Cedar Point "Rare Entries II" Top Scorers

Congratulations to the following folks who managed to score under 100 points on their entries.  Complete scoring and answers will be posted before the weekend.  (Apparently I forgot how long this does take after all).

Gemini - 61
Magnum Is Sinking - 64
Harley - 66
Old Timer Tim - 68
Coasta Playa - 71
ST Kara - 75
Biochic - 80
Pete Babic - 81
No Rules 2K - 81
UCSigEp - 84
Jeffrey Spartan - 84
Coaster Bud - 87
Mantomatic - 89
Old CPer - 98

Gemini's winning entry:

Blue ride - Demon Drop - 4
Raptor Element - Helix finale - 10
Overnight Stay - CP Marina - 5
Rental Item - Volleyball - 4
Cedar Fair Park - Soak City (SD) - 3
Front of Park ride - Peanuts Express - 2
Funhouse/Dark Ride - Laff in the Dark - 3
Peanuts Character - Lucy - 19
CP Sponsor - Landscaping John Deere - 3
Where to get beer - Macaroni's - 8

The rest of the scores:

101 Lil Kim
105 Shivering Tim
115 eric
117 Neil
121 rcred
122 Wicked Twisted Greg
123 Joe E
125 Kicks the Sky
125 Loriu
126 JCS290
128 Gemini Hand Smacker
129 Magnum Force
129 Wade
133 Michigan Man
133 Robodud
137 Flisk
141 Midway Man
154 Kally
157 Erin Murphy
157 Red Garter Rob
159 Valleyfair Fan
162 Chris Woodard
164 Julia
165 Gemini Witch
166 millrace
169 Millennium Rider
180 Ride of Steel
186 Vortex
187 siva II
201 Jaredb12
203 Wildcat Adam
209 Dan
218 Last Rider
212 Wolfhounde
254 CP_bound*

* answers were in incorrect order, and I pieced them together as well as I could figure.

ANSWERS GIVEN (most to least popular, i.e. worst to best, for each question)

1) Name any ride at Cedar Point that is blue as its primary color.  A "ride" is generally accepted as an attraction where the guest moves in some fashion (CP Cinema would NOT be considered a "ride").  "Primary color" refers to the color that is more dominant than any other single color.

8 Jr. Gemini
7 Matterhorn
6 Millennium Force
6 Corkscrew
4 Demon Drop
3 Tilt-a-whirl
3 Sky Ride
1 Sir Rub-a-Dub's Tub
1 Main Stream
1 Super Himalaya
- Blue Streak (predominantly white)
- White Water Landing (more green than blue - judgment call)
- Scrambler (predominantly orange)
- Avalanche Run (creative answer Dan, but rejected on the "no trick questions" provision)

When deciding which color was the primary color on each ride, I looked at a photo and judged based on the single color that most stood out. 

2) Give the name of any element on Raptor.  Examples of elements (on Magnum) would be "pretzel turn", "camel hop", etc., NOT specific parts of the coaster (chain lift, lap bar).

11 Cobra Roll
10 Helix
9  Corkscrew *
7  Vertical Loop
4  Midcourse Brake Run
3  Zero G Roll
1  First Drop
1  Lift Hill
- Transfer Track (nor storage area)
- S Curve (although I could be talked into allowing this)

"Corkscrew" has the asterisk because the same element was given several different names (inline, heartline, barrel, high speed spiral).  The actual list of elements differentiates only the Zero G roll and the Cobra Roll from the other inversions, therefore they were lumped together.

3) Name a property on the peninsula where a guest was able to make a reservation to spend an overnight period in the year 2001.

15 Sandcastle Suites
10 Hotel Breakers (and Breakers East)
9  Lighthouse Point
6  Camper Village
5  Marina
- Resorts Desk
- Cedars (VIPs accommodations, but no reservations are taken)
- Guest Services

While two of the incorrect answers are pretty clever, and probably even technically correct given the wording of the question, the intent of the question was clear to 45 of you.  Again, I refer to the "no trick questions" provision.

4) Give a name of any item that may be rented from the stand on the beach outside of the Hotel Breakers.

