Cedar Point "Rare Entries II" Top Scorers

Blue Streak is blue from all vantage points. Those "white" supports are actually a light blue color!

Take a look at this pic:

Side note: Weren't the colors reversed at one point. Light blue track and dark blue suports?

Hypothetically, if I would subtract the 43 points from the six individuals who answered Blue Streak, only Loriu would move up into the top 15 entrants with less than 100 points.  The top ten rankings are unaffected (OK, except Lori would be #10)

Although it says here that the supports are white...


Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)

Having walked past the supports on blue streak many many many times during the summer, they are definitely blue.  Maybe on a nice bright sunny day they might look white, but they are indeed a darker sky blue. :)
2001 - Night Trash Removal
2002 - Something in the daytime... hopefully
LOL Not only do we have questions about the color of Maggie now blue streak, Blue Streak is absolutely 100 percent white except for the track.  I can't belive that many people said Jr. Gemeni I thought that one would be rather ocscure and put Corkscrew but then thinking that would have been too obviouos, oh well, I always thought Demon Drop was green to but thining about it I guess it is blue.
Ride of Steel's avatar
I don't see where it says the supports are white.  To me, that passage says

On days when the crowds are light (which isn't very often), Cedar Point occasionally closes the rear half of the train on some coasters. This shifts the weight towards the front and makes it easier for the train to traverse the hills.

I believe I deserve the points for it, it is blue.

Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01
"When it's all said and done
It's real and it's been fun.
But was it all real fun?"

My only regret is that I thought to myself as I was submitting my answers that "Sir Rub-a-Dub Tub's" is too attractive a ride name to pass up, and I should go with a more innocuous kiddy ride name.  But I didn't.  Otherwise victory would have been mine.  Still, I can live with a bronze medal.  Congrats to all!

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

Actually Natalie -- I didn't mean that it said so at the link.  I meant it said so here where I am.  The picture sure looks white to me. 

However, if having points makes you feel better, by all means subtract 43 from your score :)
Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)

Ladies Room - Tampax (made me laugh though)!!

Most Original! hehehe! I tried...can't really think that well during finals, but even with a brain that has the consistancy of Jello, I would have to say the blue streak is blue.

Gemini Crew 2001.
Wish me luck for LiveE.

Forget Blue Streak.... how can you people say Millennium Force is BLUE?!? it's INDIGO!!!!

lol... debate away now.

Tommy Penner - http://coolforce.tycoonplanet.com
"We shall go foreward, not back. We will go up, and not down. And twirling, twirling, always twirling to victory!"

Ok Ok Upon further review, I guess blue streak is a sky blue, insert foot in mouth.
I thought the whole point of this was just to have fun? Let's leave poor Duane alone and accept his rulings. Afterall, he DID say he was making the judgement calls when he posted the questions. I don't want him to throw his hands up and forget about ever doing this again. This was too much fun.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Where's my judgement call? Raptor S-curve is definitely an element....I used it because I knew it would be "rare"...
Yeah, isn't the S-curve the element between the cobra roll and the mid-course trims?
Break the scream barrier in 2002!
Wicked twists: 0
VertiGo flights: 4
MF thrills: 30
Ah heck give Duane a break. I can see question number nine on the next contest..."Number of people who will ***** about the scoring."

As Bill Murray once said in a movie made before most of you were born..."It just doesn't matter"

Duane please don't stop doing the contests.

Dave L. says often on his tv show, "remeber this is a friendly competition, please NO WAGERING"

It is all in fun and there are NO PRIZES or other rewards at stake.

Let's try to keep having FUN here or it will be a LONGER off season.

Hey CP_bound and Majin heero would you like some cheese with your whine!!  This was fun and Duane thanks for the time and effort!!
'sOkay guys... I'm made of Teflon.  None of it bothers me.  Some other contest will be online here after January 1. 

In the meantime, if you feel like you've been rooked, go ahead and subtract the appropriate amount of points and see where you think you should have finished.  It's OK.  Really.  I don't mind...)

I don't really care about the whole thing since I didn't enter (tried to, twice, but didn't get through I guess).  I'm not whining, because I have nothing to whine about, I just think CP_bound has a very legit answer.  I think the contest was great and all of them have been great and I'm glad that Duane is continuing them :)  
Break the scream barrier in 2002!
Wicked twists: 0
VertiGo flights: 4
MF thrills: 30

*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 12/8/2001. ***

Yeah, really...the answer had nothing to do with me gaining any places, I'm just surprised it wasn't counted.

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