CLOSED September 5th and 6th

According to the CP website they are closed September 5th and 6th. Wonder why this is? Thats usually the start of halloweekends for the park.

Thabto's avatar

I think there is a park buyout on those days. And Halloweekends usually always begins 2 weekends after Labor Day.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

thedevariouseffect's avatar

That weekend wasn't the start of Halloweekends, that was later. Rev3 has habitually been in the park that weekend for years. Their website even lists a bit of ERT for them and the park opening to the GP on their websites schedule. I wonder if the park still is open just for them or if it was bought by another company. I heard rumor that Honda is in the park that weekend.

In the past that was my favorite weekend in the park. Right after my B-Day and usually a great non busy weekend to get all the rides in. I hope if the park is open to Rev3, etc. if there is a way to go in & buy tickets kind of like OSU day.

Hopefully more insight into this matter later.

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

That sucks. They WERE scheduled originally on Friday the 5th from 6p-10p. I had that day planned for a long time.

Ah well...

Chuck Wagon's avatar

Yeah I'm guessing some companies bought the park for those dates. They even have them listed at the top of the Cedar Point homepage, so I'm guessing it was finalized recently. I checked a few weeks ago and Cedar Point had no dates that appeared to be bought out. Kings Island has like 2.5 weekends (5 days) bought out.

It also looks like they extended the Sunday hours on the day before Columbus Day unless I missed that earlier in the season.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

DSShives's avatar

Hours have been longer on the Sunday before Columbus Day for several years now.

Steve Shives
First Cedar Point Visit - 1972
Dockholder-Cedar Point Marina

I'm not going anywhere near CP on Columbus Day weekend. I was there last year and we didnt even get out of the parking lot until after 2am. It was terrible.

I wonder what they do with hotel guests that have reservations that weekend and were planning on going to the park.

Chuck Wagon's avatar

I don't know what the official policy would be, but I would guess they still get to go to the park. A hotel reservation is money in the bank, and does not represent the majority of people in the park for any day.

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

I've tried several times to get a hotel for that weekend on property and Castaway Bay was the only one available. I'm guessing they knew of the closures much in advance. We have gone that weekend several times with minimal lines. I'm sort of disappointed!

I am bummed as well. Even though it was only 5 hours of riding that Friday night was a good night to marathon.

Could they be doing a triathalon event Friday night for the participants? Or maybe the park figures that being open to the public for a few hours on Friday just is not worth it if they are closed to the public on Saturday.

That has been called "Bonus Weekend" for some time now.

Back in the day, Honda used to have the park on Saturday. When the recession hit, Honda was no longer renting, and the park was open to the GP all weekend.

Last year, there was an organization (red cross or somebody?) that rented out the park the Saturday morning, before regular park opening at noon. I want to say they had the park from 8-12. We were staying in a cabin and were surprised to hear rides testing at 7AM.

Regardless, it's always a great weekend for getting lots of rides in. I suspect Sunday will be even better this year.

The 5th and 6th of September have been blacked out dates on the CP schedule since the season started. The REV3 triathlon is there these 2 days and the events use large sections of the park, beach and lot. I would be very surprised if any corporations have anything bought out on either of these days - other than for official REV3 happenings.

As far as I know hotel reservations on site have been blacked out for these dates all season, which is how I first found out about this back in May.

Chuck Wagon's avatar

As of July 13th, the CP schedule listed Friday, September 5th as an open day.

Edit: The forum doesn't like the web archive URL, so you'll have to copy/paste.

Last edited by Chuck Wagon,

-- Chuck Wagon --
aka Pagoda Gift Shop

thedevariouseffect's avatar

This was blocked out recently..

In years past the park was still open with Rev3. Also on Rev3's website, they list the schedule as the park being open to the public, and I believe it was Friday they offered ERT for all involved.

Either CP is shutting down that weekend, or Rev3 has bought out the park, or a corporation has. The mobile site lists it as closed for private event Fri & Sat, open public Sun. Which also that was changed between Sun & Mon.

Hopefully we get some clarification..If I have to pay to be a spectator/run a 5k to get in that weekend, why the hell not..I'll go do it..just no actual triathalon though :P

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011

Interesting, was the park supposed to be open for the 5th then but just the hotels blacked out? When I tried to reserve Breakers for the 5th and 6th it kept saying there was nothing available so I called into the reservations number and they said there was no availability for that weekend outside of the rooms reserved for "special event". As far as I knew all of the hotels on site are open, just booked up for the event.

Edit: I just noticed on the REV3 schedule it does say open to the public and I also remember seeing something about ERT for the REV3 participants. Also it appears the main triathlon events take place on Sunday 9-7 when the park is still listed as open. I guess I just assumed the entire weekend was for the REV3 as I couldn't get any reservations on site. Maybe some other company/organization did indeed rent out any remaining space to make the park closed to the GP.

Last edited by JUnderhill,

just because they are closed does not mean anything they are closed on these dates at other cedar fair parks. it means nothing

TopThrillDragsterRollback said:
just because they are closed does not mean anything they are closed on these dates at other cedar fair parks. it means nothing

Where was it stated otherwise? I'm not seeing anything where some type of conspiracy was mentioned here.

shamrockcb's avatar

I have a friend there now and said the park is open. They must have sold extra tickets?

Thabto's avatar

Um, that's next weekend.

Valravn Rides: 24| Steel Vengeance Rides: 27| Dragster Rollbacks: 1

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