I'm thinking about starting a "'New Ride Sucks' Threads Suck" thread.
My author website: mgrantroberts.com.
I actually had to say that out loud three times to make sure I got it right....
My author website: mgrantroberts.com.
TTD 120mph said:
Yeeaahh....."sassy".:)It really makes grinds my gears seeing the crying and moping that goes on. I especially hate seeing people make comments that have nothing to do with the question. Or even a comment that can't legitimately be answered.
CP-"Wants to know if you're excited for the weekend!"
comments-"i hate Cedar Points now cause they dont have new things for doing stuff and I'm upset!11!#@!
I lost my watch at the parking lot a few years ago and I never found it!!!
Who's the guy making hot dawgs, I think he's an immigrant! I want a refund!!"
Ok, yes, I'm a little behind...but this whole thing is so dead on. I laughed. Also, I personally think disabling wall posts is a really good move. Yeah, Facebook is supposed to be interactive, but that can definitely be accomplished without random idiots being able to casually post whatever nonesense they feel like posting. I like the page much, MUCH better without it.
Have you read news articles lately? The local news sites are apparently only read by racists. It is pretty disgusting.
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