Cedar Point new security checkpoint

e x i t english's avatar

Indeed. Got wanded at the front gate and the beach gate when we came back from breakers. They were almost apologetic about having to do it, but at least they were friendly.

Pete said:

Well, today they have the checkpoint set up at the Marina gate. They hired Tenable instead of using CPPD. I had to stand there and be wanded in front and then had to turn around to be wanded in the rear (no pun intended). Although the lady was very nice the entire experience was stupid and said "welcome to county jail". You can bet I will visit guest services over the weekend to put in a comment on this " security ".

For some reason, I think Pete's complaint to guest services will be that the, very nice, lady didn't pat him down but used the wand instead.

MichaelB's avatar

I personally don't see the fuss about the security. If you're really that over pompous that you have a problem spending a few extra minutes going through security and having someone non-intrusively wave a wand around you, then you have some serious issues. I hope whoever made the decision to add the security laughs at all the complaints.

CPNostalgia's avatar

MichaelB said:
I personally don't see the fuss about the security. If you're really that over pompous that you have a problem spending a few extra minutes going through security and having someone non-intrusively wave a wand around you, then you have some serious issues. I hope whoever made the decision to add the security laughs at all the complaints.

Agreed. I read all of the posts on this thread and I was scratching my head over how everyone was so bothered by a taking a couple of minutes out of their time to increase their safety.

Last edited by CPNostalgia,

Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We've Slipped On and Egg Shells We've Tippy Toed Over

Some are bothered by taking their time up in a process that has questionable quantifiable security benefit (even if it has some psychological benefit)..

Paisley's avatar

A "couple minutes of my time" while I as an idividual go through security added to the couple minutes of everyone elses time as they go through the gates as individuals before me becomes far more than a couple minutes of everyone's time on a busy day. Those minutes add up. We will not be waiting only the few extra minutes it takes us as individuals to get through we are waiting the few extra minutes of every person in line before us plus our individual extra minutes. I don't usually go through the gates at busy times but for those that do this will cause more than "a couple minutes" of added wait time.

noggin's avatar

MichaelB said:

I personally don't see the fuss about the security.


If you're really that over pompous...

Over dramatic much?

...that you have a problem spending a few extra minutes going through security...

I have a problem with Security Theater: a show that accomplishes nothing and draws resources and manpower away from providing actual security to guests. Or football game fans. Or people heading to their airplane.

...and having someone non-intrusively wave a wand around you...

You can't wave a wand around me without intrusively invading my personal space.

...then you have some serious issues.

I do have serious issues: I take our Constitution liberties and rights very seriously.

You're okay with surrendering your liberty for (perceived) security. That's fine. But as dear old Ben Franklin noted, those willing to surrender liberty for security deserve neither.

Last edited by noggin,

I'm a Marxist, of the Groucho sort.

I was at the resort gate at opening on Friday when the checkpoint was in place. Never before in my life have I seen such a poor attempt at security theatre. Individuals were not checked at the point of entry, rather, the Tenable employees lackadaisically walked down the row of people waiting to get in, peeking in the occasional bag and wanding the occasional patron. What's more, there was nothing to stop someone joining their party already in line once the security officers made their way back.

Later, upon reentering the park through that gate my children were waved through and when I followed them (wearing shorts and a t-shirt, no bags) I was rudely told "EXCUSE ME!!" By the 18 year old security person so they brought me back to be wanded. Absolutely absurd.

I have no problem with a security checkpoint, as this is private property and upon entering we should expect to surrender some liberties and abide by any rules that are in place. But to call this "Security Theatre" is an insult to all other theaters. A complete farce.

HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

noggin said:

I do have serious issues: I take our Constitution liberties and rights very seriously.

You're okay with surrendering your liberty for (perceived) security. That's fine. But as dear old Ben Franklin noted, those willing to surrender liberty for security deserve neither.

I disagree with your sentiment that Cedar Point is violating our Constitutional Liberties on this one. I get what you are saying though, but there is a huge difference in what's happening here.

Cedar Point is a private business. They have every right to protect their property as much as you do protecting your home. It would be the same as you installing a security system in your home or installing video surveillance. Is that taking away someone else's personal liberties? Or are you protecting your property?

