Merry Christmas! I know that the CP Staff is out on Christmas Break, but I just wanted to know when will the Reviewing/Interviewing process start? Also I selected May 12th as a starting date. If I get hired in may which housing units are open around that time?
Calls will probably start going out mid-January, beginning February. As far as I know, May 12th is opening weekend, so if you're available... They'd probably have to process in the weekend before for training week. Bayside is open all year, so that's the first to fill up, once it's filled over there, they'll open commons. Last year, they opened 1500's and the common apartments first, before filling the 1300's and 1400's.
2010: Millennium Force & Mantis
2011: Raptor
2012: Raptor, Sky Ride and Wicked Twister
2013: Co-Team Leader of Sky Ride
2014: Supervisor of Slingshot/Skyscraper
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