braced myself, and we passed the bushes and Cedar Point was BAM right there. It was totally amazing, everything looks sexyier in person...

We drove around to get to the hotel, and I have to say that why even make you pay the parking fee when they know your going to the hotel? Anyway, we drove around and a BS train whizzed by, it was cool. I also think that the way Wicked Twisters spikes stick up like that looks really cool from the 'gigantic' parking lot.

We got to the hotel and checked in at 4:00... at this time was really wanting to go in for Starlight(great idea). We went to the room just to check it out for a few minutes and discovered that the view was awsome! We could see the entire park from our window!

Anyway, we got to the booth and used our coupon for Buy 1 Starlight get 1 free. Me and my Dad seperated and I headed for the back of the park while he headed for Dragster. I headed for CCMR and I made my first ride of the entire trip... sorta dumb, but it was walk-on... for the front seat. I actually love this ride, and it was my only ride on it.

I looked at Project 2007 for a little while and took a few pictures, I then headed to mantis, which was walk-on. I then found out that no one was in line for Millennium Force, I saw this driving in also, which made me a little suspicious, but I'm a total idiot so I was like "Score!". I rode Mantis with some gay guy, who was making jokes and stuff, he was really funny, I'm a little Homophobic, but this guy made me comfortable... Anyway, rode Mantis, and to my complete surprise, it was perfectly smooth! It was wicked! Loved it, and even had some airtime.

This part is good... I then went over to MF and found out it was broken down, which made really mad, but I got over it in about 2 seconds... I decided to go on Draggin' Iron, which was running three trains even though the station was empty... I agree, the spiel thingy is really creepy, the Girl sounds like Sugar from YTV....

ID was fun, I saw the line for Dragster, which looked to be only about a half-hour. I didn't go to it next. I decided to go to the front of park... I walked along the relativly empty Main Midway, I noticed the skyride was not open... The Midway is really long... I got on Raptor, front seat, and had a really fun ride, The Z-G-roll kicks ass, it was really fun, a little headbanging on the Corks/Wing-overs/Flatspins, but it was fun.

I saw Demon Drop and thought that better ride it before it's gone, I got on it alone... infact, I was the only one there except the ride ops... it was erie... Anyway, I got it... and it was the strangest ride I've ridden, it was wierd, but it didn't scare me, and it kinda hurt actually...

Now for the good part: Getting on Wicked Twister Four times... in a row! I rode the Front, Back, and the middle. The ride op at the entrance to the station was looking at me like I was crazy after about the thrid time, he creept me out a little, he was a midget... They were all fun rides. I like the back better, it was wicked seeing the train twsting beneth you...It was actually a bad idea for 2 reasons. 1: It made me really dizzy 2: My balls hurt really bad because the of the restraint...

I decided to sit for a few seconds to shake it off... After that I was walking the half-empty Oceana Midway and nothing important was happening so I decided to go ride Tower of the Power, Shot side... Longest wait all evening at 10 minutes... fun ride, sat beside a horribly BO smelling guy... or was it me... no.

I wanted to ride the drop side, but I was bored, so I looked at Maggie and decided to start waling towards it... I guess I suck because as I walked into the staton a guy threw-up in the middle of the train right as it stopped in the station... I gaged a little and ran my ass off out of the station telling atleast 5 people a guy puked as I ran out the queue line... I had to chill for a second, so I sat on bench for a few seconds to recover the grossness. I rode Gemini after that, first car/second row. Wicked ride, really fun, and awsome untrimmed helix+Lotsa airtime.

I walked back towards Magnum and saw that they just started to dispatch trains again. I went into station that was fairly empty, I guess people waiting were still there and it filled up while they were cleaning. Anyway, I Waited for the ejector seat and I got to ride in the puke train... which was still wet. Gross. I got into the wet seat that smelt like javex with a sour something smell and as we were climbing the lift hill I kept praying that it would suddenly stop, it didn't happen.

I need a new paragraph for this ride... It was horrible! It hurt like a bitch! I hated it! It was fun while it lasted, I had a headache the whole time and the jarred me around so much I was going retarted... The best worst part was the untrimmed pretzal turn which sucked due to the massive throwing me around, but on top of that, it flyed over the bunnyhills which bruised my legs pretty bad. It had a lot of airtime though, it hurt, but it was there...