There have been some very serious incidents happening both within and outside of the park. The park needs to do their due diligence to protect their property and the other guests.

Now then, if you want to discuss an officer randomly pulling you over and searching your vehicle? Or if a minor child is questioned by police without their guardian present? Yeah. We have some serious liberties being violated.

I'm not a fan of going through metal detectors, but that's a line I will stand for. It is for my protection, too. As much as it seems 'theatre' it serves as a deterrent to keep people from bringing firearms and knives into the park. Randomly searching my stuff with no probable cause? Yeah, that's a major problem.

HeyIsntThatRob? said:

Cedar Point is a private business. They have every right to protect their property as much as you do protecting your home. It would be the same as you installing a security system in your home or installing video surveillance. Is that taking away someone else's personal liberties? Or are you protecting your property?

No... A valid analogy would be taking a metal detector wand to the UPS delivery guy before you'll sign for your package or taking the wand to the contractor that your electrical utility has hired to remove your old refrigerator for recycling.

We're not talking about a surveillance system. Kings Island has some very visible cameras. They don't look in my bags and use wands that beep to alert "security" guards to the eyeglass wipes in my pocket.

Last edited by topthrilldragster4lyf,
Paisley's avatar

HeyIsntThatRob? said:

There have been some very serious incidents happening both within and outside of the park. The park needs to do their due diligence to protect their property and the other guests.

I would be very interested in hearing about these serious incidents. All I've been made aware of so far this season is two couterfitters and a guy with really poor judgement. If there's been more sinister things going on I'd love to know about it. Show me there is an actual threat to my safety while I'm in the park and I'll readjust my level of annoyance. The park has the right to send us through a check point, I think we already agreed on that a few pages back. The question is whether or not it's good business and a problem with the general culture of paranoia that justifies getting our pockets poked into and our bodies wanded regularly just to go about daily life.

99er's avatar

Paisley said:

All I've been made aware of so far this season is two couterfitters and a guy with really poor judgement.

The park doesn't make the public aware of every threat and incident that comes to the park and for good reason. Trust me when I say that everything you could possibly think of actually happens or is made to believe happens at the park each season. And this has been going on for years now too, its nothing new. I spent 11 years at Cedar Point and in my time I saw/were made aware of some stuff that would make you think twice about stepping foot on property. Most major incidents are handled within the company, with no knowledge made to those outside the park. They take the proper steps to handle the situation (big or small) without ever interrupting the guests day.

Wasn't there an incident,a few years back,that a 'guest' pulled a gun in HalloWeekends Fright Zone ?

number of times to Cedar Point:50s/60s/70s/80s-3,1995-1,1996-27,1997-18,1998-13,1999-20,2000-16,2001-8,2002-7,2003-18,2004-14,2005-18,2006-28,2007-16,2008-17,2009-28,2010-26,2011-27,2012-21,2013-18,2014-24,2015-29,2016-46,2017-13,2018-14,2019-10,2020-0,2021-3 Running Total-483 72,000 miles traveled for the point.

noggin said:

MichaelB said:

I personally don't see the fuss about the security.


If you're really that over pompous...

Over dramatic much?

...that you have a problem spending a few extra minutes going through security...

I have a problem with Security Theater: a show that accomplishes nothing and draws resources and manpower away from providing actual security to guests. Or football game fans. Or people heading to their airplane.

...and having someone non-intrusively wave a wand around you...

You can't wave a wand around me without intrusively invading my personal space.

...then you have some serious issues.

I do have serious issues: I take our Constitution liberties and rights very seriously.

You're okay with surrendering your liberty for (perceived) security. That's fine. But as dear old Ben Franklin noted, those willing to surrender liberty for security deserve neither.

Why do you feel the need to scrutinize every post that you disagree with in a line-by-line manner? Just say your point without being a huge ass.

We-o-we-oooo's avatar

CPNostalgia said:

Agreed. I read all of the posts on this thread and I was scratching my head over how everyone was so bothered by a taking a couple of minutes out of their time to increase their safety.

