Complaints, corporate, and other things.

(editorial begin)

I can't help to notice all season long that both here and over at Coaster Buzz there has been a lot of complaints about CP's new polices and problems people have had w/ employees. There has been a lot about the lack of crowd control in the MF queue, a few things about rude MF operators, and rude employees all over the park in general. I have not seen a whole lot of it myself, but I believe that CP or on a higher note, CF is way below projection for the year 2000 with CP. There maybe a lot of tension in corporate that is trickling down to general employees that maybe causing some of this. When you look at it from above you can see what maybe contributing to this problem:

1.CP was hoping to have the record longer than 14 weeks, thus killing the marketing plan (highest, fastest, ect.) that was first intended.

2.A few mechanical problems at the beginning of the season that caused the ride to be shut down a few times for an entire operating day.( I was there on one of these days, and it was not a pretty scene at guest relations)

3. Ticket to Ride: We all know the deal with this thing. Need I say more?

4. It made No. 2 for the Golden Ticket and not No.1. Whether this contributes...well...your guess is as good as anyone's.


1.Rainy and cool season this summer, probably lower attendance than expected, Soak City's attendance probably next to nothing. Lower attendance = lower profits. Probably the biggest factor of all.

2.This may also be why they have started Millennium Mania, to make up lost profits cause by a cool, wet summer.

There are also a lot of little things that expose a nervous corporate office. Toward the middle of the season, you could enter the park only once with a season pass, thus having to have your hand stamped if you left for a while.

(editorial end)

What I have said in this post is strictly speculation, an editorial of sorts. Does anyone have anything to add, particularly employees?
"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
I been to the point numerous times in 2000, and have not seen Employees being rude or mean. I think Cedar Point has the best park employees around!

Millennium Force still drew MILLIONS of people. Sure it might have ruined the advertisements, but I'm sure the attendance was right where Cedar Point had pictured it. I do have to agree with you about MF being down a lot in the beginning stages. A lot of the new coasters do have down days, but MF was just plain BAD! With the golden ticket, well I don't know if that is accurate, when people vote for Magnum chances are they weren't to CP in 2000. :(

I don't think attendance was down at all. Sure the rain played a little part, but the August Satudays made up for that.

I don't think CP has changed for the worst in 2000, I think they have changed for the better with the exception of TTR!!! :)

201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI *** This post was edited by Cedar Creek Mine Ride on 9/6/2000. ***
The only experience I had with rudeness any years was this year with the Snake River Falls girls. I seen one girl get in some mans face and yell at him because his toe was on the yellow line. Which I could understand if the person was being rude the whole time and not listening to the ride ops. But he was just with his kids and had his toe on the line. Then on one other occasion this year I had a lady yell at the riders because they had trouble understanding what she was saying. Getting yelled at for nothing isn't much fun, but it was a bit funny to come back into the station and see the girl yelling and getting frustrated with the next boat. Rudeness like that is something that bothers me. The Snake River Falls ride ops wins the honorary "Mantis Crew of Excellence" award.
But honestly that was my only sore spot. Every other crew was great this year. But the best ride ops this year was "Gemini" we rode that ride 7 times in one day just because the ride ops were down right funny. The ride was pretty good to, but it was the crew that kept us laughing.

Oh ya if I were to hand out other awards this year

Mantis this year would take most improved crew

MF, kept the ride moving pretty smooth on my trips so they get the "Speedy Gonzales" award

Gemini took home the "MVP" and "Best ride speeches: Please don't drop anything off of Gemini, because CP will not be responsible, CP is not responsible for anything, so sit back and enjoy the ride, I know I would (or enjoy the ride as much as I enjoy working here)" and many other great lines.
I have experienced no rude nor mean employees. Every single person that works at CP that I talked to was very outgoing and polite. Onto the award subject, I think the second spot is remarkable considering that the ballots were sent in May and had to be returned in July only giving thrill riders 2 months to Go Full Force. Cedar Point received many honors for 2000, like having 3 of the top 5 steel coasters in the world! Be proud of the Point! :)

14 and Counting!
Got The Po!nt?
Jeff's avatar
I think you way over analyzed everything Vince...

