CP #2?!?

At the very beginning of the "Ultimate Thrill" show, I believed they showed a very quick clip of Millennium Force, mentioning the ride's name. That's why I sat down to watch the show in the first place, and was disappointed when it wasn't actually one of the featured rides. That must be the reason that Cedar Point was in the credits for the show.


Group Sales ATL '01
Group Sales TL '02
Park Admissions Supervisor '03
"The greatest leaders don't take credit for their actions; they don't have to."

99er said:

Which is why its a theme park. The name of the show was "Worlds Best Thrill Parks", if it truely was, then Cedar Point should have won hands down. If the show was called "Worlds Best Theme Parks", then I could see why IOA would be number one. Two differnt catigories in my opinion. But then again its just a re-run on TTC and it still didn't change my idea of the number one park!:) I'll leave the voting up to Amusement Today, they always pick the right park;)

Oh, I didn't notice it was THRILL parks. In that case, I agree with you, IOA is much more of a theme park than a thrill park. Cedar Point owns in the thrill category, but I still think IOA was a better overall experience for me.

IOA does have an amazing enviorment...The theming is amazing, The park is made more for people that dont really care for coasters. Those SIM rides like spiderman dont compare at all to a ride on a rollercoaster. CP is no doubt is the #1 Amusement park. Plus, You have to add that there was 2 coasters added since that show was made. I wonder why they didnt go by the golden ticket awards, IOA is the #2 park if you go by those.

Heh, SFMM is #7 ;) and only 2 away from the Ghetto Coney Island.

- Dennis
WTC plan Approved. A structure that will stand 1,776 feet in the NYC skyline. It will be the tallest tower in the WORLD!!!

I have never been to IOA. I find it VERY hard to believe that ANY park could top Cedar Point. During the open season, that is.


"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"

I've seen that show. I've been to IOA.

I suspect that IOA "bought" their #1 ranking. The fantastic theming of that park covers up the fact that it doesn't have any rides in it. My tendency is to 'rate' parks based on whether I'd want to go there or not, and I can think of at least a dozen parks that come out ahead of IOA on the 'preference test'. In no particular order, Cedar Point, Kennywood, Kings Island, Canada's Wonderland, Holiday World, Indiana Beach, Silverwood, Hersheypark, Six Flags Great America, Seabreeze, Busch Gardens Williamsburg, and Six Flags Mid America to quickly name twelve...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

If Playette had her way, she would never set foot in CP again. Period. Frankly, she doesn't really have to, but she winds up coming along somehow.

The second she crossed the turnstile into IOA, she began squealing in delight. She hadn't been on a single ride, she hadn't walked into a single shop--but ecstatic nonetheless. Why? Because this park was an thoroughly immersive escape. It took her out the world as we know it and into an imaginary street bazaar...and that was just for starters.

I'd rather stand in a long line at IOA than CP any day. A longer IOA queue means more segments of the themed waiting areas are open; you can see elements you may have missed before. By my third day at IOA, I quit using my Universal Express altogether just to stand in line.

When you build rides that are easily 4-5 times the cost of your average CP coaster, you're obviously gonna have fewer rides. But far more of IOA's top-drawer rides can be experienced by whole families than CP's. Fewer 'parent swaps' and left-out children make everyone's day better.

The thrill rides they do have are as good as anything anywhere, and even the rides they have in common with CP are far more memorable. I live 20 minutes from a PT, but I'd trade it for Dr. Doom's Fearfall any day. I just giggle uncontrollably on that thing. The mist, the strobes, that hokey soundtrack...it's just so danged funny.

Believe it or not, there's more to a park than coasters. For a great many people, IOA's got more of what they're looking for. The thrills are good, the sims are astounding and how do you top the Caro-Seussel?

Say what you will, but I'll say this: If CP and IOA/USF were both the same distance from home, I'd visit CP during big attraction seasons but buy season passes for the other parks.

The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

Yea, I totally agree with you Playa....But, if you are looking for major thrills, CP is the better park for that....Sure you can ride and reride the 2 coasters at the park(4 with the small ones). But, for me thats just not enough. CP does need to work on the theming there, I hope from now on CP will try better at theming. Hopefully, TTD will be a start of somthing new at CP.

- Dennis
WTC plan Approved. A structure that will stand 1,776 feet in the NYC skyline. It will be the tallest tower in the WORLD!!!

why did they spend so much time focusing on SF:Darien Lake? I live a little over 2 hours away from it and its not that good. I think the only coaster there that doesnt have a clone is the predetor and a) its extremly rough, and b) it is a wood coaster, therefore it isnt cloned much anyways.

(the clones are: boomerang, S:RoS(this is a good coaster though, I have to admit), viper, and Mind Eraser.)

You'd rather hit up the Jack Rabbit and the Bobsleds at Seabreeze than the Hulk and Dragons at IOA? Rideman, you ARE a true enthusiast!
Why is CP #2 in those poles? I'll tell ya why! I'll bet ya'll ten bucks that well over half of the people on the staff that choses the ranking of the parks have never so much as entered the gates of Cedar Point much less ride the rides. Sure, numbers talk, but untill you've expirienced it yourself, you can't judge what's the best. I guess all that's important is that CP is number one in my heart!! Just my two cents.... :) ~Diana
Sandcastle Registration Gal 2003
I didn't see the show, but I have been to both Universal FL parks (and Cedar Point of course) and I think that this is one of those things you can't really compare. For example, if a poll consisted of all middle-aged parents, than IOA might come out on top. But Ohio natives or thrill-seeking teenagers might give you a different answer. I personally like IOA better, but that's just me.

Agent Stinky

Wise men say, a world without coasters is monotony.

The annual Discover Channel shows on amusement parks and top ten countdowns for rides don't give Cedar Point proper credit either. Usually Cedar Point gets about 3 minutes of the show, and the rest is Six Flags or Bush Gardens. Last year they spent a lot of time on Six Flags version of Wicked Twister and how it was unique and ground-breaking, and ended by mentioning that Cedar Point has the same ride only taller and faster. The year before, the MF didn't even make the show that was about extreme thrill rides, lol. Finally, Discover Channel did a show only about Cedar Point, but that one had about 25 minutes on how Breakers was run. The Discover Channel offends my biased love for Cedar Point, LOL! =) Yes, I do watch the Discover Channel a lot, hehe.

To have any park ranked above CP on a show called "Worlds Greatest Thrill Parks" is just plain silly. <insert silly smile here>

*** This post was edited by alundra238 4/13/2003 9:39:07 PM ***
*** This post was edited by alundra238 4/13/2003 9:45:32 PM ***

If the show really meant the best thrill park, I don't know how CP could be beat. I hate to say it, but I bet SFMM could give you better pure thrills than IOA. Their sim rides and theming might be nice, but the best theming can't produce the same effect as a first timer on MF screaming as the they realize how high they are just before the plummet 300 feet. If it's an overall or theme thing, than CP is beat, but for straight adrenaline pumping thrill rides, hands down CP.

Enjoy your ride on the big bad bug

Yea i know whats up with that? They should be thinking of the thrill ride perpective.

Could TTD be any taller?

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