Thats the whole point; they do nothing whatsoever to increase safety, save for maybe the safety of a bean counter's job. A few extra minutes multiplied by all the people that have to go through the dog and pony show ahead of you adds up to a lot of extra minutes.

If metal detectors make you feel safe you're either incredibly myopic or deliberately obtuse.

Girl: "l want to ride that yellow one again... Twisted Wicker"
Me: "It's a roller coaster, not a broken clothes hamper."

Top_Thrill_Tyler's avatar

Ripcord said:

Why do you feel the need to scrutinize every post that you disagree with in a line-by-line manner? Just say your point without being a huge ass.

Why must you resort to name calling? Seriously, send Noggin a PM if you care that much about his posts, or just don't read them. No one cares if you don't like his method of posting. I know you've only been on here a month so the hostility you have towards his posts seems a little unwarranted.

Anyways, I also witnessed the lack of professionalism from the Tenable employees at the Magnum gate last night. They were standing so far away from the entrance that I didn't even notice them until they came running up to me, wands fully extended and yelling for me to stop. Later I noticed a table full of confiscated items - mostly cans of beer and bottles of soda. This morning at the marina gate there were no security guards present.

Last edited by Top_Thrill_Tyler,

-Tyler A-

So are these security checkpoints just at the gates or around the park too? I haven't been on a day they've had them yet. If it's just the gates, so be it, but in the park, that screws with my agenda.

MichaelB's avatar

noggin said:


Since you feel like bringing up the Constitution, I will too. THE FIRST AMENDEMENT I'm entitled to an opinion and don't give a damn what a loser like you says.

Over dramatic much?

I didn't know we were still in high school; grow up please.

have a problem with Security Theater: a show that accomplishes nothing and draws resources and manpower away from providing actual security to guests. Or football game fans. Or people heading to their airplane.

Accomplishes nothing? Then explain how I saw the security checkpoint revealing someone trying to carry a knife with a blade well over 4.5" into Carowinds. I'm not sure about you, but there's absolutely no reason for them to be carrying that around, especially in an amusement park. That's just asking for trouble, whether it is used in an altercation or falls off the person during a ride. So, there's first-hand, anecdotal evidence disproving that it "accomplishes nothing." Not to mention, the other numerous times I'm sure security has discovered weapons on a person that I personally have not witnessed. Plus, I feel safer and I'm sure there are other guests that feel the same way.

You can't wave a wand around me without intrusively invading my personal space.

You must have been sheltered your whole life. On second thought, you probably still live with your parents.

I do have serious issues: I take our Constitution liberties and rights very seriously.

You're okay with surrendering your liberty for (perceived) security. That's fine. But as dear old Ben Franklin noted, those willing to surrender liberty for security deserve neither.

They're not breaking any of your constitutional rights. You're choosing to go on to their PRIVATE property. If you don't like their practices, don't patronize their business. There is absolutely no liberty being surrendered. The government isn't frisking you and giving you a hand job at the gate. Please educate yourself on the law of the land before you try to use it in an argument.

Last edited by MichaelB,
We-o-we-oooo's avatar

Liberties and freedoms are not wholly dependent on the type of ownership of the land on which you stand. Nor does the discovery of an item that can be used to cause harm mean that the bearer intended to use it for such.

I will concede that metal detectors are not entirely useless; they appease insurance underwriters and give warm fuzzies to stupid people.

Last edited by We-o-we-oooo,

Girl: "l want to ride that yellow one again... Twisted Wicker"
Me: "It's a roller coaster, not a broken clothes hamper."

Top_Thrill_Tyler's avatar

Although I feel that the searches are a waste of time and cause more problems than they solve, the appeals to the "constitution" (4th amendment) and its protections really only apply to deputized police officers (as an extension of a government official). A hired security guard like Tenable CAN search your bags, both with or without your consent in a privately owned venue like CP, NFL stadiums etc. Furthermore, if a hired security guard searches and finds illegal items on your person, the items can be turned over to law enforcement and usually end up permissible in court against you. I don't feel safer because of metal detectors or searches. If someone wants to kill, they'll find a way. Using nonmetallic equipment, or just opening fire on the crowd of people waiting to be searched... it really opens a can of worms.

-Tyler A-

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