Cedar point and lake erie railroad

operative_me's avatar

Heading to the park just now, as I got off at the Rye Beach exit the red Dodge SUV in front of me had vanity plates that said
CPLE RR. Was that you CPLE enigneer?

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

Yes. My plate also exists in Michigan and Illinois.

CP&LE RR Supervisor/Engineer 04-18

I noticed today at the park Judy K had a different whistle on. It didn’t sound so great at times, maybe a single chime? I always liked when it had the buckeye chime whistle on. What whistle has been on Myron? Seems like it’s been the same one for a few seasons now.

jimmyburke's avatar

^Yeah, we were there today and the whistle sounded ill. The last few days it seemed as though most of the props along the route are operating properly, such as the fisherman with the skeleton fish. Today the firefighters at the hotel were finally semi-successful, the left side window fire was extinguished, right window still aflame.

Lunkenheimer single chimes are great! It's the one George normally has. Judy had a Port Huron 3 chime for the Fourth of July. We don't use it very often as they are rare. The buckeye had an issue before we took it off so it was decided to use George's whistle after the holiday. 22 has a lunkenheimer 3 chime.

CP&LE RR Supervisor/Engineer 04-18

Does anybody know how many people have been killed building, working on, or riding on the train?

Dvo's avatar

Well this took a dark turn.

384 MF laps
Smoking Area Drone Pilot

operative_me's avatar

CoasterHawk said:
Does anybody know how many people have been killed building, working on, or riding on the train?

At least 250 thousand, but that was all skeletons getting shot in the back while trying to jump the fence.

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

operative_me said:

CoasterHawk said:
Does anybody know how many people have been killed building, working on, or riding on the train?

At least 250 thousand, but that was all skeletons getting shot in the back while trying to HUMP the fence.

I fixed that for you...


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