
darkrider68's avatar

Yep, taking the law into your own hands can go horribly wrong. That's why I'm attempting to take a zen approach to the million things that humanity does just to irritate me.

Scottyf said:
It is a big deal.
You think it's not a big deal.
You were completely wrong in that situation.
You don't think you were wrong in that situation.

Did I miss anything?

OK.....I was in a public park outside with no smoking ban whatsoever, I moved my ciggarette to the opposite hand as the family walked by and did not take a puff or blow smoke as they walked by. I only laughed at how fake and dramatic she was trying to make a scene as she shouted at me, I just kept walking and did not say a word to her, well because I didnt care to get involved with a screaming woman in a public park that was ovbiously embarrasing herself and her kids.

Get over yourself...

Last edited by clevelander,

A smoker who can't spell "cigarette". So the senselessness continues past the act of actually smoking.

djDaemon's avatar

clevelander said:
OK.....I was in a public park outside with no smoking ban whatsoever...

The reason bans have to exist is because jackasses cannot be counted on to be courteous to others. And no, you were not being courteous by moving your cigarette a whole 2 feet further away from a child.

So thanks to you and others like you, it won't be long until that ban does exist.


MaverickLaunch said:
A smoker who can't spell "cigarette". So the senselessness continues past the act of actually smoking.

Dude it was a freaking typo, so sorry that I have sinned in your eyes. I do not even know why I am responding to you anyway. I normally skip over and not read anything you say because your disgusting, arrogant, self righteous religious views make me want to vomit. Do me a favor and never read or repsond to anything I post.....starting now.

Last edited by clevelander,

djDaemon said:

clevelander said:
OK.....I was in a public park outside with no smoking ban whatsoever...

The reason bans have to exist is because jackasses cannot be counted on to be courteous to others. And no, you were not being courteous by moving your cigarette a whole 2 feet further away from a child.

So thanks to you and others like you, it won't be long until that ban does exist.

I was a good 5 feet away from that family outside...wait why am I explaing anything to you either? Read my post above to the chosen one himself and please follow the same advice. Just dont reply to anything I post. I know this will be hard for you since all you seem to do to get your jollies is try to correct everyone on here and argue every point they make by being an arrogant ass. OK...starting now.

Last edited by clevelander,

If you hold your posts two feet away on the opposite side, I will not read them.

Just so you know, if you are anywhere near them, your cigarette will be smelled by a non-smoker. You probably don't realize this, being a smoker whose nostrils are perpetually caked with the sweet scent of cancer. I know instantly when I'm within 25 feet of a smoker, which means I'm inhaling their crap. This is the point I scan the area, zero-in on the person and instantly hate them and everything they stand for. It's nothing personal, except for the hating part.

Pete's avatar

Being a nonsmoker I love the smoking ban but Clevelander did nothing wrong. There is not a smoking ban in any outside public park that I know of. That woman was way out of line and made a fool of herself. The indoor smoking ban is about a smoke free workplace which I totally support. But let's not step on our freedoms by critisizing someone's use a legal substance in a place where it is perfectly legal to do so. If that woman was so concerned about her kid getting 15 seconds of second hand smoke, she should have turned around with her kid and walked the other way. Clevelander was perfectly justified in walking in the park smoking and did nothing wrong.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks,
than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

I have the same right to legally fart, pick my nose and eat it while standing next to someone, but that doesn't mean it's kosher. Defining a behavior strictly by legality alone is a mistake.

And yeah, the woman was an idiot too. It's amazing how often both sides are idiots in a situation like this.

^All those things you mentioned Scottyf are all healthier for you than smoking. I would rather someone fart in front of me than smoke in front of me. I know that smell of someones fart won't make me gag like a cigarette would. :)

I don't know Shawn, some farts do make you gag and even bring tears to your eyes. But they are not hazardous to your health.

^ Except of course, in the state of California.

Cedar Point fans since when Blue Streak was still the " big one".

Detroit Basketball's avatar

How did people cope with the smoking at CP before they adapted to a smoke free park with designated smoking areas?

