Bored with WT

When I grew up, I was always seeing rollercoasters as these massive creations that took riders on a journey through some place whether it be above the heads of other park attendees, through mystic trees, over water or inside a themed room.  You basically went somewhere.  Millennium Force is fabulous because it actually does a little island hopping.  I see something like an impulse and I think, "So what do you do beside roll around and go back and forth?"  You basically have the combination of a drop machine and a swinging pirate ship.  There is no voyage.  This is why I long for something else.  There has to be a ride that will give riders a place to go and preferably at a very high speed.  THIS is why I ask of the friendly people in this community, what else they would like to see.  As new and wonderful as Wicked Twister may seem, it's really just a vertical ride on a coaster track.  I have no concept of who the methodical "we" is in this place that would rather just talk about WT for the time being, but I do know that some are interested in something besides just an impulse.  I would have to say that something that fires you super fast through a huge tunnel in a straight line in an enclosed vehicle, banks sharp and comes back to a screaching halt is a definite way to go.  Another thing I ponder is the relavence of the wait time versus ride time.  For some it's perfectly reasonable, but if a ride is going to last a mere 45 seconds, does standing in line for it for over 2 hours seem logical?  At least with rides like Magnum, MF and Mean Streak there's that satisfaction of riding and feeling like your wait was well worth it.  It would be great if something was designed that broke previous speed records for amusement park rides.  Again, I wonder what others think would be impressive additions to the greatest park in the world.

I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.
"Boo!" "Kitty!"

Different Strokes, man.  I'd love a 700 foot hyper-giga-terra (why am I hypenating so much in my posts lately?) that breaks the sound barrier, but a man much wiser than me (who has ridden far fewer coasters ;))once claimed that the technology basically ends with what people are willing to strap their butts into.
Plenty of folks aren't into the fastest, highest, etc.  And those that are cannot reasonably expect a record-breaker each and every year.  Enjoy WT (or don't, the line will be shorter for me) and be patient.  CP's history practically guarantees that one of the next couple of things will be the MOACFTY (mother of all coasters for that year).
Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)

*** This post was edited by DBCahill on 11/30/2001. ***

Duane, you're an alright guy.  You're cool.  The neat thing about technology is that when one seems to stop, another starts and reenables a stopped technology.  If people move any faster in open vehicles, there will obviously be some health problems.  The solution is to provide ways in which these body traumas can be reduced.  It's apparent that the mayflies at the bottom of Milli's big hill can be a sever nuissance to front seat rider.  All the coaster desingners need do is make like the Jetsons, put a lid over it.  It amplifies the screams and keeps out the elements.  A very snazzy design too.  And of course since it's Cedar Point, no theme needs to be kept.
I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.
"Boo!" "Kitty!"

DBCahill said:
"... but a man much wiser than me (who has ridden far fewer coasters once claimed that the technology basically ends with what people are willing to strap their butts into."

Hmmm, I wonder who that could be...maybe my lucky arrowhead will give me the answer. :)

I'm sorry that you are  bored with it and the ride has not even been built yet...let alone you have not had a ride on it! I, for one, am very excited about it.


Christmas Wish List:
B/M Flyer For 2004...
B/M Flyer For 2004....

You know, people said the exact same thing about Millennium Force and its just so amusing how people complain about a coaster before they have ridden it

With Millennium Force all you would here is, "Its too short" or "It doesn't have are time" or "It has a boring layout." But look where Millennium Force is now. It beat the 12 year old Magnum XL-200 and is the number one coaster (in most polls).

Also, its weird how you say, "the combination of a drop machine and a swinging pirate ship." Well God, I would hate for you to describe Power Tower or Magnum. It would probably be just a coaster that goes up and down and has a turn around. 

I would say just wait until you ride the roller coaster before you judge it, because if the coaster becomes a success (like the other impulse coasters have), you will look really stupid if someone refers back to this post.

You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.

*** This post was edited by Magnum2G3 on 11/30/2001. ***

The key to MF, in my opinion, is the wait.  When I rode it 4 or 5 times in a row at MM, it got boring.  When I wait an hour or two to ride, it makes it so much better.  Raptor, I could ride over and over and over until I vomit.  Oh yeah, I did. :)  Magnum I'm the same way.  Something about MF though, after a couple rides, I was just "let's ride something else."  Granted, as Duane said, different strokes for different folks.  I'm sure some people love riding MF over and over, just not me.  I'm interested to ride WT, and I hope it's open for MM (I'm sure it will be) to try it over and over, though I think rerides will be tough on it, with only one train.
Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
BHG:"If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?"

*** This post was edited by ucsigep on 11/30/2001. ***

Hey CP_bound -- I think you're ron to something!
Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 59
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)
Duane, you misspelled on, there's no R in it. 
CPBound, how is an arrowhead going to give you an answer?

You two are talking all crazy...

*wink wink nudge nudge*  :)

Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
BHG:"If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?"

*** This post was edited by ucsigep on 11/30/2001. ***

I hope this man we speak of does not get a brain or neck toomer from not riding coasters.

2001 Force-333   Magnum-510

Boy, this is quite a dynamic thread.  It's been getting pretty crazy.
Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
BHG:"If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?"

...I'm still confused, I'll go call be uncle in Utah. :)
No no no, I'm the one confused here. I have no [u]clue[/u] who you're talking about. For all I know you could underline, bold, or [u]italizise[/u] all this and it could mean nothing!

Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
MF count: 1, going for 2000

CP_Bound, you Uncle lives in Clearfield, correct? I hear they make good pretzel's in that town, you should try the one they made at CP.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 11/30/2001. ***

Tell you what I'm gonna do.  I'll stop over in Oceana and give the Twister a look-see.  Maybe it'll be good maybe not; I don't know.  There is no way I'm standing in a three-hour line though.
I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.
"Boo!" "Kitty!"
Joe E., actually they made two...if you look at the second one right.

MF count: 23

At least give it a chance!
DT80: 30 and proud of it!
Member of the O.C.
Magnum '01 - 108 laps
I don't think he's complaining about it. If he way, he would have said things like, who came up with those crappy colors (joke) or who's gonna ride that stupid ride. I think he has a point, but, you can't judge a book by its cover..
Well, I Think All Of You Who Are Bored With Wicked Twister Nuts. But, Then Again If You Can't get The Ron,Toomer,Arrow,and Dynamics The You Don't Know Much About Coasters.

*** This post was edited by RaptorForceTwister on 12/2/2001. ***

Was that English RaptorForceTwister?  I don't think I understood a thing you said.
I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.

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