Cedar Point responds to SFO announcement

Catch the dish at the Sandusky Register:


I really didn't think that they were worried at all. In fact, it points out that they welcome the competition.

Tertiary Adjunct of Unimatrix Zero-1

Jeff's avatar
I think the Six Flags Ohio (have I mentioned that's a stupid name?) GM is smoking crack if he thinks people are going to drive 250 miles to visit that park. I'll admit I've done that, as a coaster enthusiast, but who's gonna get my repeat business?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
See I told you they had spies.

I want to be a Cedar Point spy!

AKA: bodyin thewaterball fountain.

Paddlewheel Excursions: 12
Jokes on PE: 120
I never went there before, I have no interest in going there now. In fact, I have less interest in it, now that they plastered "Six Flags" on it, than if it were still Gauga Lake.

I mean, if you are going to go someplace special, why go to the McDonalds of amusement parks? I think it is a shame. These big companies have no sole. All they see are "branding" and more coasters. They don't see what makes these places charming and attractive. I think part of CP's strength, is the charming nature, and tradition involved in going to Cedar Point. The very act of going there is tradition. CP draws because folks know of CP on its reputation, history, and quality. Six Flags seem to only think in terms of "lets making something just like 14 other parks so people will want to do the same thing here."

People come from accross the globe to see CP. Gauga Lake might draw folks looking for unique places, things found in the area they are traveling. Putting Six Flags on the place, tells folks that they can save their money and go to their local park instead. I'm sure that park will do just fine. But it is not likely going to truly compete against the better known and better quality parks like CP, which get their fans the old fashioned way: They EARN them.

LuvRaptor's avatar
CP has NOTHING to fear with ANY park doing ANYTHING--I dont care how many coasters they add-I have never been to Geagua Lake or what ever its called now-and still have no plans on it. CP is 238 miles one way for me....and I will gladly drive those miles again for 2000--if people want to go check out SFO then let them-mean while we will be riding MF again and again......
(or me-probably Raptor!!)
PKI is only 62 minutes from me--havent been in 2 years-will MAYBE go next year to check out SOB---
but my heart belongs to CP!!!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
If a park that was part of the "McDonald's of amusement parks" was adding 4 new coasters as well as many other rides, I would sure as hell go, regardless of their prior reputation. I have heard may bad things about Geauga Lake before the big announcement that made me hesitate to visit. Now, I'd like to visit because I know Six Flags parks make big improvements in the parks. Sure, they add many clones and name rides the same names, but they don't just build for us, they build for the GP. How will Bob in NJ know that there are 2 other Medusa coasters across the US? Or that Six Flags parks have a million SLCs?
Jeff's avatar
You can be sure I'll be going, especially with all of the people comparing Villain to Ghost Rider. But will it cut into my Cedar Point time? Something 310-feet tall tells me know. ;)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Just to let you guys know. When I went to the Food Services training in April, the mangement of foods told us that Geauga Lake was going to be come Six Flags Ohio in 2000. So CP knew about this for a while.

Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
Hey, Matt...don't kid yourself... EVERYBODY knew Geauga Lake was going to become Six Flags. Neither Premier nor Geauga Lake made any secret of that...in fact, many people were surprised when it didn't happen LAST year. The magnitude of the changes was a little surprising, and may be related to Kentucky Kingdom having an attendance DROP after becoming Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom. Actually, the biggest surprise was the DUMB NAME they came up with for the park. --Dave Althoff, Jr.
MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

I was reading this old thread.
Sad to see what has really happened to this little park
I will miss Geauga Lake

MaVeRiCk AnD MaGnUm-XL200
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Dvo's avatar

Holy resurrection, Batman!

384 MF laps
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e x i t english's avatar

Quick, call the CP Police! :-D

WOW. Someone actually uses the search function. Brings back memories of when I first went their back in 2000ish. All the new coasters were nice and I really liked the park. I remember thinking this place will only get better. LOL. Boy was I wrong.

Jason Hammond's avatar

Yeah. Who knew building 5 coasters in 2 years wouldn't have a good ROI. :P

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The one that surprises me is Hard Rock. That was a good little park with loads of potential. Little pricey, but decent rides and great theming all around.

dsloban's avatar

I will never understand what competition there was between Geauga Lake and Cedarpoint! I love both parks because of different they were!

Life is like a rollercoaster! It is full of ups and downs

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

Every time i had gone to Geauga Lake i always had fun, It was allot different then cedar point. It was nice to get away from the crowds at cp and ride good coasters without having to wait two hours. Dont get me wrong i dont mind waiting 2 hours for maverick but it was just nice to get away from that every once in a while. To bad its all gone now.

MaVeRiCk AnD MaGnUm-XL200
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Jesz's avatar

It's funny to read old threads like this and see how it has all played out.

"You wanna, you gotta, you hafta hold on, Cedar Point...HOLD ON!"

MaVeRiCk 'n MaGnUm XL's avatar

I can understand somethings being funny but with Geauga lake closing. Well that is not to funny. Really Really SAD

MaVeRiCk AnD MaGnUm-XL200
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e x i t english's avatar

She doesn't mean funny as in funny "ha ha" - she means funny, as in ironic. Plays right along with the sad theme.

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