First off, Cedar Point knew Steel Dragon was coming a long time ago. That was a hardly a surprise. It had exactly zero impact on their marketing and most of the general public doesn't know Steel Phantom from Woodstock Express.

In fact, the research that I've heard put the "reach" of Millennium Force at something like 100 million people the week of media day. You can't buy that kind of publicity.

The mechanical problems, when you look at it from a big picture perspective, were negligible and affected fewer people than we'd like to think. Heck, as far as new ride launches go, this one wasn't that bad.

Ticket to ride was a mistake, but it didn't really sink in until people were lining up to ride at 1 to be first in line when TTR ended at 4. For better or worse, the park tried to work around an already managed expectation: long lines. Guests expected it and dealt with it.

As far as Golden Ticket Awards, what are you talking about? They didn't set out to get any awards. The sheer fact that no other ride has ever debuted that high pretty much puts any doubt of the ride's significance to rest. Furthermore, John Q. Public doesn't know a Golden Ticket from a speeding ticket.

Weather hasn't been great but attendance at Cedar Point will be high compared to previous years (some of the other parks have been a little weaker). I've heard from People Who Know(TM) that they won't meet projections, but that's because certain people aren't good at making projections.

There have been a fair number of complaints against the MF crew this year, and I suspect it is a pressure thing combined with some personality problems (see: Mantis '99). However, you're not going to find Dick Kinzel and board members standing at the exit saying trains are dispatching four seconds too slow. The pressure comes from the paranoid safety manager if you ask me. As they've found out, the ride is probably one of the safest they have.

You will find them standing at the exit watching the smiles come off of the ride and knowing that they've got a home run.

They have nothing to be nervous about. They'll ride The Force's wave for another year. They'll be highly profitable again this year. The stock dividends will continue to be nice. Halloweekends will be the best attended ever. And just wait until you see what they have planned for next October...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 39
This isn't stuff I'm making up people... I was just making an observation on what I have read and seen over this season both here and other places around the net. Jeff take a chill pill... I don't care if I'm right or wrong, I was just trying to make a point of how I see it based on other peoples thaughts. There has been a higher number of complaints being posted this year, than last, and I just don't understand why. Don't criticize me, because I've had no problem this year, fact it has been one of my better years. You people get too defensive sometimes....RELAX!;)

"Magnum + Prozac= Millennium Force
There are a higher number of complaints this year for all amusement parks and that will continue to be a trend in the coming years. Why? First and foremost is the quality/quantity of employees. I guarantee you that Cedar Point is hiring people this year that they would not have given a thought about 10 years ago. Unemployment is at a record low and jobs abound that pay more than the amusement park industry.

Look no further than Orlando to see the problem. Universal and Disney are going to have to install revolving doors in their H.R. departments.

While CP can still put the "All American Face" on the coasters (though I contend even in rides it is becoming a problem) the other positions are more important. Nothing ruins a day quicker than dirty bathrooms, long food lines, cold food, etc. The only reason it is an issue at Cedar Point for some people is b/c CO has done it so right for so many years that it is apparent when things are wrong.

Compared to Six Flags, Paramount and others...I still say CP maintains the edge...for now.
getting us wondering about next october alredy jeff?
how long before you make everyone quit guessing on that one?lol
Pete's avatar
I thought overall that CP 2000 was top notch, for the most part. It lived up to my expectations and MF is just a fantastic experience. I saw them trying to fine tune and increase customer satisfaction at various points in the season. Things like closing the middle of the train, and keeping the back open, on light days is a new and very welcome policy at CP.

As far as the workers, I thought rides was as good as ever, and foods has actually improved with the large number of European and South American workers at the Point. These people seem just to be better workers than their U.S. counterparts. Maybe I'm being unfair, and I know there were many hard working and friendly Americans at the Point, but that's the impression I got.

