Cedar Point Shores - June 11


Went to the Shores yesterday and was a little disappointed.

First they need to take the tunnel that used to be by Magnum and put it where the walk way is from the marina! The traffic was horrible and we got there shortly after opening! And the tie up the CP cop that was waiting for two people, two people walking slowly along the fence to cross! Do it like NASCAR wait till there's a decent group and then let them all cross.

It was hot and I expected a big crowd but not li,e that! There were people everywhere and it just wasn't fun.

There's got to be a way to limit the amount of people in the water park. Other water parks and amusement parks do it. Zoombizie Bay is one and Busch Gardens is another. Don't know how they do it but they do. When one has to wait 45 min for food, that's insane!

Lessened learned, stay away from there in hot weekends!



With all respect, I hope you are not disappointed with the park, but rather your actual experience. Not to mention, if they limited the number of people they'd let in, can you imagine how many pissed off people with heat exhaustion would complain about not having the chance to get into the water park on a 90° day?

Can you at least tell us how the waterpark looks in terms of upgrades?



Water park is awesome. I was there the week before and it was spectacular. Just disappointed with the experience is all.

Like I said other water parks limit it, if you are worried, get there early!

CP doesn't disappoint just every so often have a bad (typically crowded) experience.

If you haven't been there yet, you've got to go. They did a fabulous job with the renovations.



Urumqi's avatar

I was there yesterday too and the crowds were insane. Fortunately, I predicted a large crowd (could've never predicted the vastness of the actual crowd, however) and reserved a cabana before they sold out. I'm not sure how, with a 4 year old and 6 year old, we would've survived the heat without the covering and a place to lay down. People were camping out on corners of the walkways just to have a place to sit. Left the water park around 5:00 to enter the dry park and was surprised with how little the crowds seemed there.

Tall and fast not so much upside down...



I saw a story over the weekend that one of the Six Flags had a two hour wait just to get in the waterpark. New England? Anyway, they also said the rides that day were easy-peasy.


XS NightClub

XS NightClub's avatar

Thank you CF for updating Soak City and advertising the heck out of it... Cedar Point has been Wonderfully slow the last two days and the Shores was packed (even on Monday). Enjoyed our multiple walk-ons on MF, Maverick and our 15 minutes waits for TTD both days.

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