Bring Back the Rotor!

Did you really have to bring the Cornerstones arguement into this? ;)

Anyone who has worked at Cedar Point (or any other CF park for that matter) will vouch for the fact that any deviations from park policy won't go unnoticed for very long. I really don't see any chance of someone being allowed to reride a ride at GL now.

2003 Ride Maintenance
2004 Millennium Force Crew

As a data point (and in contrast to the Cedar Point Way) the Xcelerator ops at Knotts happily allowed re-rides, as long as there were more empty seats on the train than guests wating in the station.

Edit: and it is amazingly re-rideable. :)
*** This post was edited by Brian Noble 4/13/2004 4:41:58 PM ***

Ah I totally agree with you guys and the rules and everything. I know at Geauga Lake and Six Flags the ops were told to not allow people to stay on regardless of the length of the line. But, nothing ever stopped him from riding again. I don't work at the park and I'm not biased for or against him, but what you said above about him being handicapped is exactly what goes through a lot of people's heads. ALOT of people know who he is and I agree that if there is a rideop that is familiar with him then he may be staying on. I have never complained nor felt the need to. But when you look at it from an economical standpoint - He is not buying anything in the park, he doesn't pay parking, he is getting a TON of uses out of his season pass, he doesn't wait in line, and basically drops capacity on a ride by one seat or car. I can see how CF would stop this immediately.

Drew said:
If I'm not mistaken, the Rotor at COSI Columbus is new.

You're mistaken. :)

I don't know where it came from, but the winter after it went in, I talked with one of the ILC guys from Seattle who did the overhaul and installation.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Clearly the rule doesn't matter if the op doesn't enforce it. If the ops let Rotorman re-ride the Haybayler then he will. If they don't he won't. Re-rides were never officially allowed in the park before, but we all know they happened. In the end what does it matter?

Just makes for good offseason discussion. Other than that, it does not matter.


Avalanche Run - My first Roller Coaster.
Magnum XL-200 - The BEST Roller Coaster!

Jeff's avatar

gener said:
Clearly the rule doesn't matter if the op doesn't enforce it... Re-rides were never officially allowed in the park before, but we all know they happened. In the end what does it matter?

It doesn't matter, but what the hell else do I have to talk about at a job I have nothing better to do? And I can assure you that if ride ops in the new regime don't follow rules, they won't be employed.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - My Blog
Blogs, photo albums - CampusFish
What time does the water show start?

Jeff said:

what the hell else do I have to talk about at a job I have nothing better to do?

Obviously the manager that used to occupy the office in front of you didn't have a lot to do either, Jeff... or is it he didn't do a lot of anything ? ;)

ray p.

Jeff's avatar
Couldn't tell you... I never actually met him!

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - My Blog
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What time does the water show start?

Ya, every year a new GM comes into town and claims to clean house. We'll see how long it last before the CF group gives in. There is a point where any business can't afford to let people go because if they did they could not opperate.
The new attitude from Cedar Fair is amazing. The new managers are improving everyone's spirits.

Admissions GLP 04

I could never imagine Geauga Lake without rotor man staying on a ride over and over again. If cedar point really wanted to bring back geauga lake then they should let rotor man ride a ride over and over again. He is a local legend and was one of the best things about the old geauga lake
Wasn't he there much of last year? I think he was wearing a shirt that said "Haybayler Man".

Admissions GLP 04

Of course he was there. He is a legend. He couldn't not be there. He had the number of rides on his shirt and knew how many times he had been on it. I am thinking in the forty thousand, but I could be wrong. Someone that knows please correct me.
Why would Rotor/haybaler man bring back locals. I bet for the most part none of the locals even know he exists other than a few enthusiasts. I really fail to see how this will benefit anyone other than just Haybaler man. Capacity will be lowered and other guests will get mad that he gets to stay on when they don't. I don't see anything other than a problem in the whole situation.

=======GO LEAFS GO========

Avalanche Sam said:

I just wonder if Mr. Spehn has even heard of the guy . . .

. . . someone should ask around to see if the guy did contribute to the atmosphere of the park . . .

. . . he did, since seeing him on the Rotor was one thing you could count on every trip to Geauga Lake.

It is the little things that make your visit memerable . . .

Pure insanity!!!!!!!!! Where do you people COME from!? Seeing some guy on a ride over and over is NOT going to make my trip more memorable (in a positive way, at least!) or add to the atmosphere in ANY way.

"Mommy! Please, can we go to the park where that guy is on the ride over and over?! Please!?!? Please!??!"

"Wow, I remember those days we used to go to Geauga Lake. . .and the legend, Mr. Rotor, I believe he was called. He was ALWAYS on that ride! Oh, man! What a great park!"

Get real!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Hmm. . .we don't have anything like that. . .but I can give you this comment card."
*** This post was edited by LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 4/16/2004 12:41:14 PM ***

Jeff's avatar
Hahahahaha. Exactly what I was thinking. Now their success in business rests on some freak who rides stuff all day? What universe do you people live in?

I say if the creepy guy wants to ride over and over, he gets off and re-queues, just like everyone else. He didn't pay any more than I did.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP - My Blog
Blogs, photo albums - CampusFish
What time does the water show start?

I don't appreciate you making fun of me for being insane. Please do not hold my insanity againt me. ;) Anyway, I don't like being quoted out of context, so I would appreciate you taking your quote down.

Sam (who doesn't like being quoted out of context)

Avalanche Run - My first Roller Coaster.
Magnum XL-200 - The BEST Roller Coaster!

It was just nice that the park let this poor guy ride all day. Since it looks like he was missing a few screws anyway, I think it was just nice that the park did this little favor for a local guy. THAT is the little thing that makes the park nice, the fact that the park was nice to this otherwise crazy guy, not the fact that some people can ride rotor all day long all season without getting sick.

Fred does add something to the park, be it positive or negative. People in the general public do know him, and honestly, I am curious as to who he is and why he rides all day every day. Is that a crime, to want to learn about an individual many would consider crazy?

Finally, I have mixed feelings about Fred. I haven't seen him in years, (that I know of), and I don't know if he impacts the park negitavely or positivly. I just know he impacts the park.

Geez, this is just offseason craziness. Why do you insist on holding it against me? I have said my fare share of stupid things on these boards, but I am simply trying to get some conversation started, as I love to talk.

Avalanche Run - My first Roller Coaster.
Magnum XL-200 - The BEST Roller Coaster!

I certainly didn't quote you 'out of context,' as I just deleted what I found to be trivial (believe me, in your posts, that's a task in itself) to keep my post short.

I in no way manipulated what you were trying to say. I just said my opinion on the matter!

But I gotta tell you. . .I TRULY believe the whole "Rotor Man" phenomenon is mostly an employee thing. At Cedar Point, there is a "Mr. Upward" or "Skyward" or something weird, some guy that sounds like he's brothers with RotoMan2004.

I am sure that a handful of the local yokels that come to the park daily recognize a man who sits on a roller coaster all day, but I went last year, and I stood at each coaster only long enough to ride it. I surely wouldn't notice anyone riding more than once.

Get. Over. It.

"Hmm. . .we don't have anything like that. . .but I can give you this comment card."

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