Application Process

When will Cedar Point start accepting applications for the 2003 season? Also I understand you submit an application and then get a phone interview. If you would get hired will they notify you what ride you will be working before you get there? If so when do you find out what job you will doing there? Thanks again for the help.

In late december you can go and go to the job section and they should have a online application you can fill out. Then around Janurary you can call them and find out how its going and they might give a interview then. They will tell you then or send out your contract. They will give you as much info you need. :)
Kelly aka TazMaster
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
Wicked Twister/Kiddy Kingdom 2002
Season Pass Holder 2003+
"What...what do u mean he is to tall to ride?"
our first newbie for 2003! this is great! they probably will not tell you what ride you will be working however you can request. the earilier you get your ap in, the better. good luck coaster895. if you have any questions feel free to contact me, my info is listed in my profile :)

Magnum Crew 2k2

coaster895, I'm in the same boat as you. I'm gonna be a 2003 newbie; however, I've done my share of homework.

I've got a few freinds that worked there this past year, and I've been kicking myself that I didn't apply early enough for 2002. Oh well, I can't change the past, but I'm working there this year for sure.

I'm going for rides. [yeah, I'm a typical newbie :)] I'm gonna stay at the commons dorms, unless I get into bayveiw... I'm going to be driving my peice [94' Grand Am se] to work. That reminds me of those stupid parking bans [/me shakes fist in rage]. Anyways, I think I'll be able to handlejust about any guest, cause I have more patience than a chiropractor.

I heard something about CP employee chats, when are those going to start? Feel free to IM me

AIM: gigaforce310

:::Edit::: Spelling... stupid turkey making me drowsy...+
House of Tomorrow: Only technology makes live worth living

*** This post was edited by SteelMonsters 11/28/2002 4:10:09 PM ***

Chats lol man chats been starting since the season is over listen anyone here wanting to chat look in my profile it has my aol and yahoo screen name and if we are chatting I will let you know. I am a 3 year vet and there are alot others as well.

Kelly aka TazMaster
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
Wicked Twister/Kiddy Kingdom 2002
Season Pass Holder 2003+
"What...what do u mean he is to tall to ride?"

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
Ok, say I was interested in just working at the end of the year for bonus an halloweekends. Would I still fill out an application in December and just say on there when I want to start, or should I wait until summer to do that?

I was originally planning on working all summer, but with many of my friends going away to college next year, I've decided to stay put this summer.

-Chris Woodard
"If you're standing in an uncomfortable position, that means you are in the right position because you are riding Mantis!" - Mantis ride op doing spiels on closing day.

ahhh I am not shure are you wanting to work rides at the end ?
Kelly aka TazMaster
CP@LE RR 2000
White Water Landing 2001
Wicked Twister/Kiddy Kingdom 2002
Season Pass Holder 2003+
"What...what do u mean he is to tall to ride?"
Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I was hoping to do rides, but I realize there's probably not a great chance of getting something that late into the season.

-Chris Woodard
"If you're standing in an uncomfortable position, that means you are in the right position because you are riding Mantis!" - Mantis ride op doing spiels on closing day.

Not entirely true, we had someone come to Power Tower toward the end of July (maybe early August). I'm not sure if she had turned in an app. in Dec. and specified what dates or what, but you could either do that, or wait until the time that you want to come and work, and send one in or call then. Good luck :)

Millennium Force- 2001
ATL Power Tower- 2002

As MFG said, you can turn in your ap anytime. If you turn in one in December don't expect to get called for a phone interview, you'll have to call there a few weeks before you want to start. This is just because with all the hiring that goes on in the beginning the managers are looking for people to fill specific dates and since you won't be there for the most of the summer, your name won't even show up on the list. Also I don't think your chances are all that great of working only bonus and halloweekends. That friend of Mil.ForceGirls started in late July/early August, you'd be starting beginning of September, a month later. What happens then all depends on staffing levels, and that time of year is when we get a lot of extra help from ride-prides. However I would encourage you to definately put in your ap and keep calling until you get to talk to a manager who can tell you more.


Park Op 2000, 2001, 2002
"He's gonna rue the day he came up against The Extreme baby!
Bill I'm talking imminent rueage, imminent rueage..."

The young lady that started on PT late started on Aug 4th.. ;)

.. and she turned in an app just a week or so before that..

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82
Technical Services 2002
Fright Zone Screamster 2002
*** This post was edited by Red Garter Rob 12/2/2002 10:05:34 AM ***

after I took her to the park for my birthday and mentioned working there next year. She just had to go and do it first. ;)

gravity: down to earth, without the sugar coating.

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