10 Umbrella
5  Beach Chair
5  Inflatables
4  Volleyball
2  Volleyball Net
2  Raft
2  Inner Tube
- Wagon
- Stroller
- Towel
- Life Jacket
- Kayak
- Wave Runner/Jet Ski
- Parasail
- Bathing Suit
- Wetsuit
- Goggles

Several of these items are available at North Coast Parasail, which I consider to be outside of the Oceana gate rather than outside the Hotel Breakers.  Perhaps I should have specified "NOT North Coast Parasail" but I thought it unnecessary.  Other items (wagon, stroller) can be rented elsewhere in the park, but not from that particular location.  Towels are loaned out rather than rented.  Bathing suit (again Dan) gets special mention for being clever since I didn't specify time and CP did indeed rent bathing suits back in the early 1900's.  However, the question was worded in the present tense, so I disallowed it.  That given, Dan's was probably my FAVORITE entry for the amount of thought that went into it.

5) Name any Cedar Fair park.

10 Cedar Point
8  Camp Snoopy (Mall of America)
7  Dorney Park
7  ValleyFair!
4  Knott's Soak City
4  Worlds of Fun
3  Soak City (San Diego)
3  Michigan's Adventure
1  Knott's Oasis
1  Oceans of Fun
1  Wildwater Kingdom

Unless San Diego (Chula Vista) was specified in the answer, I judged Knott's Soak City to be the Buena Park location.  Had anyone merely said "Soak City", I would have considered it to be Sandusky.  Oddly, nobody did.

6) Give the name of any ride between the main entrance and an imaginary line drawn between the Oceana Gate (2001) and the Marina Gate.

6  Sir Rub a Dub's Tub
6  Calypso
5  Raptor
3  Sky Ride
2  Turnpike Cars
2  Old Timers
2  Helicopters
2  4x4's
2  Police Cars
2  Cadillac Cars
2  Peanuts Express
2  Schwabinchen
1  Roto Whip
1  Space Spiral
1  Demon Drop
1  Disaster Transport
1  Dune Buggies
1  Midway Carousel
1  Blue Streak
1  Cedar Downs
1  Old Timers
1  Hot Rods
- Iron Dragon
- Dive Show

I keep forgetting about those daggone Kiddie Kingdom rides!  With so many choices, I thought this question would have the most singular answers.  All I want to know is "what is up with Sir Rub-a-Dub's Tub?"

7) Name any dark ride/funhouse that currently or once operated at Cedar Point.

16 Pirate Ride
10 Earthquake
3  Laff in the Dark
3  Noah's Ark
3  Upside-down Funhouse
2  Eden Musee
1  Bluebeard's Palace
1  Undertaker U
1  House of Mirth
1  Toxic Tunnel of Terror
- Disaster Transport
- Trip to Rockaway
- Caterpillar
- French Frolics

"Dark Ride" is a specific classification of amusement park/carnival ride, and therefore Disaster Transport doesn't qualify as it is classified as a roller coaster. 

8) Give the name of any "Peanuts" character that appeared in "Campground Capers".

19 Lucy
15 Linus
8  Charlie Brown
4  Snoopy
2  Sally
1  Schroeder

Very tough to score well on this one since there were only six to choose from.  On the bright side, all submitted answers were correct.

9) Name anything inside the park during the 2001 season that has a corporate sponsor (and name what is sponsored).

12 Snake River Falls - Pepsi
8  Summer Spectacular - First Energy
2  Dive Show - Huggies
2  Coasters - Pepsi
2  MJ IMAX at Cedar Point Cinema - First Energy
2  Dive Show - Meijer
3  Hand Sanitizer - Steris
1  Challenge Park Jeff Gordon Car - Pepsi
3  Landscaping - John Deere
1  Picture Spots - Kodak
1  Challenge Park M&M Car - M&Ms
- Summer Spectacular - Meijer
- Steris (only sponsor was named)
- Diapers - Huggies (sold, not sponsored)
- Millennium Force pictures - Kodak (sold, not sponsored)
- Peanuts 500 - Peanuts (licensing agreement, not a sponsorship)
- Electriciy - First Energy (creativity mention, but electricity is sold to Cedar Point as it would be to your own home)
- Millennium Force - Pepsi (not to my knowledge anyway)
- Johnny Rockets - (wholly owned, not a sponsorship)
- IMAX - Pepsi
- Ladies Room - Tampax (made me laugh though)

I'd be willing to change incorrects if proof is submitted, but I'm fairly sure these are correct as written.

10) Give the name of any place inside the park gates where you can purchase beer.

10 Lusty Lil's
10 Hofbrau
9  Red Garter Saloon
8  Macaroni's
8  Silver Dollar
2  Last Chance Saloon
1  Bubbles
- Oktoberfest


Thanks everyone for the great response to this game.  With any luck, it was a bit of a wintertime diversion and allowed you to learn a thing or two new about that plot of earth up on the peninsula.  Discussions are expected/anticipated about my judgment, but let's keep it civil OK?  Remember, we're not playing for cash prizes -- just to pass a little time.


