(I gotta stop ripping on this guys sn) (all in good fun :)
Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
BEST PRODUCT PLACEMENT! http://coolforce.tycoonplanet.com
MF count: 1, going for 2000
(can you believe I had to retype that my last statement above three times? For some reason it kept disappearing.)
I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.
*** This post was edited by ucsigep on 12/3/2001. ***
One look at CP's press release and I sneered, "You GOTTA be kidding." I thought so little of it I skipped CP altogether in '98...only to hear in summer '99 that my local CF park (VF) was next to blow $9 million on a three-legged model. I was furious.
But then I stopped by CP on Labor Day that year and tried it out. WOW! A lot more fun than I expected. Then I started driving by VF while the towers were going up (actually, I had to...long story) and was even more excited. And now after two great seasons with my own PT, I'm glad we got one.
Happy enough to stop wishing for a B&M invert? Not quite...but it's the next best thing.
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