Funny Superstew.....but so true!!! As I stated I would like to stay on the high road for now... probably will slip back every so often just to tweak a member or two....but will try to act my age....then again if I did that I wouldn't be riding coasters. Anyways, CoasterBuzz Club Members can now get into Coastermania at Cedar Point. I think that is a great thing! Thanks for bringing that update Jeff. It will allow more fellow enthusiasts to go to Coastermania.
----------------- Joey _________________________ CATHERINE ROCKS!! WHEN BIGGER BABEES ATTACK!!
The fact that the membership will get you into Coastermania is worth the $20.00 all by itself. I'll most likely join just for that reason alone and then whatever benefits come along besides that, will be a bonus.
------------- I was super before Superstew was cool!
*** This post was edited by Superstew on 11/10/2001. ***