*** This post was edited by DBCahill on 12/6/2001. ***

I'm so embarassed, for all of them I normally ended up in the top ten.  I put a lot of thought into some of them.
Magnum Count: 2166

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I gambled Dan and said the most obvious answers thinking people would surely stay away from them like Millennium Force for any coaster with Blue in it! or Breakers for a accomadations on point. The Gamble Paid Off!!! Ya see..pays to go against the Norm! :-)

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

Gemini's avatar
For #10, is Bubbles really "inside the park gates?"

Not that I should complain ... :)

Virtual Midway

Walt - You are correct.  When I wrote the question, I specifically used the word "gates" to exclude Bubbles, TGIFridays, etc.  When I did the scoring I missed the word.  I've corrected the score above of the entrant that answered "Bubbles".  Nice catch!

Dan - A little "too much" thought on occasion.  But again, if there were a creativity award, you'd have run away with it.

Jeffrey - Your strategy paying off this time should make for an increased level of strategy next time.  The more people that adopt your strategy, the less effective it becomes...

Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)

... and Duane, believe it or not I know CP "rented" swim suits in the 1980's (not that I ever took "advantage" of this service)

Once again Duane you have managed to help easy the pain of the off season.

I think we will allow you to buy the first round at the Red Garter!

Yessss!!!! Number 5!!!!!!!
Actually, I think I would have won this thing if I hadn't been killed by Linus (15 points).  So close....so close....

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 12/6/2001. ***

Duane, c-mon...the S-curve is definitely an element on Raptor...it's quite forcefull as well. I thought about writing something about if it couldn't be used to use the helix, but I figured you'd accept it.

With that aside, I didn't think I put them in the wrong order...oh well.

CoastaPlaya...I can feel your pain for putting Linus...I picked Lucy...once again I was done in by a woman!
You have 'Old Timers' listed twice for question 6
I'm happy I made the top 10, but I agree with Old Timer Tim because I DID rent a bathing suit for the beach in the 80's. And, like Jeff, I picked MF for the blue question figuring people would think that too obvious.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
You mean 23rd Wade! What your looking at is 11 through the end....Top 10 is up higher in Post 1

Sorry to burst your bubble...

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

*** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 12/6/2001. ***

Ride of Steel's avatar
While you're correcting people, Mr. Spartan sir, I'd like to point out that the top post is the top 14, or all people who scored below 100.  So you, also, are incorrect.  The list at the bottom is 15 to the end. 

I am lose in this game, but I still do not see how Blue Streak's predominant color is white.  The wood is painted blue.  http://www.guidetothepoint.com/thepoint/gallery/cp98bson.jpg

That looks like the sky blue to me...anyone else?  I rode it 50 times in one day, and it's most assuredly blue.  Thank you, good sirs.

Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01
"When it's all said and done
It's real and it's been fun.
But was it all real fun?"

I agree. Blue Streak is absolutely blue.
Ok, just have to ask how a few of my answers aren't right....

How is the transfer track not at element of Raptor...the train does traverse it with people loaded.

Putting in Guest Services, as you say, according to the wording, the answer is technically correct.  So, why not give points for being clever?

And blue streak not blue?

Don't mean to sound whiny, but just really curious why my answers were marked as wrong here.

One of us..
Creative coding
"Chetto panelview"
Duel means two

I suppose I'm not married to the ruling on transfer track, but I'm not thoroughly convinced it should be considered an element, either.

In re-reading the wording on the overnight stay question, I did ask specifically for a property.  That would indicate the actual place of the stay, not the place that the reservation was made.  "Guest Services" would be no more correct in that case than "my living room".

While the track is blue from the rider's vantage point, you would be hard pressed to convince me that standing back and looking at the coaster from any vantage point off the ride, the predominant color you see is not the white supports.

Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)

*** This post was edited by DBCahill on 12/6/2001. ***

They should name it white streak. :)

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 12/6/2001. ***

... or repaint it so they can call it Blue Streak! :)

Force Laps: 424
Wicked Twists: ???
6/11/01: Gemini 100

What about the vantage point of driving past it toward Soak City?  The reasons we see for questioning this is the white portion of the ride is the station and the track and supports are blue as are the trains themselves.  Under accepted answers you included rides such as force in which only the track is blue.  It just seems confusing to me.

One of us..
Creative coding
"Chetto panelview"
Duel means two

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