So, as the season is going into fall, I'd have to say that I've had many great times at the Point this year, and I'm just as impressed with the operation as I've always been.
LuvRaptor's avatar
I am no "expert" since this year is only my 3rd year running being addicted to CP but there were a few things said here that I agree with and some I do disagree with
MF: All in all CP should be quite proud of this marvel, to me it did indeed pull in more people. I only remember one visit (in 12) it wasnt running, yes that was ugly as were the people's attitudes. As far as dependability is concerned,
remember SOB and all the bad that came with that coaster WHEN it was running. KI had a BIG mouth about SOB and NOTHING to back it up come premiere time. CP not only kept us up on the "birth" of MF, it delivered exactly what it promised and more. TTR: Never had to utilize it, think if people want to wait in line for 3 hours let them, but that is my personal opinion. Steel Dragon-an issue? I dont see me traveling out of the country to ride any coaster, so no issue for me.
Employees: No complaints about any of the ride ops
except maybe for the latest Mantis crew-have a prob understanding them sometimes due to their english accent. Some of the ops have acted "snippy" (none on MF-I loved the crews this year) but I chalked that up to how much they are paid and how hard they are worked. Yes, they all know coming in how much they will make, yes they are all FOREWARNED on their contract the job could have them working 60+ hours a week during the peak season. We all have to remember how old most of these ops are, for some it is their 1st "real" job-some are/were just wiped out. I am probably one of the few employees who is siked about working there (tomorrow is THE day!) but I think alot of that has to do with my age, the fact that working at CP is NOT my "real" job, this is my "fun" job, and I am doing it for the sheer excitment of working at CP. Period. I plan on being the best employee I can, the $$ to me is just icing on the cake.
Park appearance: OK so I do have one issue. I know that MF cost 25M but I do believe that CP needs to get motivated on painting certain things. The overall appearance of some of the buildings and especially some of the rides is sad. Raptor for one-please before the seagulls make this ride a permanent green and white ride, paint it-even the cars need done bad. The buildings on the midway (the dance hall really sticks out to me) it needs painted BAD. Mantis,
its blue color fading to purple, this ride was beautiful cause of its color combination when it opened a mere 4 years ago, now it's looking....well neglected. The ONE specific place that just irritates me is where the "toxic tunnel of terror" is every year. (By the main gate, by the carousel) the metal is painted greenish for the forementioned TTT and this looks BAD during the rest of the season when its NOT the ttt but a picnic area! I would love to see them do something with this particular area basically cause most of the public come in the park from the main gate--and it is RIGHT there!
I know that safety on the rides more important than eye appeal and I know we all felt safe ride after ride, so again CP gets a big smile for safety.

I had an awesome year again this year.

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
One compliment I must give CP is it's installation of hand sanitizers at many of the rides. While I myself couldn't care less, my wife and daughters really appreciated them. You never know who (or sometimes what) rode the ride just before you. Also Jeff, The Toledo Blade is reporting that attendance is down this year, also, FUN is taking a hit in stock price due to poor attendance at all FUN parks. THe are indicators that attendance was less than expected at CP.
Jeff's avatar
FUN closed at 18.12 yesterday, right about where it has been for months (take it from someone with 1,875 shares). In fact, compared to market indexes, it has remained relatively stable.

Vince: You put your opinion out there and asked what people think. How is responding to that "defensive?" How is that criticizing you? I should chill because I think you're wrong?

My point is that you're preaching doom and gloom when neither is present. If you disagree, tell me why point by point, like I did. I'm relaxed, how are you feeling?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 39
Even if corporate where nervous or tense about the season, I do not think it would have any effect on your average employee or ride op. I know that at the company I work for, I have no idea on a day to day basis what the CEO is thinking.
I think the number of complaints seems larger because the number of enthusiasts is growing. I have been going to CP for 20 years and have not noticed any significant change in the staff or the quality of service.,
To quote the toledo blade:
"Still, the Millennium Force has not fulfilled all the firm's expectations. Officials hoped it would produce attendance records, but Mr. Kinzel, who won't divulge details, made it clear that no gate records will be broken"

Another quote from the same article:
"It was at about $19 a share when Cedar Point opened for the year in May, but has been hovering near $18 recently. It closed Friday at $18 a share on the New York Stock Exchange." That's a 5% drop or in your case it's a drop of $18.75.

