Coaster Mania 2000

How do you register for coastermania. does any boby know anything about it.
Jeff's avatar
You have to be a member of a coaster club. Generally you show your card and get a button on site to attend the events. You still need to pay to get in (at a discount) unless you have a season pass. They generally have exclusive ride time on two coaster in the morning and two in the evening. They have a big lunch and a speaker mid-day.

I'll post the details when they officially announce them.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
ShiveringTim's avatar
Consider it offically announced. Flyers were handed out at the ACE No Coaster Con this weekend

Friday, June 2, 2000

5:30 am - Tollbooths open. Tickets available at Group Sales
6:30 am - Gates open
7am - 9am - ERT on Raptor and Millennium Force
9am - 10pm - Enjoy the park
2pm - 3:30pm - Meal at Point Pavillion
10:00pm - Summer Spectacular
10:30pm - Midnight - ERT on Mantis - "Stand up and scream like a banshee (get it?)"*
11pm - 1am - ERT on Magnum

Skycoaster special (groups of 3)
9am-noon $8 each
12:01pm - 4pm - $10

Regular - $24
Junior - $10
Senior - $22
Two-day - $51

Fine Print
Must be current, official member of an established amusement park or coaster club. Up to three friends/relative can be brought along.

* - it actually says this on the flyer
(Someone help me, I'm beginning to think like Dave when it comes to this stuff with the footnotes and all :) )

Scott W. Short

Jeff's avatar
Thanks, Scott... I'll post that in the news section post-haste!
Jeff's avatar
I asked Stephanie (my significantly better half and author of the "bug" articles in the feature section) about the mufflehead thing and she said there are too many variables to really predict if we'll get them again that weekend. If spring is unusually warm, she said they could be early.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
I don't mean to be a dipshi$ here but let me get this straight. Unless you work for cedarpoint or belong to a coaster club you can not get into the park on coastermania day being june 2. this is only for those people? kinda like those people from the basket factory who bought the park for a day. yes or no. Why am I asking this stupid question because before last year I never paid attention to CP, i hated coasters. Then I rode them one day (all of them) and am hooked. This is the first time i have heard of coastermania. I'm sorry, and thanks.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
Jeff's avatar
Anyone can get in that day, but you need to be a club member to attend the events.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point

Where (How) do I sign up for ACE or any other groups?
"I'm not riding Magnum, it's not safe"
Jeff's avatar
Check the links section of this site for links to ACE and ECC.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
LuvRaptor's avatar
OMG!! Now I have this severe conflict---
during ERT--ride Raptor or MF????
Hooper-Coastermania is the main (only?) reason that I joined ACE-but then found the Great Ohio Coaster Club that was very resonable to join compared to ACE-I think its like $20.00....
I mentioned this on a thread I wrote a while back-
I opted to skip paying the $50.00 for ACE this year and am just sticking with GOCC...
Raptor or MF?? MF or Raptor???
(I am sure this decision is easier for Dan-
Mantis vs Magnum...let me guess which one he will pick!! LOL)

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Can you be a member of the European coaster club, and still attend all of the ERT? Can you get in if you're a CP season pass holder?
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
No just because your a CP pass holder you cannot get in for the Coastermania need to be a member of a coaster club as well..your pass will get you into the park for free though..Europe membership should work..check with CP


Jeffrey Spartan
What about a guest speaker?

I really enjoyed the presentation by Ron Toomer, I was hoping we could here from somebody else. Or possibly a presentation on Millennium Force construction, with videos and a Q&A.

Tyler Adams
Cedar Point Web
ShiveringTim's avatar
There was no mention of a special guest on the flyer I received. But, there could always be a last minute addition. Who knows?

Scott W. Short
First of all: The park is open to the public for CoasterMania day. It's just that the public must wait until 10:00am* to take their first ride, and must vacate the park after the Summer Spectacular. The ERT sessions and the luncheon are for the CoasterManiacs only; all CoasterManiacs must be card-carrying members of recognized amusement park or roller coaster enthusiast organizations (ACE, NAPHA, CZ, ECC, NCA, etc). I wonder if NAARSO counts... :)

Second: The keynote address was a special for 1999. It used to be that at the end of the day they would do a reception, sometimes with a Q&A session. I particularly remember the session at CoasterMania '92 as a particularly interesting session...given by CP's director of maintenance and construction. But for the most part, CoasterMania usually doesn't include a guest speaker. Heck, they've been cutting back on the presentations at mealtime just because the group is getting so big that it is virtually unmanageable. Maybe they should use the movie theatre for CoasterMania's the one place that might come close to holding the whole group.

Third: I think it would be neat for the park to hold a "Question Time" like they do in Britain after the PM speaks...get some department heads in there and get them committed to answering questions so that we can grill them about Mean Squeak.....:) But I think they know all too well what would happen, so it isn't going to happen...:(

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

*Or whenever the ride starts up. The ERT rides open to the public at 10:00am. *** This post was edited by RideMan on 1/17/00. ***
Can you attend the events if you are an employee of Cedar Point?
Your probably be working that day. Seeing there open earlier and later.

On May 13th my life will have meaning again!
Of course, but what if you can get the day off.

Does this include the AGCC?

"I'm not riding Magnum, it's not safe"
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
it should as well as the GOCC (Greater Ohio Coaster Club)


Jeffrey Spartan

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