Bring Back the Rotor!

Live E. Maybe I overreacted a little. I was just pissed at your post, and a little pissed at myself for posting something that someone would get so pissed about.

So will you accept my apology, and let me continue to post an occasional stupid post from time to time without having to be flamed for it?


Avalanche Run - My first Roller Coaster.
Magnum XL-200 - The BEST Roller Coaster!

I didn't flame you. So don't go making accusations, AvaSam.

I was just stating my opinion that differed from yours! I am sure you are a splendid guy. Don't think someone is being mean when they say something that opposes your view!

:) For real, no hard feelings. Haha.

"Hmm. . .we don't have anything like that. . .but I can give you this comment card."

I think I might have seen Fred(or at least some dude that sounds a lot like him) on The Villain last season. There was a garbage can blocking the entrance to his seat in the station. He was mumbling to himself and didn't look, um...very clean. My first impression was that perhaps he was setting some kind of marathon record. I asked a ride op what the deal was and he told me he had no idea. I thought "Hey, gimme a garbage can of my own because I would love to get some serious laps on this ride". I love The Villain and am so glad that its name hasn't been changed. :)
Millennium Force Laps-135
**Vertigo Launches-21**
Dragster Launches-25
Actually, Newt, all of the locals would remember him. Ask any teenager (16-21) in Aurora, Solon, Twinsburg, and they will tell you about Rotorman. If I ever bring up Geauga Lake or the Rotor, people do remember him. Guests do not get mad either about him/ it does not really affect capacity. He is one person riding rides that never have a full queue.

Rotorman/ Haybaler Man, "Fred," is a very nice guy and will talk to you; he may have some mental handicaps, but I would not consider that grounds to label him a "freak."

"I can see Canadaaaaaaaaahhhh!" - Me atop of Magnum.

About a month and a half ago at work, me and two of my co-workers started talking about SFWoA (before it became GL) and of course in the conversation ,the rotor came up. One of the guys was like "do you remember Rotorman?" and me and my other co-worker, who are about 7 and 10 years younger than him were like "YEAH!" and started talking about him and what happened to him. My point being, yes, locals remember him and have no problem with him re-riding.

Hotel Breakers Desk staff - 2002
Hotel Breakers FOM - 2003
I wish I could come back for another season...:(

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