My legs were still sore after getting off the train, which was dry now, and decided to go on Dragster. By now it was 8:55, and I jumped in the line before they closed it. There was no line, it started at the turnthings at the entrace. I was waiting for the front seat on the second train, but the station got so empty I ended up... everybody ended up getting the first train, which was actually the last train of the night. They let in a few extra people to fill the empty seats, I rode in the back seat with some guy and his two friends... we filled the back car and we were off. I wanted front, but the back is second best.

This ride rocked, The lauch was awsome and it was the first time ever put my hands up on dragster(only ridden it 2 times by then) I put my hands up when the yellow light went and it awsome because I put hands up at the perfect time. Like, hands up, one millisecond later, launch. I found it interesting that could feel it stop launching... Massive G's on the pull up, The twist was cool, It crawled over the top, which gave me a good view of Milly. Here's where it got interesting, on the twist down, at the bottom of it, I flew out of my seat... I was completely out of my chair, It contorted my body, the only thing holding me in was my Lapbar. It's hard to describe what happened, but it made scream a little, more like "Holy Sh*t!", The Pull hurt my ribs because of the way I thrown out, and it gave me pain until next morning.

I got off at about 8:30 and went to the Hotel, We went to the Pizza Hut place and I got a Pizza, We went back to the room, watched T.V. and went to bed. The pizza decided to hate me, so I had the ****s for about an hour... I was fine the next morning.


Got in for ERT and headed for Skyhawk, I met a Cnadian guy and we made fun of Canada's Wonderland for a while. I got o Skyhawk 4 times and I think it was really fun. The lack of resraints made it really fun, and the girls screamed like crazy.

I went to Dragster, got my morning ride in. I have to tell you about the wait! We had to line up until they opened it, and they was this wierd ass guy with a green Sweatshirt and a CD player making a fool of himself... it was funny though. A few people behind me we making fun of him and a few people were copying him. Thankfully they let us in, and I was in the Middle of the second train out.They had to say "arms down" about ten times because these idiots infront of me never put them down, they just lauched it anyways. I could've been on the train in front of us, it rolled back. But it was a Fun ride, I put my hands up, all good stuff. Massive G's on the pull out.

By the time I got off the park was filling up fast. I went to CorkScrew and there was actually a wait, even at this early. I wated atleast 15 minutes, which I knew was way to long, but I knew I wasn't going to get on anything else without waiting 2 hours... I rode it and it was fun, no headbanging, and lots of painful airtime(front seat)

By this time the park wa packed like a weekend in july. I think it's because it was warm, blue skies, and 100,000 shcool trips.

Anyway, I think by this time I walked as far as coasters eating place and decided I wasn't going to get on anything so I treked to the hotel room and watched the park for most of the morning. I went back out with my Camara and took about 100 photos of the construction, and 100 more of the rides, I rode the train a few times... I still 100 some odd left.

I walked to the front of the park from the very back and got on Blue Streak, fun ride, and lots of airtime. After that I hung out at the hotel room for the rest of the day. Until about 8:40 where I went out to ride Dragster for the last train of the night. It never happened, but I got to ride second train/front seat and see the catchcar come down the track which I really wanted to see.

Awsome ride, I rode with a first timer, I taught a little about when to put your hands up, so we both put our hands up and we almost got a roll back, but we hit the brakes and it was really fun. I got off and went back to the hotel, went to bed.


I didn't want to get up, I was really tired, but the sounds of the rides testing was making me horny, so I went out for ERT. I went to maXair this time and rode it, it was bad becasue it making me fill dizzy and it lasted to long for me. I saw Raptor had people on it, but I skipped it. I went to Dragster and waited in a line outside the queue at about the same place I did last time. Rode front seat on the first train out and had an awsome ride, infact, it was the same as all the others... minus getting thrown out.

The park was pretty much empty this day, and I got on most rides without waiting more then 5 minutes.

I got on Gemini 2 times after Dragster, Front/back. After that, I rode Magnum again for some stupid reason. I rode the ejector seat and had a horrible ride. I went to the back to ride Mean Streak and looked over my shoulder at the consruction... nothing to report, it looked the same as ground level... I had a fun ride on MS, tons of laterals, a few pops of airtime, and not too rough.

