I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.
"Boo!" "Kitty!"
*** This post was edited by DBCahill on 11/30/2001. ***
DBCahill said:
"... but a man much wiser than me (who has ridden far fewer coasters once claimed that the technology basically ends with what people are willing to strap their butts into."
Hmmm, I wonder who that could be...maybe my lucky arrowhead will give me the answer. :)
Christmas Wish List:
B/M Flyer For 2004...
B/M Flyer For 2004....
With Millennium Force all you would here is, "Its too short" or "It doesn't have are time" or "It has a boring layout." But look where Millennium Force is now. It beat the 12 year old Magnum XL-200 and is the number one coaster (in most polls).
Also, its weird how you say, "the combination of a drop machine and a swinging pirate ship." Well God, I would hate for you to describe Power Tower or Magnum. It would probably be just a coaster that goes up and down and has a turn around.
I would say just wait until you ride the roller coaster before you judge it, because if the coaster becomes a success (like the other impulse coasters have), you will look really stupid if someone refers back to this post.
You are the Weakest Link, Goodbye.
*** This post was edited by Magnum2G3 on 11/30/2001. ***
*** This post was edited by ucsigep on 11/30/2001. ***
*wink wink nudge nudge* :)
Mr. Skyward is my hero.
Trying to be like RGR,
"Call me WinAmp, 'cause I whip the Llama's Ass."
BHG:"If I don't believe in myself would that be blasphemy?"
*** This post was edited by ucsigep on 11/30/2001. ***
2001 Force-333 Magnum-510
Tommy Penner - Future 2002 Season Pass Holder
BEST PRODUCT PLACEMENT! http://coolforce.tycoonplanet.com
MF count: 1, going for 2000
*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 11/30/2001. ***
*** This post was edited by RaptorForceTwister on 12/2/2001. ***
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