Chaos for sale?

Ensign Smith

DBCP said:
I'll be the first to admit, Chaos isn't for everyone. You either hate it or you love it.

I love Chaos. My shoulders hate it.

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The picture definately looks like Cedar Point's. It would be too bad to see it leave Cedar Point. I really like Chaos. I laughed the whole ride the first time that I went on it and have loved it since. It is too bad that these rides have had such maitenance problems. It is a great ride idea that apparently just wasn't executed all that well from a mechanical stand point.

...and enjoy the rest of your day at Cedar Point, The Am-aaaa-zement park!



Okay, Michigan's Adventure doesn't actually still operate a Chaos, but I was giving them the benefit of the doubt that that might be one of them... Although, I now take that back, as there might be some liability on them if they were to sell a ride known to be prone to problems, and another problem were to occur.

Natas, the picture is clearly of Cedar Point's Chaos... Hopefully, it's just the photo being used to advertise the sale...

*** Edited 12/17/2006 5:10:43 AM UTC by DBCP***

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |



Cedar Point Man said:
Yeah Michigans Adventure Does not have one. They did until that nice accident they had. Right after Cedar Fair bought the park.

Yes, and aren't the tubs from MA's Chaos in the Mean Streak infield by the buiding?

I recall seeing Chaos style tubs stacked against the 5th and 6th Gemini trains/parts.

Once could clearly see the tubs from the Mean Streak mid-course.



Except... the Chaos at MiA was very much like the Chaos at Cedar Point, and the tubs in the Mean Streak maintenance area clearly prominently raw metal, with some color added... Although, it could be possible.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |



DrunkinMonkey's avatar

I love that ride. I say we all pitch in a little bit and buy it for the Drunkin-Monkey :)

"Water will be involved." MrScott 2006


Jason Hammond

Jason Hammond's avatar

As thoroughly as I can think of, I searched all the Cedar Fair proporties (including the Paramount Parks) and I could not find where the last 2 Chaos rides would be. So all I can think of is that they are no longer being used and just sitting in storage.

*** Edited 12/17/2006 5:54:47 AM UTC by Jason Hammond***

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Jump to Conclusions

I actually presented to someone in upper management why I thought that they should get rid of the Chaos at Cedar Point. Of course I wouild have to be quite naive to believe that I'm the reason they are in the process of taking it out.

The other issue is that Chaos, S:TE, Hypersonic, and Demon Drop are all on sale, but that doesn't mean that they will sell. They might keep them untill sale. Demon Drop has been on sale for a while yet it's still there.



DBCP - Actually, the restraint system on Michigan's Adventure's model of Chaos was different. I remember because I rode Cedar Point's model first and then went to Michigan's Adventure. The regular over the shoulder restraints were the same, but there was a sort of metal cage type of thing that went down and clicked into place. I understand that Cedar Point somehow changed the restraints on the their model recently. I didn't ride Chaos last year, but could parts from this older restraint system have been used to make those changes?

Also DBCP, I know that this is definately a picture of Cedar Point's Chaos. The reason that I used my chosen wording is that there has been no official announcement that their Chaos is for sale.
*** Edited 12/17/2006 5:54:58 PM UTC by Natas***

...and enjoy the rest of your day at Cedar Point, The Am-aaaa-zement park!


Ensign Smith

Is it possible that it's not Cedar Fair that's selling the Chaos units? Just because it's a picture of the one at CP doesn't necessarily mean it's that specific unit (among others) that's being sold. It could just be a file photo they decided to go with.

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Yes it's possible, but I wouldn't be surprised that they are selling them.Their experience with them has not been good.(Wasn't the one at CP down for a considerable amount of time last season?) They are being sold by a broker, and the "inventory" is more than likely from several sources, not just Cedar Fair.


Ensign Smith

That makes perfect sense. What are you doing on this site? ;)

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Natas said:
DBCP - Actually, the restraint system on Michigan's Adventure's model of Chaos was different.

I realize that... My point is that the tubs themselves look pretty much exactly like the tubs on Cedar Point's chaos, with the exception of those restraints.

That being said, the tubs in the Mean Streak maintenance area, while they have a similar, but not exact, shape, the color scheme is completely different than both Cedar Point's and Michigan's Adventure's Chaos. The fact that Chaos appears to be a branded ride, in that they all have the same design, for the most part, and color scheme, leads me to believe that whatever is in that maintenance area may not be a Chaos at all. Rather, just something that used similar tubs.

2007: Millennium Force, 2008: Millennium Force ATL, 2009: Top Thrill Dragster |



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