I went to see the consruction for a little and took a few more pics... I rode the train to funway and went to the fron to ride Raptor. Fun ride, No wait, front seat with a kid and his Dad... That kid was funny, he was screaming like crazy, the dad had to be an enthusiast.

Anyway, after Raptor I went on the Blue Streak and had a 0 wait, fun ride with a bunch of middle eastren people that filled the train... I was the only white guy:D Actually, I'm Aboriginal, Ojibway...

... I went Twisted Wicked and rode it in the second last row, totally cool, fun to see the train spin under you. Somehow I worked my way to Mantis and rode it, it was a walkon... I then went to Skyhawk, which was a walk-on, pick-your-seat ride. By now it was nearing closing time, I rode Gemini 4 times and it was so cool, everytime there no more then 6 people in the train! The Ride ops were halarious! They were talking to eachother and hardly speiling because everyone riding was the same person over and over again. It was fun.

Anyway, after that I rode Dragster and got the last train of the night... Front seat! I put my arms up and had a fun ride. The best part is where I forgot to take off my glasses, by the time the train was half way up the tower I realized my glasses were on, so I took them off mid-ride! It was funny.

After getting off it was nearing 9:00 at night, and as I was passing the Seating area for Dragster a few guys and friends came up and congradulating me for putting up my hands during th whole ride. They told me I was the only one who did. That was cool.

Went back to the hotel and ate there, I got a burger this time... same waitress, she was cool, she was the big black chick... don't know if she goes on here. There was also this hot waitress that looked to be my age...

Anyway, took her back to my hotel room...:p Went to bed, got up the next morning and said goodbye to Cedar Point:( We hung around in the parking lot taking pictures of the rides, we also went to BE and got atleast 20 pictures of the Track. The Twisty piece is a mystery...

Until Next Time, August 27th...

Aww man, Fill in the blanks because I'm too lazy to edit it...

The ride op at the entrance to the station was looking at me like I was crazy after about the thrid time, he creept me out a little, he was a midget...

We don't have any midgets at WT; perhaps he was from another ride? All our people are 5' 2 or taller.

Not to be confused with Twisted Wicker 08 from 2002

Ah, the ignorance of youth...

^ you're just too stuck up to understand a joke...

The guy wasn't a Midget, but he looked really short. Shorter then everybody else...

djDaemon's avatar

Its immature and rude to call short people midgets - joke or no joke, in my opinion.


Most Classy Post of the Year Goes to.........Screamomatic!!!! *** Edited 5/31/2006 7:43:38 PM UTC by Ryan L***

And he dissed Magnum! ;) C'mon - seriously - you've probably been to Canada's Wonderland, right? After riding some of those crappy coasters, Magnum should feel like a Cadillac! :)


I didn't mean the guy was a midget because he was short, I meant that he looked really young, much younger then everyone else... I'm just saying it was wierd, and I was letting my thoughts flow as I typed and I managed to type that.

Besides, can't you put down "Nice TR, but I was offended by this part..."

Oh,well. Anyways, Magnum was fun, but It was too rough for me, and as you can tell, I know rough... Maybe it was the seat I was in... that Airtime was stupid crazy, and hurt. It's too old, and goes to fast for the type of transitions it has between elements...

I actualy didn't get a Season Pass this for CW this year, maybe next year, but until I see some major changes I wont spend my money there, CF owned or not. The sad thing, and what makes me angry, is that the GP thinks that CW is the best park in the world, and the coasters there are the best... I feel very sorry for them. Hopefully with CF owning it now, they can advertise other CF parks like Cedar Point...

The GM needs to contact me... or the other way around, to listen and see my ideas, CW is my Home Park and I know it inside and out. Even though I think it sucks, I care what happens to it, and I know it can be so much more... it's a sad, sad story...

Btw, has anyone even read the entire TR?

I read the entire trip report but I chose not to comment on it. I think it'd be better off that way, but I'm glad to hear you had a good time at Cedar Point.
*** Edited 6/1/2006 12:27:06 AM UTC by coastergeek1***

I'm with Coastergeek on this one. Wouldn't be the nicest things ever said.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Ok, its not called the Ejector Seat for nothing. You keep riding there and keep complaining about air-time. I rode it in 1-3 as well as 6-1 (and a couple others) and all of them were fine to me. You just need to stop being such a *cat*.

Other than that, sounds like you had fun.

Goodbye MrScott


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