Cedar Point After Closing

Gatekeeper2013's avatar

malem said:
Remaining in the park after hours, without being authorized to do so, constitutes criminal trespass.

The likely result is being arrested, criminally charged, and banned from the park. I'm sure CP police could tell stories.

Unless you are successful...

45Wheelgun said:
For those of us that are not familiar, how about enlightening us with a story or two?

Not that i am encouraging trespass, but I would love to hear stories of folks who have tried.

Well last week on a Kings Island forum site called Kings Island Central, during the middle of the night a member posted something saying for people to get to the park ASAP and that there was something exciting happening, and maybe a delivery of some kind. I assume you know that KI is getting a new coaster next year, but if not, it is still under wraps and only speculation is going on (with a B&M invert the most logical at this point.) So KI fanboys started getting all excited and worked up that there was supposedly something really important and exciting going on at the park. People were talking about actually driving by the park to try and get a look to see if they could see any deliveries or anything else of interest. So the forums were buzzing and people were constantly posting even though it was well after midnight, since that one post made a good amount of people believe there was something worth seeing at the park.

Well, the next day KIC admins were contacted by the park saying someone had trespassed into the park that night, and when they were caught and questioned, they said they did it based off the post saying get to the park ASAP on the site's forums. Well, not only did someone do something illegal, they also tarnished a well established relationship between the park and KIC. A special event for site members had been postponed indefinitely, and most believed it was because of the trespassing incident. So for several days many people were unhappy, between the event being put off, the realization that someone had illegally went into the park, and that the site might no longer have good connections with the park. Slowly things started to improve, and members tried to show how good the KIC community was. But the thread in which all the chaos started called "Starting to Decode 2014" was removed from the site, and admins later said it was because the park told them to basically "clean" it and remove all posts that related to what lead up to the incident.

Thankfully the thread was soon put back up, and also the event was reinstated. And it appears that things are fine between the park and the site, but everyone is still shaken that such a thing happened. So needless to say I, along with many others, don't want to see another trespassing incident occur, especially involving PointBuzz. So now you're caught up on what happened on KIC. To all the members on here who are also members on KIC, I'm sure you'd agree with me that last week was not a good week.

Top 5 CP Coasters: 1. Steel Vengeance 2. Millennium Force 3. Maverick 4. Dragster 5. Magnum
Coaster Count: 102

No interesting stories, but I have been locked inside the park on more than one occasion.

I can think of two occasions off the top of my head where Cedar Point Police needed to be called to unlock the gates to let not only myself, but other guests, out of the park. Once at the main gate, and once at the resort gate.

What makes Cedar Point different from other parks is that rarely, if ever, will you see CPPD make an active attempt to clear the park after close.

So long you have a legitimate reason to be at the park after close (special events, waiting on lost & found, etc), I don't think you will be given a hard time for taking your time getting back to your car. I've been one of the last guests to leave the park on multiple occasions. In fact, I prefer to wait until the traffic dies down before I leave.


John McCain: The Ride

Being Mavericky since 2007!

Thanks RideOn17!

Cedar Point guest since 1974

thedevariouseffect's avatar

Lol the woods by iron dragon is an employee break area/storage area, not the best hiding spot.

Also, security roams the park after close, I even went in one day at like midnight to go get something I left at my ride, got stopped, and questioned and I took a complete back way to my ride

Corkscrew, Power Tower, Magnum, & Monster/ Witches Wheel Crew 2011

We usually make Millenium Force our last ride of the night. We always get in line at 10pm. That is when the park closes, but if you are in line you are promised your last ride.

When we get off, the park is dead. I couldn't imagine walking out of the park with a lot of people. I am so used to being alone when walking out.

We always head out through frontier trail, since they have all of the lights on the trees. It's so beautiful and calming to walk through there at night and see all of the rides asleep.

I've often wondered if anyone had tried to stay in the park over night. In fact, we talk about it almost every time that we leave the park.

It is so dark, and there is no one around. It seems like it would be so easy to do.

I have always enjoyed my morning walks through a dead park to find our locomotives still simmering away from the day before! Also our last round on a late close through a mostly dead park is pretty cool too! You can hear the whistle through the whole park.

CP&LE RR Supervisor/Engineer 04-18

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