Blue Streak is Off the Hook!

And I thought it was running good last year.

It's running in ludicrous speed. Airtime on every hill including the home stretch. The turnaround is so quick compared to previous years when it would just lag. This is a great ride so far this year and its only MAY!

Robodud's avatar
I agree Joe! Blue Streak was insane! On top of that the paint job looks beautiful. Can't wait to go ride it again!

"Proud to be Arrow DYNAMIC!"

Me either it is gonna be cool.

"I Know It's A Twister But Is It Really That Wicked?"

Jeff's avatar
No kidding... I honestly think this was the biggest surprise of the day for nearly everyone who got a lap or two. I know they put the new PTC restraint locks in there, but other than that, what did they change to make it run so well? I haven't had rides that good since before the train modifications.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Pete's avatar
I think they put a lot of vertical supports, called stompers, in the high stress points of the track. It keeps the track from flexing downward. When the track flexes it soaks up energy from the train, less track flex means more speed!
It's very hard to drink all day...
Unless you start first thing in the morning.
I agree - I think Blue Streak might have taken the airtime of the day award yesterday! It was running great most of last year but I think it was the best its ever been (for me since 98 - don't know about before that). MF was dogging in the morning, but the second ride I took right before close was pretty excellent. They sure have some "quiet" wheels on there now though. I didn't think Magnum was running too bad, but the trains are obviously a mess judging from the amount of broken lapbars turning what should have been a 15-20 minute wait into about 35 minutes. Hopefully these issues are resolved this week.

2001 Magnum Crew

Blue Streak has always been a favorite of mine. It was running great yesterday and a pretty smooth ride at that.

I was suprised by the quietness of MF's cars too.

Even my son, who thinks Blue Streak is wimpy, got off with a smile.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

What are the "new PTC restraint locks"? How do they operate and what function do they serve (that was previously lacking)?


Jeff's avatar
Dave could probably explain, but we saw them being installed in the shop during a winter tour. I think the main point was that they were less prone to failure or getting jammed or something. Functionally I think they do the same thing (keep you seated).

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Blue streak used the same formula, different color, paint that they used on Raptor last year. Remember how fast it seemed to go with it's new paint job? Wonder if I can paint my car with that stuff.... ;-P


ShiveringTim's avatar
The new paint is not the reason Blue Streak is running better. Raptor received painted rails with it's new coat last year. The painted rails probably cut down on wheel friction a bit yielding a faster ride. Blue Streak still has the same unpainted rails that it had last year. Everthing but the steel was painted.

Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie

I would like to say thanks to Monty and his gang for doing what ever they did to make Blue Streak so great this year with tons of airtime! Great job!

Joe E.,

Try to keep from falling into the other seat next time. hehehe.
00 MF Circuts=50
01 MF Circuts=124
02 MF Circuts=???

*** This post was edited by Tony 5/6/2002 1:44:30 PM ***

Jeff's avatar
I think Seth was joking, Scott. ;)

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
Yesterday was my best trip ever on Blue. That airtime was amazing, and the ride was so fast. All that airtime moved it up into my top ten favorite coasters!

-Chris Woodard
"Mean Streak would be better if they replaced the square wheels with round ones."
VertiGo: VertiGone but not forgotten.

Grrr! Of course I skipped it yesterday!

First CP Coaster: Corkscrew
MF Laps: 27
Wicked Twists: 2

Blue Streak and Mantis were definitely the biggest surprises of the day for me. Blue Streak is looking great and running great. I swear that the back row gives some of, if not the best airtime in the park. My ride yesterday was good, but not as good as my best ride last year - back row, right after a rain shower. The wet, slick rails make it even smoother and faster!

Break the scream barrier NOW!
Wicked twists: 3
Danger: Hgih Voltage!
*** This post was edited by Majin Heero 5/6/2002 5:37:35 PM ***

Actually, Jeff, Blue Streak has the same restraint locks that it had last year. For the 2001 season, Cedar Point sent the Blue Streak trains back to PTC for overhaul, and what they got were entirely new lap bars and lap bar locking mechanisms...the equipment housed in the blue boxes outboard of the sides of the train. Perhaps you noticed last year that the lap bars were a little different? Anyway, this year the trains have the same mechanisms. What you saw over the winter was the first opportunity that Cedar Point had to work with (and screw up?) those locks in-house. I'm pleased to announce that Cedar Point did NOT screw them up this year. :)

I don't know what they did to Blue Streak this year, but whatever it is I wish they'd do it to Mean Streak!

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

I agree, BS in the back was great. But if you didn't take a front seat ride, you missed the best wooden-induced air that I can remember at CP. It had my wife laughing out loud! A pleasant suprise, no doubt.

Without upstops, airtime would have a whole new meaning!

My sentiments exactly, Rideman! From want people are saying, if they put those "verticals" on MS, it would be awesome, and they could remove the trims while they are at it.

Do you think Blue Streak may make a surprise appearance on Amusement Today's Golden Ticket this year? Is it that good?

Snoopy Rocks! On Ice starts June 22--Do you think they'll let me drive the Zamboni machine?

I want to drive the Zamboni!

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