Congratulations to the new Silver Tag

Congratulations to Steve Voorhees for being hired as a new area manager at Cedar Point. He will be greatly missed at Geauga Lake, but I know he will do a great job keeping Area 2 in shape.

*** Edited 1/15/2005 2:43:47 PM UTC by Avalanche Sam***

John McCain: The Ride

Being Mavericky since 2007!

I thought it was area 2?..oh well.

Congrats to Karrah too, Asst manager now!

CP&LE RaiLRoad / Thunder Canyon / Gemini 04
(Worked MF-Fridays on Halloweekends, but always loyal to ZONE 4 BABY!!!)

.. Congrats to Steve, I know he's worked really hard for this job over the years..

Who knew our little big eared, smiling boy would grow up so fast..

My question is, why the shift?? Did someone leave? Did Chris finally graduate from law school???

Sure makes for an interesting season at "The Lake" already doesn't it???

*** Edited 1/15/2005 11:16:53 AM UTC by Red Garter Rob***

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
R.I.P. Fright Zone, and Cyrus along with it.

Congradulations Steve V. !! You will defiantly be missed at the lake. Maybe someday i'll be back over at the point working for you again..;) It's going to be an interesting summer at the lake now. We all know you handle/did everything.

CP 98'-03'Park Operations
GL 04-07' Park Operations
CP 06',07' Fear Faire
CP 08' Ice Show tech/rides, Fright Zone
CP 09' Admissions/Fright Zone

Congrats Steve!!! I can't wait to work with ya this summer!!!

Gemini Crew '02
Camp Snoopy ATL '03
Gemini TL '04,Lifeguard and admissions @ castaway bay'04&'05
Lifeguard ATL '05

Steve, I can't believe we were just hiring people last weekend, and now you are gone! But I am very excited for you! Give me a couple years, and I'll be working for you again, you'll see!

Well done buddy!

Congrats Steve you really helped the transition at GL, helping us to become GL and not SF v. CP. I'll miss you bud but you'll see me up at Point. Remember what I said about joining you up at Point ;).

XF 01, RWB ATL 02, RWB TL 03, Rides Zone 3 Sup 04, Rides Zone 1 Sup 05

That's awesome. He was one of the friendliest employees I ever came across in the 2003 season and he did a great job. I'm glad he's back at CP this season.

-B.S. Civil Engineering, Purdue University

Good luck to you Steve! You did a great job at GL and im sure you'll do just as good, if not better at CP! Congrads!


Wow! Congrats! Wished I stayed on board sometimes. Remember who got you winter jobs at Boston Mills though. Me... all me.

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