Carry on changes

If it was a fanny pack, he could have just worn it like a fanny pack and everything should have been fine. If it wasn't a fanny pack then they probably did the right thing. I don't know if they handled it the right way, but crying about the ops enforcing the rules that they are told to isn't going to help anything. Many of the ops probably think the new rules are silly too (management changing things that have worked safely for years and years), but they can't choose not to enforce them.


...And this is one of the major issues. Cedar Point has now chosen to do with ride policies what they did with the safety signs a few years ago: generalize everything so that they are now enforcing rules that make absolutely no sense, and which are not accommodated by the park infrastructure.

All generalizations (including this one) are false. The sooner CP management figures that out, the better off everyone is going to be.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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