Never used a coaster sim or known of their existence at CP? Can someone tell me if there is really a point to the sims if you can ride the real thing?
Agent Stinky
I believe one of the points to them would be for people who are cautious of coasters. They could get the feel for them and if they like it maybe go on the real ride.
2001 MF Count: 0
1. Iron Dragon
2. Raptor
3. Gemini
4. Magnum
5. Demon Drop
The funny thing about the ones at CP is that they didn't seem to be in sync with the rides on the screen.
Sean-Dust Man of the Elite Eight
Gemini 100: 100
They aren't at CP, at least that I know of. They has one at the IAAPA tradeshow, it was lots of fun and their really wasn't a line for it, which suprised me. the simulatur is a nice way to cure those winter time blues... and it can be yours for around.... well, a lot!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
I did one of these in London. It was in a 5-6 story arcade and they had several. It cost me 2 pounds if I remember and it was great!
Live for FUN!
Don't let life fly by.
Petree, they are definitely at CP in one of the arcades, you may not have noticed them because they just got them this year.
*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 6/29/2001. ***