CP Addiction

ValravnCP's avatar

@Rusty wow small world! That's awesome! When I took Trig in HS it was really easy to change the subject away from math and there were a few days we spent the whole class talking about everything except what we were supposed to be talking about XD. If I was a teacher, it would probably be really easy to get me to talk about CP. I could talk about it for hours! Someone could mention something totally random and I'd somehow relate it to Cedar Point.

R.I.P Luminosity ~ 2012-2017 ~ Greatest show in Heaven, Hell or Earth
Steel Vengeance rides: 20

Skyhawk06's avatar

ValravnCP, I have the same thing when it comes to relating random things to cedar point sometimes, and I could easily go on for hours. Only problem is that it seems as I am a part of the few at my school that like CP.

Steel Vengeance rides: 224

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

An intervention is clearly in order.

Cargo Shorts's avatar

CrossFit addicts act the same way. Best to just slowly back away from them.

Lash's avatar

Put the roller coaster down and back away slowly!

Skyhawk06's avatar

It's actually the teachers who aren't a fan because they generally don't like roller coasters. Most of the students at my school do. But yes, an intervention is in order.

Last edited by Skyhawk06,

Steel Vengeance rides: 224

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

Sollybeast's avatar

Welcome to the Immelman Rehabilitation Center. Here on our beautiful sprawling grounds, our caring staff will aid you in your journey to free yourself from the devastation of amusement park addiction.

Please ask about our state of the art new ward, built to aid those with extreme enthusiast entitlement.

Last edited by Sollybeast,

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Skyhawk06's avatar

Where do I sign up?

Steel Vengeance rides: 224

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

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