Blue Streak is Off the Hook!

Anyway, this year the trains have the same mechanisms. What you saw over the winter was the first opportunity that Cedar Point had to work with (and screw up?) those locks in-house. I'm pleased to announce that Cedar Point did NOT screw them up this year.
Too bad we can't say the same about Magnum's trains! ;) Blue Streak is definitely a maintenance positive for CP. I didn't ride Mean Streak yesterday, but if it improved half as much as Blue Streak, it might be ridable now!

2001 Magnum Crew

What I'm thinking here is that the old lap Bars were to big orange ones.

The new lap bars the the lil black ones right?

Chris Knight
How many sea gulls is there at CP?

Ride of Steel's avatar
Matt: Mean Streak is still not rideable.

Mine Ride '99
Thunder Canyon '00
Millennium Force '01

Darn, I was hoping... :)

2001 Magnum Crew

Time for Blue Streak Lap Bar History:

From ???? (presumably 1964)-1994 the Blue Streak had the full-width single-position double-bar, with exposed steel ends and yellow pads on the bars. Each year the pads were replaced, a process which required cutting and re-welding the lap bar, and I suspect that the parts didn't always make it back into the right places because by 1994 the variation in distance between seat back and lap bar was pretty extreme on a seat-to-seat basis.

For 1995, the lap bars in Car #1 of Train #1 were replaced. The new bars were the same design as the old ones, but the padding was a full-wrap Urethane foam just as you find on the Indiana Beach coasters. All other seats remained unchanged.

For 1996 I heard that the coaster would be getting new lap bars. I expected the other 21 seats would get the same new lap bars as the three seats in Train #1 Car #1. Instead, that was the year that the trains both got new seat backs, seat dividers, and horrid orange lap bars. The new bars were L-shaped with a stiffener/checker handle positioned diagonally across the bend in the bar.

For 2001 the bars were replaced with the ones we see today, with the rectangular end on them.

I don't know about the 1996 conversion, but the 2001 conversion was done by PTC. I suspect that the 1996 conversion may have been done by Cedar Point using PTC components, as it looked like a terrible hack-job the likes of which I can't imagine Mr. Rebbie allowing to escape his plant. By comparison, when the trains began service in 2001 the fit and finish was a whole lot better.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Pete's avatar
I didn't think Mean Streak was rough at all. The brakes were on hard, but the track was smooth and very ridable.

It's very hard to drink all day...
Unless you start first thing in the morning.

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I agree with you Pete. Looks like it's time to change the signature.

-Chris Woodard
"Mean Streak would be better if they replaced the square wheels with round ones."
VertiGo: VertiGone but not forgotten.

Yeah Mean Streak was smooth and fast.I love MS this way.

"Look AT this Brain It Won't Die."

As for Blue Streak form what I have read I can't wait.

"Stop Sign?What Stop Sign?"

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