Super Stew's avatar

djDaemon said:

clevelander said:
OK.....I was in a public park outside with no smoking ban whatsoever...

And no, you were not being courteous by moving your cigarette a whole 2 feet further away from a child.

I personally can't stand cigarettes either and wish they would ban them outright, but what was he suppose to do - turn and run the other direction ??

If someone is blazing up next to me in a place where smoking is permitted, and I notice that they're making a conscience effort to try and keep it out of my face, I think they are - in an ever so slight way - being courteous ... Also, we as non-smokers can choose not to subject ourselves by avoiding the venues that allow it all together.

Last edited by Super Stew,

I was super before Super Stew was cool !

djDaemon's avatar

Pete said:
But let's not step on our freedoms by critisizing someone's use a legal substance in a place where it is perfectly legal to do so.

This has nothing to do with legality. Based on Clevelander's behavior here, I would be willing to bet a month's salary that his description of that incident is highly edited from the reality. I'm not suggesting he blew smoke in their face, but I suspect he did more than laugh in her face, and even that is as childish as the woman's behavior.

If that woman was so concerned about her kid getting 15 seconds of second hand smoke, she should have turned around with her kid and walked the other way.

Just... no. Why should someone who's doing nothing harmful be forced to change their behavior to avoid someone who is doing something that is harmful to others? And yes, I realize that second hand smoke in outdoor environments isn't the same as in indoor environments, but there are a lot of other factors to consider: proximity, air movement, number of smokers, etc.

Super Stew said:
what was he suppose to do - turn and run the other direction ??

He could just be courteous enough to not smoke in a public park where kids are nearby.

Also, we as non-smokers can choose not to subject ourselves by avoiding the venues that allow it all together.

I totally agree when it comes to patronizing private businesses. But that doesn't hold true at all for public spaces.

Last edited by djDaemon,


Paisley's avatar

Detroit Basketball said:
How did people cope with the smoking at CP before they adapted to a smoke free park with designated smoking areas?

We made it through somehow. Sometimes smokers would offer to trade places depending on the wind direction. I never smoked but many of my extended family members did so I never felt any need to get my panties in a knot over it. I don't like it when people don't stay in the designated spaces at CP but most do so I'm not going to stress out over the ones that didn't. I'm there to relax.

The smoking that used to go on in lines was horrible. There were times it was so bad that I left the line. Especially rides where the lines moved really slowly, there was just no escape if you got stuck next to a smoker.

clevelander said:

Dude it was a freaking typo, so sorry that I have sinned in your eyes. I do not even know why I am responding to you anyway. I normally skip over and not read anything you say because your disgusting, arrogant, self righteous religious views make me want to vomit. Do me a favor and never read or repsond to anything I post.....starting now.

Wow. Vomit? Well the smell of smoke makes me want to vomit. Perhaps we should avoid one another at all costs, it would be like the collision of matter and anti-matter.

My personal religious views rarely come to bear in these forums, but remember, we are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs. Just because you don't like them doesn't make them "disgusting" or "self-righteous".

I happen to think that anyone who smokes is a disgusting, filthy, and stupid individual for what they do to their bodies and those around them. But then I have friends who smoke, and it's not like I try impaling them with a wooden stake. I just point out their stupidity, and move on. Much as I tried to do here.

JuggaLotus's avatar

Shawn Meyer said:
I know that smell of someones fart won't make me gag like a cigarette would. :)

Challenge Accepted.

Goodbye MrScott


e x i t english's avatar

I can't stand the smell of smoke, at all. I hate it for the most part, but I've said it before and I'll say it again - as much as I can't stand it, just because you can smell smoke for a quick second, doesn't mean you've got instant cancer.

Secondhand smoke outside is way different from inside, and even though it disgusts me, if I can get away from it, I'm usually OK.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am totally against people rudely smoking everywhere without concern for others. That's why the smoking areas were put into place. Call it a forced courtesy section, if you will. I hate eating outside at Panda Express when the wind is going the wrong way, because a whole area of smokers is way more concentrated than a wayward midway wanderer.

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