Best Day In October?

Me and my friend want to head out to cedar point either on a Friday or Sunday. I was wondering how the crowds are for halloweekends. I usually go week after opening week and am spoiled with almost no wait times. How is the special halo weekends stuff? Its a 3-4 hr drive from were i live so I just want to make sure its not a waste of the around 100$ to go

bholcomb's avatar

The last weekend is always majorly packed. You won't want to go closing weekend.

How have Sundays been in October though ? We went end of September on a Sat and sun and really enjoyed Sunday, we are going back the Sunday after next I think it's the 22nd, will there still be less lines on Sunday even though it's busier? Basically is Sunday still less busy than sat this time of year ? Thanks! My Dad who is 55 is going on ALL coasters and has not been on one since 1996 and that was Astroworld Houston,Texas Ejector, so TTD is going to blow his socks off! Can't wait!

WT:9. Gemini 100: 1997
MF:8. Mag:9
Mav:7. TTD:6. Rap:9
Favorite Coaster: Maverick
Favorite non-coaster: Skyhawk

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