I'm not knocking CP here I love the park. However, to say that the weather has not kept attendance below expectations is simply baseless cheerleading.
Jeff's avatar
The Blade's statement is unattributed. Every quote by Kinzel says they are pleased with the ride. Furthermore the company never said that they would break records, analysts came up with that conclusion on their own. That's a conclusion that the company would never make knowing that their revenue is so strongly tied to the weather.

The number of seasonal parks that can draw more than 3 million people per year is small, and it's reasonable to assume that there is a certain ceiling they might reach. The next logical way to grow the business is give them places to stay (that's why much of the capital improvment was in hotels) and give the guests new places to spend money (water parks).

The truth is they have an off year every couple of years due to weather. As someone said in that article, it's a built in risk. However, attendance IS up for the year, even if it is slight, and it could be argued that without The Force, they wouldn't have made any increases. That's not baseless cheerleading, that's what has really happened.

As far as the stock price goes, as I said before, it has remained relatively stable compared to market fluctuations, despite having two factors working against it: The fascination of investors with dot-coms (there are a lot of great values out there being ignored) and the recent announcement to issue additional shares to management and pay a lump sum to them as they transition out of the old compensation structure. If you have any intention of buying a nice long-term investment, buy now. $1.75 for the year per share still ain't bad.

More to the original point... even a "soft" year is a good year at Cedar Fair, and that aside from weather, Vince's notion of attributing a soft year to records, mechanical issues, TTR and Golden Ticket Awards is off the mark.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 39
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 9/7/2000. ***
To back up Jeff, when I talked to Monty Jasper on August 12th, he told me, a roller coaster debuting in the top 5 is unheard of, let alone, #2. I thought Cedar Point was having a banner year. I dont know numbers and I dont really care to know, but I know that attendance is up, and that most of the high brass is happy.

Final Force Count: 14
Charlie Brown's Cookout 2000
White Water Refreshments 1999
Stockade '97, '
Jeff, when you said "...And just wait until you see what they have planned for next October..." you sparked my attention, as you did WHOEVER's. Are you going to be dropping hints for a year because you know what will be built, or are you guessing yourself?
I had a few problems with some people working Gemini. Just "get the heck away from the yellow line" and "we won't let another train in until you get your foot off the line."

What he didn't know was that the person was tying his shoes (shoes balenced on the top step,) and the toe just happened to be on the line...

Also, it was kinda funny how, on Mantis, a girl got REALLY mad at my friend for putting his houlder harness a little lower so he wouldn't have to deal with the seat. She took the seat and JAMMED (and I mean JAMMED) it up into his groin. He was floating off the floor through the back section and on one s-twist he was so far up that his left leg inadvertantly kicked my shin.

Ban(shee Man)tis, what's not to get...?
I see here we have people talking about rude employees or employees that don't care. Well folks lets just take a few trips if you don't mind. First to Six Flags Ohio, where I have seen the laziest, rudest employees of any place I have ever been to. They don't give a crap about capacity, safety or anything for that matter. For Trip # 2 we are going to Kings Island, where the employees are better then Sixs Flags, but still don't care as much about safety, courtesy, and capacity as the Employees at Cedar Point. The Staff at Cedar Point is second to NONE people.
At the end of a long summer, working 10-12+ hours/day, six days a week (now seven because of no days off before bonus weekends), and having half your crew leave to back to college so your hours are longer, seeing the same stuff happen with guests day after day, don't you think the employees deserve a little slack? I've been there, I know how rough it can get at the end of the season. There is no excuse for just plain rudeness or poor behavior, but try to look at it in a little different light.

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew

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