Brakes on Mean Streak

I went to the Point The 10th and 11th and went to ride Mean Streak, got front seat. On the way down the lift, I noticed breaks. I haven't noticed these in the past years, did they just add this, or has it been there and I haven't noticed?

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is over comming it.

Where have you been?

Those have been there for years, and they keep getting worse and worse and worse...

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

*shrugs* I feel stupid now. :( But I remeber the drop being really good, now it sucks. :/

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is over comming it.

Jeff's avatar
Mean Streak is broken? Here I thought they were just slowing it down with brakes.

Jeff - Webmaster - GTTP -
DELETED! What time does the water show start?

No, I just accidently said 'breaks' rather than 'brakes'. It runs fine.

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is over comming it.

yeah, i rode in the front seat for the first time and noticed a definate difference.

Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription... is more cowbell!

Yeah true... I think the brakes are applying much more pressure this year, because about 3 or 4 years ago me and my friends ran to the back of the park when it opened and rode Mean Streak 8-10 times. No one was even around the Frontier Trail, except for the huge Millenium Force line.

And after about the 3rd ride, (all of them were last seat, last car) there was no way to even deny you didnt have a back ache or head ache... Now, I can ride it many, many, many, more times without even the slightest pain or discomfort... I really Like Mean Streak, It's a big wooden bully, and thats tight... but hey, its still a big favorite of mine now :)

TTD: 4 (Rollbacks seen: 24)
MF: 18
WT: 8
"C'mon, get off the rails guys, listen to the guy with the Disaster Transport uniform on!"

Heh. Can't say it's my favorite wooden roller coaster ever, but it's in the top three.

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is over comming it.

It's been said before and I'll reiterate, Mean Streak just needs two things to fix it: gasoline and a match.

Formerly the imbecile known as ddogg
2003 Super Screw Crew

I don't remember Mean Streak when it didn't have the brakes, as I was only 5 when it debuted, but I think I'd take the added roughness for a chance at some actual airtime and speed. You'd think they would be able to redo some of the supports with steel on some of the high stress areas so it would hold up better, but it'd probably cost way more than they'd want to put into it as they already spend several hundred thousand dollars a year on maintanence. Although it's not a horrible ride, I'm afraid I wouldn't be too sad if what Drew suggested happened...
CP 2K3: 15
"What are you, a dentist? Or a hippie? Or some kind of hippie dentist?" - Strongbad
Meanstreak is awesome, but they need to redo the track or something, it's getting pretty rough. I love Meanstreak every time I go, it needs some work!

mantis_man said:
I don't remember Mean Streak when it didn't have the brakes, as I was only 5 when it debuted, but I think I'd take the added roughness for a chance at some actual airtime and speed. You'd think they would be able to redo some of the supports with steel on some of the high stress areas so it would hold up better, but it'd probably cost way more than they'd want to put into it as they already spend several hundred thousand dollars a year on maintanence. Although it's not a horrible ride, I'm afraid I wouldn't be too sad if what Drew suggested happened...
CP 2K3: 15
"What are you, a dentist? Or a hippie? Or some kind of hippie dentist?" - Strongbad

it was good before, but had no airtime that i can remember.

Roughness = God

If you put Gasolene and a Match to my "Big Wooden Bully".... I kill you :)

TTD: 4 (Rollbacks seen: 24)
MF: 18
WT: 8
"C'mon, get off the rails guys, listen to the guy with the Disaster Transport uniform on!"

"Big neutered Wooden Bully"

Now tell me Cedar Point is running out of space.

You would think there would be something they can do to the track to make it smoother... those ptc trains are awesome and comfy, so the trains arent the problem. Trim Brakes may make it "easier" to ride but takes away the whole friggen point in riding a huge wooden coaster(airtime lateral g's)! I think there might be a way to solve the conflict between mrfat, drew, and most other people that are thinking the same things... take out mean streak, and rebuild a new bigger smoother maybe intamin or gravity group woodie with plenty of airtime and lateral g's, a similar or more twisting surprising layout with some of the same types of elements as in the intended to be awsome fast better mean streak! YAY! Problem solved everybodys happy. Not to get off-subject, but hey.. look what kennywood did with phantom and t-bolt. If a tiny park like that can do it... why cant Cedar Point! Keep the good, get rid of the bad, replace the bad with more good! {:-D)

cpkungfu said:look what kennywood did with phantom and t-bolt. If a tiny park like that can do it... why cant Cedar Point! Keep the good, get rid of the bad, replace the bad with more good! {:-D)

great point. phantoms revenge is a far better coaster than the steel phantom and they had great marketing to get people back to ride it again. everyone is smiling now after the ride rather than crying and putting back in their earings. :)

but i wonder if mean streak is even worth rebuilding in that same way? is there even an interesting part to the ride? the first drop, turn drop is really the only fun part, after that its pretty boreing. even without the trims.

eightdotthree said:

but i wonder if mean streak is even worth rebuilding in that same way? is there even an interesting part to the ride? the first drop, turn drop is really the only fun part, after that its pretty boreing. even without the trims.

Yeah good point. The only "good" in it are the drop and turn drop.

Eh, I always thought the lift was nice. Great view of the lake and the rest of the park.

AKA Cobraroller on Cbuzz

Yeah, i forgot about that. I always sneak some pictures while im on the lift ;)
Eh. I don't understand why alot of you dislike Mean Sreak. It's a great roller coaster. Okay airtime in some places. The back seat is the best. ;o

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is over comming it.

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