Contracts 2001:

after you fill out your contract and send it in,do they send anything else via mail,or is there nothing untill you process in?
It depends on your department and your manager. I send a letter to my employees telling them what to expect when they get here, new employees get a handbook about the department, and I send out an e-mail newsletter with what's going on, whose been hired, etc. about every two weeks. Many divisions and departments wills end you lots of stuff, while others may not send you anything. It all depends on where you are working.
By the way.. you are going to love Meanstreak. I don't ride it too much anymore, but she is still my baby ! Take good care of her for me.
hi jenn
have you worked mean streak?if so how is it?
I was the Assistant Team Leader the first year it was open and the Team Leader the second year it was open. I loved working that ride. It's fun, but not as stressful as something like Gemini or Magnum. You don't have to worry about set-ups as much ( you'll learn about those) and can stack trains in the station and breaks if you need to. The goal is to NOT stack trains, as any coaster enthusiast will tell you.. and we use to have competitions to see if we could have a hundred trains go out of the station without having to have other trains stacked in the breaks and waiting to come into the station. The crew got to 99 once and then we had a guest who couldn't get their seatbelt done!!! But.. it was fun! You will like it. I know a few of the people who will be on the crew this year.. you will have a great time. If I can ever find time to take a day off I want to work a few hours on Meanstreak this summer!
Thanks a lot Jenn for all of your help. I am totally excited!!!! I made about a dozen phone calls to my family yesterday. I look forward to working with an excellent group!!! By the you send out the handbook with the employee agreement? Or does all of that info get sent later?? Just a thought...:)
ATL of Cads *** This post was edited by badmetalpurple on 2/13/2001. ***
thanks jenn,sounds like ill have fun this summer.hope to see ya on mean streak this summer.
How soon can I expect this handbook, I suppose that I really would like to learn as much as I can before i process.
Matt, You get the manual the day that you process in. You'll love working back in zone 4. That's what zone Millennium Force is in. Plus you have a cool ATL.

2001 Team Leader Zone 5 Sweeps
ATL???? Oh, and when can I process in? Jenn said the Friday before my first weekend, but I would like to do it earlier, and, is that when you get your id? These questions came to mind today.
The ATL is the Assistant Team Leader. Basically the ATL is the person who is the second person in charge of a particular crew. The Team Leader (TL) is the person responsible for a particular crew. You can only process in on the date that it says on your employment agreement. When you get it in the mail, in the middle of the page it will tell you what date to process in on. When you do that you'll get your id, manual, uniform, meet your suporvisors, and Jenn.

2001 Team Leader Zone 5 Sweeps
Matt.. the handbook and several other things will be mailed to you sonn.. OTHER Matt.. it's a new handbook I am doing for 1st year employees. TL's will get a copy too.. so that they can see what I am sending to their new employees. Also.. local employees can begin processing in during april. HR will send you a letter giving you the dates
hey jenn,do you know if i will be getting any handbooks or other things in the mail before i process in?


****the name's Bond, James................What's the line again????
Hey everyone! I am one of the "rookies" joining Cedar Point this season. Got hired on January 22nd and I will be working in Admissions. I am really looking forward to working and getting a break from the west coast. :)

-Jason S.
Welcome to the NorthCoast!

Hothitz.. once you send your contract back in you will get a letter from your manager telling you what to expect when you get here, what to bring, etc. I also believe he has been sending e-mails out to his employees to welcome them, but not sure if he has started that yet. Your manager is a great guy ( not as great a manager as me of course :) ) and you will really like working for him. Northcoast.. I believe your manager will send you a letter as well. I am pretty sure that all the Park Op managers do! I know the Foods Managers do. and I am pretty sure Merchandise and Games do as well.. just in case anyone else is going to ask :)
Jenn is the most popular person in this thread!

You're the #1 manager at the Point. :)

Mike Loy is #2.


*** This post was edited by Matt on 2/15/2001. *** *** This post was edited by Matt on 2/15/2001. ***

I have been trying to get a hold of u... just wondering how u are..... it just seems like when i post a message here it never gets posted.... anyways just wondering how u are....


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